Todd & Sam Manning

[Sam finds Todd sitting by La Boulaie's pool and eating the food Sam had brought out earlier]
Sam: Who are you?
Todd: Who are you?
Sam: I'm the kid whose food you ate.
Todd: I was hungry. I haven't eaten in a long time.
Sam: Are you a homeless person?
Todd: Well, I don't really know where my home is.
Sam: Aunt Dorian says we should help the homeless. You can wash it down with this. (he hands Todd his soda)
Todd: (surprised) Thanks, kid.

Todd: (showing Sam the newspaper) This guy. You know who he is?
Sam: Yeah.
Todd: Who is he?
Sam: My dad.
Todd: What's his name?
Sam: Todd Manning.

[Sam tells Starr that he saw a "homeless person"]
Starr: You're making this up. You are, aren't you?
Sam: There really was a man! He had a line on his face.
Starr: What do you mean the homeless man had a line on his face?
Sam: Yeah, a line on his face! Like this! (he draws a line on his cheek as Starr's eyes widen)

[Sam returns to the pool just in time to see Agent Kent holding a gun on Todd]
Todd: (alarmed) Kid, what are you doing here? What are you doing here??
Sam: Is that a real gun?
Todd: Yeah, it's a real gun...but he's not gonna -- he's not gonna hurt anybody with it! Look, just -- just run on up to the house now. Go on, get out of here!
Kent: Stay right where you are, kid.
Todd: (pleading) He's just a kid!!
Kent: He's a witness. I can't leave any.
[Kent goes to shoot Sam but Todd kicks him, disarms him, and ultimately ends up killing him]

Sam: (about Kent) Is he dead?
Todd: Yes, he's dead. Come on, let's get you out of here. You don't need to be around this stuff.
Sam: He was a bad man.
Todd: Yes, he was.
Sam: You shouldn't shoot people.
Todd: Ordinarily, no, you shouldn't.
Sam: Are you a bad man, too?
Todd: I'm not really sure.

Sam: I know you're a good man.
Todd: How do you know that?
Sam: 'Cause you saved my life.

Todd: Maybe we shouldn't tell anybody about what happened here, okay?
Sam: Should we call 911?
Todd: No, no, no, I got it. I'll take care of it. It's just...we're gonna keep it just between ourselves, okay?
Sam: You saved my life.
Todd: Yeah, that's a secret though. Just between us guys, okay?

Todd: (talking to himself) Agent Kent, I am so sorry I had to kill you. But you did say that you were going to kill that kid who said that Todd Manning was his father, which does not make any sense. If Todd Manning has a kid named Sam, and I'm supposed to be Todd Manning...I don't have a kid named Sam. Do I have a kid named Sam?

[Todd returns to La Boulaie]
Sam: It's you!!
Todd: Hey Sam, how's it going?
Sam: Did you get rid of the dead guy?
Todd: Yeah, he's pushing up what I think are geraniums.
Sam: Good. He shouldn't have tried to shoot you.
Todd: You didn't tell anybody about that, did you?
Sam: No. You told me not to.
Todd: Thanks, Sam. You're a good friend.

Todd: Your dad's here now?
Sam: No. My dad's not married to my mom.
Todd: Blair. You mean Blair.
Sam: Yeah, but I don't call her that. I call her "Mom."
Todd: Right, sorry. Sometimes I get a little confused in my head.
Sam: That's all right.

Sam: Are you going to shoot my dad?
Todd: I can promise you this. Nothing bad's gonna happen to Todd Manning.

Sam: Am I going to see you again?
Todd: Well, I hope so.

[Blair and Starr discuss why Sam is now saying that his new friend has a scar just like Todd's]
Starr: Sam traces a line right where Dad used to have his scar. That's gotta mean something, Mom.
Blair: Here's what I think it means. I think that Sam has not seen his father, because Todd's been too busy dealing with Jack, so I think it makes complete sense that Sam would come up with an imaginary friend that looks so much like his dad.

[Todd comes to Sam's birthday party disguised as Spider-man]
Sam: Spider-man!
Blair: Sam, you're crushing Spider-man's leg.
Sam: I can't crush him. He's Spider-man.
Starr: I know. (to Todd) You are Sam's hero. He knows everything about you.

