Todd & Skye

Note: This page is a placeholder with just a small sampling of quotes since I don't know when I'll get around to putting up a more substantial collection. If you're particularly interested in seeing more quotes here, let me know in the comment box on the main page, and I'll bump it up on my priority list!

[Todd and Skye's first meeting]
Todd: I'm Starr's father.
Skye: Congratulations. What do you want from me?
Todd: Well, to begin with, a refund. Starr says you're a lousy nanny.
Skye: We'll talk some other time, okay?
[Skye tries to go back in her room, but Todd yanks her arm and forces her to stay]
Skye: Please go.
Todd: In a minute. First, you have to get something straight. You don't upset Starr, you got that?
Skye: Fine. No problem.
Todd: I'm not done. You don't upset Blair, because that would upset Starr. So you don't spend anymore time with Max. Because that would upset Blair. Which would upset Starr. Which would upset me. You don't want to upset me.
[Todd leaves a visibly shaken Skye]

[Todd is trying to cause trouble in Blair and Max's marriage]
Skye: So, Todd, what do you get out of all this? I mean, besides getting Max out of your daughter's life, hm? Blair, maybe?
Todd: No, that all went sour a long time ago.
Skye: Really? Well, from what I know about your history, you and Blair would be perfect together.

[Todd set up Skye to look stupid in front of Max]
Todd: Oh, and I put you on my payroll! What was I thinking?
Skye: You were thinking that I'd do your dirty work for you -- that's what! You hacked into that government file -- I saw Blair's name!
Todd: You know, I can get you in touch with one of Viki's shrinks.

Skye: (to Max) I told Todd that I couldn't find proof that Blair was B&B United. But he knew exactly where to go -- how to get past all those access codes.
Todd: Right, that was after I hacked into the defense department and launched all the nuclear missiles, but first I reprogramed them so that they'd explode over the sky and say, "Surrender, Dorothy!"

Skye: Don't drop your guard, Max! You'd better sleep soundly in that big bed with that woman that you love so much. Because you know what? I'm coming after you, and I am going to get you when you least expect it. You just watch!
Todd: Well, that was fun.


Viki + Tina + Victor, Jr.
Jessica + CJ/Sarah
Sam + Kevin + Joey
Natalie + Irene + Peter
Victor, Sr.

Dorian + David + Marty
Kelly + Cassie + Addie
Cord + Asa + Bo + Clint
Max + Tea + Nora + RJ
Luna + Antonio + Cristian
Sam Rappaport + Will
Ben + John Sykes + Rae
Lindsay + John McBain
Alex + Gabrielle + Skye
Patrick + Tomás

Sonny + Carly + Johnny
Heather + Lucy + Connie
