Todd & Cassie

Note: This page is a placeholder with just a small sampling of quotes since I don't know when I'll get around to putting up a more substantial collection. If you're particularly interested in seeing more quotes here, let me know in the comment box on the main page, and I'll bump it up on my priority list!

[Blair introduces Todd to Cassie]
Todd: Nice to meet you, Casey.

[Cassie approaches Todd after they've all just learned about Blair's miscarriage]
Cassie: Todd?
Todd: Just give me a second, okay? I don't really want Blair to see me like this.
Cassie: It's no rush, it's all right, it's, uh -- I just need to say this, and -- and you can believe it or not, but it's true. We're family now. Blair's family and yours. And we care about her, and we care about you.
Todd: Great.
Cassie: You can count on us -- me and Andrew and my mother. I'm sure of it. And we will do anything we can to make sure that you and Blair get through this.
Todd: Great. Who says we will?
Cassie: You will. I know it. So you just ask, okay?
Todd: Fine.

[T&B are back in a custody fight]
Cassie: No, Todd. I am not going to help you to see Starr and Jack again.
Todd: That's all right. I think I'll manage without you.

[Blair appears to be catatonic after witnessing the mob shooting]
Cassie: Blair has to recover.
Todd: What part of "complete mental breakdown" do you not understand, Cassie?
Cassie: You know, Todd, people recover from breakdowns all the time. I am proof of that.
Todd: Right. Your whole family's a can of mixed nuts.

[The phone is ringing, and Todd stops Blair from answering it]
Todd: Whoa -- no, no, you can't answer that phone.
Blair: I know that.
Todd: It's just Cassie, anyway. She's probably calling just to yell at me.


Viki + Tina + Victor, Jr.
Jessica + CJ/Sarah
Sam + Kevin + Joey
Natalie + Irene + Peter
Victor, Sr.

Dorian + David + Marty
Kelly + Cassie + Addie
Cord + Asa + Bo + Clint
Max + Tea + Nora + RJ
Luna + Antonio + Cristian
Sam Rappaport + Will
Ben + John Sykes + Rae
Lindsay + John McBain
Alex + Gabrielle + Skye
Patrick + Tomás

Sonny + Carly + Johnny
Heather + Lucy + Connie