[Todd kidnaps Sam and takes him to a motel room, where he reveals his identity]
Sam: It's you!
Todd: Happy birthday, kid.
Sam: You're Spider-man?
Todd: Sometimes.
Sam: Wow.

Sam: Why'd you bring me here?
Todd: Look, I said that I had to bring you to my hideout, right? This is my hideout. Who would look for Spider-man here?
Sam: Who are you hiding from?
Todd: My arch-enemy, of course.
Sam: The Green Goblin?
Todd: Exactly. That's why I had to bring you here.
Sam: Are you lying to me?
Todd: No, I'm not lying to you. I'm Spider-man. Would I lie to you?

Sam: My mom's gonna be worried.
Todd: No, she's not.
Sam: My mom knows you?
Todd: Yes. She does. We go way back. She knows that you're here with me and she would want me to protect you.
Sam: Because you're Spider-man.

Todd: Right now, Spidey needs your help.
Sam: With the Green Goblin?
Todd: (referring to Victor) Exactly, with the Green Goblin.
Sam: I didn't see him at my party.
Todd: That's because he was in disguise. He changed his face. The Green Goblin, he's a master of disguises.

Todd: All right. The Green Goblin, right? He's mad now, because we got away. But that is exactly how we want him.
Sam: You want him mad?
Todd: Yeah, we want him mad, because when he's angry, that's when he's gonna make a mistake.
Sam: What will you do to him?
Todd: I'll grab him by the throat. Yeah. And I'll make him admit that he's a phony. And I'll tell them that you can't take somebody's life and get away with it.
Sam: Yeah, not on my birthday.
Todd: I'm sorry about that. There's something else that's all his fault. Something else he'll have to pay for.

Todd: I have a feeling this is gonna make you feel a little better. I grabbed some of your presents on the way out.
[Todd hands Sam the bag of presents]
Sam: Can I open one?
Todd: Are you joking? It's your birthday, dude. You can open all of them. Here.
Sam: (holding a package) This is from Dani. I think it's a book. (he tosses it to the side)

Todd: I gotta make a phone call.
Sam: To who?
Todd: To the Green Goblin.
Sam: What are you gonna say to him?
Todd: I'm gonna tell him that I have his son.
Sam: Harry? He'll freak.
Todd: Yeah, he will. A man will do anything to get his son back. Right? Go ahead and open the rest of those gifts. Maybe there's more stuff in there we can use to fight the Green Goblin.

Todd: I'm off to see the Green Goblin.
Sam: I'll get my web shooter.
Todd: No, no, Sam. I need you to stay here, okay? You gotta -- you gotta guard the hideout.
[Sam puts on the web-shooter and points it at Todd]
Todd: Okay, watch where you're pointing that thing.

Todd: Nobody can know about this place. All right? You gotta promise me...that you're not gonna go out, okay? Hey, look at me. Spidey promise. Spidey promise?
Sam: Spidey promise.
Todd: Okay, good. I'm gonna go out that door. When I'm done, when I'm outside, you're gonna close the door and you're gonna lock it, okay? You don't answer the door. You don't open the door. You don't make any phone calls. You don't answer the phone. And that way, nobody knows that we're here. Nobody can know, not even your family.
Sam: Why not?
Todd: Because it would be dangerous for them. My way keeps everybody safe.
Sam: What about you?
Todd: I can take care of myself. And so can you. You know what? You know the Spidey suit's got Spidey powers, right? And it'll keep you safe, even if you're scared. You're not gonna get scared?
Sam: I won't be scared.
Todd: That's right, you won't, because you're a brave kid. Give me your glasses. You're gonna do great. Now give me 5. Spidey 5?
[Sam and Todd high five]
Todd: Gonna go, and we're gonna win, because I'm Spidey, and I'm the good guy, right?
Sam: Right. Hurry back, Spider-man.

Sam: Don't worry, Spider-man. I'll sit here till you come back from kicking the bad guy's butt.

