Todd & Asa

Note: This page is a placeholder with just a small sampling of quotes since I don't know when I'll get around to putting up a more substantial collection. If you're particularly interested in seeing more quotes here, let me know in the comment box on the main page, and I'll bump it up on my priority list!

[Todd comes to see Asa after Asa has learned that Todd is Victor Lord's son]
Asa: I knew eventually you'd show up, Manning. Or is it Lord? Todd Lord?
Todd: Word gets around, huh?
Asa: Well, whatever rock you crawled out from under had to be a kind of a special rock, because it had a big vein of gold running through it.
Todd: More or less.

[Todd questions Asa about the time Blair faked a pregnancy while she and Asa were married]
Asa: She was going to fake a miscarriage. But the poor thing fell, didn't have a chance. She ended up in the hospital, and Larry Wolek called her on her "delicate situation," which he knew wasn't so delicate.
Todd: So that's how you found out?
Asa: Well, kind of. I mean, I was on the trail.
Todd: Look, if she wasn’t pregnant...
Asa: Well, she claimed that she really thought she was pregnant. She'd had, uh, what they call a "hysterical pregnancy."
Todd: And you believed that?

Asa: I told you, Bo, not to underestimate Manning. He's a shrewd one -- takes after his old man.

Asa: (to Todd) You know something? You're not half-bad, Manning. The two of us, we should form a club. We'll call it The Survivors of Blair Daimler.

Asa: Any jury seeing that video will know why Max bumped me off -- sleeping with my wife behind my back.
Todd: Isn't that how people usually sleep with your wife?


Viki + Tina + Victor, Jr.
Jessica + CJ/Sarah
Sam + Kevin + Joey
Natalie + Irene + Peter
Victor, Sr.

Dorian + David + Marty
Kelly + Cassie + Addie
Cord + Asa + Bo + Clint
Max + Tea + Nora + RJ
Luna + Antonio + Cristian
Sam Rappaport + Will
Ben + John Sykes + Rae
Lindsay + John McBain
Alex + Gabrielle + Skye
Patrick + Tomás

Sonny + Carly + Johnny
Heather + Lucy + Connie