["Todd"/Victor questions Sam about the man who kidnapped him]
Victor: Hey, hey. Sam, let's talk about Spider-man. What did you and this guy with the line on his face talk about?
Sam: All kinds of stuff. I didn't know he was Spider-man until he took me away to keep me safe.
Victor: Safe from what?
Sam: The Green Goblin. He was at your house. Spider-man said he changed his face.
Victor: What else did he say?
Sam: That he was gonna beat him.
Victor: Did he say anything bad about me?
Sam: No. He's a hero. He made me one, too.

[Starr talks with Baz after Sam's return]
Baz: How's Sam doing with all this?
Starr: Oh, Sam? Please. He's milking it for all it's worth. He loved his kidnapper. He would invite him over if he knew how to get in touch with him. For him, it was one big adventure.

[John arrests Todd]
Todd: Ow! You're arresting me?
John: Well, you killed Kent, right?
Todd: Yeah, I did. That bastard pointed his gun at the little kid, the kid that likes Spider-man with the glasses. Ow!
John: Sam Manning.
Todd: Yes, Sam. Sam.
John: Who you kidnapped.
Todd: No. I didn't kidnap him. I borrowed him for a couple hours, get his dad's attention. The kid was never in any danger. I would never hurt a kid. I would never hurt a kid.

[After Victor is shot, Jack lashes out at Sam]
Jack: Dad is dead. Your friend Scarface killed him.
Sam: No, he didn't. You're lying.
[Later, Blair tries to calm Sam down]
Blair: Hey, Sam, you want to come over here and have a little talk with me?
Sam: I don't want to.
Blair: I think we should.
Sam: We don't need to 'cause Dad is not dead. My friend didn't kill anyone.

Todd: It's very good of you to let me stay here. You know, like nothing's changed...after what I've done.
Viki: Okay, what have you done?
Todd: I haven't done anything. You know, except kidnap Sam in a super-hero outfit. That was a little iffy.

[Todd drops by La Boulaie on Halloween; Sam is dressed as a shark]
Sam: Hey, Scarface. Like my costume? I'm Jaws.
Todd: I will never go in the water again.

[Todd and Sam discuss trick-or-treating]
Todd: Did you get a lot of candy?
Sam: Tons. We didn't even hit the south side yet.
Todd: That's 'cause your mom doesn't know where the really good candy is.
Sam: I tried to tell her. She's taking me back out later.
Todd: Well, at least she listens to one of us.

[Sam wants to know if "Scarface" is going trick-or-treating too]
Blair: We don't call our friends "Scarface," now, do we?
Todd: Well, maybe we're not friends anymore. You know, we haven't seen each other in a long time. What do you think, Sam? We still friends?
Sam: How can we be friends if I don't know your real name?
Todd: That's a good question. From now on, you can call me Todd.
Sam: No, I can't.
Blair: Why not?
Sam: That's Dad's name, before the bad man made him go away.
Blair: You remember how we talked about how some people have two names? Like your dad. Some people call him Todd. Other people call him Victor.
Sam: Like how Marcie and Michael called me Tommy when I was little, even though my name is Sam?
Blair: Yeah, kind of like that. But anyway, see this guy over here in the wolf costume? You know what his name is? His name is Todd. And you know who he is? He's your uncle. He was your daddy's brother.
Sam: (to Todd) Do you bug my dad like Jack bugs me? Sometimes he holds me down and drools on me.
Blair: You know what, sweetheart? Sometimes brothers do things to hurt each other. I'll tell you what. Deep down, I know that Jack doesn't mean it. But it still doesn't make it right. So, I can talk to him if you want.
Sam: Dad would make him pay me in candy.
Todd: That means that Victor was a good dad.
Sam: He was. I miss him. Do you?

[Todd and Sam decorate pumpkins]
Todd: I'm done. Hey. Check it out. Let's see yours.
[Sam shows Todd his pumpkin -- it has a scar on its face]
Sam: It's you.
Todd: Yeah, it is. Blows my pumpkin right out of the patch.

Blair: Okay, who's ready to go trick-or-treating?
Sam: Me! Can Uncle Todd come, too?
Blair: Well, actually, Uncle Todd may already have some plans.
Todd: Nope. No plans. I'm going trick-or-treating. You just try and stop me.
Sam: Yes!

Blair: Thank you.
Todd: For what?
Blair: Just for being so kind to Victor's little boy.
Todd: He's your little boy, too, right?

Todd: (about Sam) The kid likes me.
Irene: You think he'd be drawing pumpkins in your likeness if he knew you killed his father? Would Jack forgive you? Would Blair understand and take you back?
Todd: Only one way to find out.
Irene: Blair is going to hate you. So is sweet little Sam.

[Todd admits to Viki that he was unable to tell Blair he loves her]
Viki: Why didn't you tell her?
Todd: Someone scared me.
Viki: Who?
Todd: Sam.
Viki: Sam? You were scared of a little boy?
Todd: You should have seen his costume.

Viki: What is bothering you? I mean, I know it's something.
Todd: It's Sam. He's having a hard time. I mean, he just lost his dad. This is a very confusing time for him.
Viki: I'm sure it is, yeah.
Todd: And he really needs Blair right now.
Viki: But he likes you. You would be a big help to him.
Todd: What? By getting it on with his mom?
Viki: No! By being around. It would be good for him -- and good for Blair.
Todd: No. No. No. I'm the last person that kid needs around. That kid needs his dad! I'm not his dad! I'm the reason his dad his dead!
Viki: Why do you think that you're the reason that Victor is dead? I mean, you can't really believe that.
Todd: I'm sure it's what Jack is telling Sam every day.

Blair: (about shooting Victor) I think Todd didn't do it.
Tea: How do you know?
Blair: Because he wouldn't hurt Sam like that.
Tea: Sam?
Blair: Yes. He has a very special connection to that boy. I've seen it. I saw it again at Halloween. I mean, he may have hated Victor, but he's really growing to love the only child that Victor left behind.

[Louie wants Todd to open up about how he feels about shooting Victor]
Louie: Would you have done it any different? Do you wish you had?
Todd: Every time I look at Victor's son's face. Since the day I come home, the only person that's got my back is that little kid, Sam. He's a cute kid. He's the closest thing I have to a friend. And how do I repay him? I kill his old man.
Louie: You didn't kill the man to hurt the boy.
Todd: No. Halloween, right, I show up at the kid's house. Sam, he -- he wants to go trick-or-treating with me, and he's got this pumpkin, and he drew on it so that it looked like me. Nobody had ever done anything like that for me. Anybody ever draw on a pumpkin so it looks like you? And I can't even look at the kid in the eye, because I know what I've done to his father, and -- and part of me, okay, part of me thinks -- part of me knows that I had to do what I had to do to Victor. But there's this other part of me that wishes to God that the whole thing would just be done with and it hadn't -- hadn't happened.

Starr: There's a huge Christmas tree outside.
Blair: (to Sam) Let me feel the muscles. Let's see if you can help me. I need a big, strong guy to do it. Bring it in.
[Todd and Jack come through carrying the Christmas tree]
Todd: Well, hold on. There's two of them right here.
Sam: Yes!

[Sam is thrilled to see Todd on Christmas]
Sam: I knew Jack was wrong. I knew you didn't kill my dad.
Todd: Wow. It's good to see you, too, Sam.
Sam: Did you bring any presents?
Starr: Sam!
Todd: No, no. That's great. It's a perfectly valid question, one that I will crib for all future conversations.

Starr: Jack's finally starting to let his guard down with you, and ever since we lost Victor, I think that Sam and you have bonded.
Todd: Sam's a good kid.
Starr: That's all gonna go a long way with Mom, so don't push it.

[Todd prepares to leave La Boulaie so Blair and the kids can decorate the Christmas tree]
Todd: Well, I think maybe I should be heading out.
Sam: No! Wait! We have to decorate the tree.
Todd: Sam, that's usually something that you do with your family.
Sam: You're family, too. You're my uncle.

[Starr catches Sam hoarding the chocolate kisses]
Starr: Sam! What did you do with all the chocolate! Look at you!
Sam: I'm saving them all for Santa.
Todd: (grabbing a chocolate) Not this one.

Todd: (to Blair) You probably have to go out and buy a bunch of presents.
Sam: Presents, for me?
Starr: Sam, didn't I tell you that Christmas is about giving, not receiving?
Sam: I know. I have presents for everyone, even for Uncle Todd.

[Jack makes a reference to the year Todd gave Blair a baby (Jack) for Christmas]
Sam: What was Jack talking about?
Todd: Jack is talking about something that I did. I wasn't such a nice guy. I did a lot of really bad things.
Sam: Like what?
Todd: Like I took something from someone and I lied about it.
Sam: Mom says lying is bad.
Todd: She's right.
Sam: Do you still lie?
Todd: Sometimes. But I try not to. Trying really hard to be a good guy.
Sam: You're already a good guy.

[The Mannings finish decorating the Christmas tree]
Sam: I found the star for the top of the tree. Who gets to put it on?
Todd: Well, that's up to Starr, right? 'Cause it's her name.
Starr: Well, you named me. Right?
Todd: Okay. If I have any say in it at all, I nominate Sam.
Blair: Well, nominate Sam.
Todd: I nominate Sam to put the star on the top of the tree.
Sam: Yay!
Todd: Merry Christmas, kid.

[Todd, Sam, Blair, Jack and Starr take a family photo]
Blair: Okay, everybody. Come on. Come on. It's about ready to go. Everybody has to get together -- get together.
Todd: Everybody say "Manning."
Everyone: Manning!

[Todd drops by La Boulaie on Christmas Eve]
Sam: Do you know where Santa is?
Todd: Hey, Sam! Merry Christmas. And, no, I -- you know what? He sent an e-mail. He's running a little late. He's stuck in Sri Lanka. There's been a lot of reindeer traffic.
Sam: He was early last year. I saw him come down the chimney.
Todd: Really? (to Blair) How'd you let that happen?
Blair: Long story, but the problem is he is going to expect a repeat performance.

[Todd returns to La Boulaie after dressing as Santa and letting Sam "catch" him delivering presents]
Todd: Hey! Merry Christmas.
Sam: Where were you?
Todd: Where was I? I was putting Hope down.
Sam: You missed him.
Todd: I missed who?
Sam: Santa.
Todd: No!
Sam: He was here. He left presents.
Todd: I don't believe you.
Sam: I told you he was real.
Todd: Yeah. I guess you were right.

[Todd finds Hannah holding Sam hostage]
Hannah: The real Todd Manning. I heard about you.
Todd: Well, if you know anything about me at all, you know what I'm gonna do to you if you don't give me Sam. Put him down. Right now.

Hannah: I'll give you the kid back...if you give me Starr and Cole Thornhart.
Todd: I don't have --
Hannah: Five minutes. Or I start blowing holes in this one until there's nothing left but the glasses. Did you hear me?
Todd: I heard you. Take it easy with the gun, okay?
Hannah: Don't worry. I won't slip and put a hole in the kid.
Todd: The kid is named Sam. He saw Santa Claus this year. He really likes spider-man... and, for some reason, the Phillies, right? And he didn't do anything to you.
Sam: She can have my toys.
Todd: She doesn't need your toys, Sam. And she's not gonna take them, either. He's got nothing to do with this, right?
Hannah: No, you're right. I don't care about Sam. He could live or die for all I care. But he matters to you, right?

Hannah: Can I get some ice?
Todd: Ice? Can you get some ice? You held a gun on my nephew, who's just a little boy. You held a gun on my daughter, who will always be my little girl. You shot my granddaughter's father. No. No. You can't have any ice, psychopath. No ice for you.


Viki + Tina + Victor, Jr.
Jessica + CJ/Sarah
Sam + Kevin + Joey
Natalie + Irene + Peter
Victor, Sr.

Dorian + David + Marty
Kelly + Cassie + Addie
Cord + Asa + Bo + Clint
Max + Tea + Nora + RJ
Luna + Antonio + Cristian
Sam Rappaport + Will
Ben + John Sykes + Rae
Lindsay + John McBain
Alex + Gabrielle + Skye
Patrick + Tomás

Sonny + Carly + Johnny
Heather + Lucy + Connie
