Todd & Blair [2011, Part 5]

[Todd shows up at Blair’s house]
Jack: What the hell do you want?
Todd: Morning, sunshine.
Jack: I said, "what do you want?"
Todd: Your mom around?
Jack: What do you care?
Todd: Hmm. I care more than you know. She had a rough night last night.
Jack: Yeah? Well, you can forget about her, okay? If she wants to cry on someone's shoulder, she can do that with her boyfriend.
Todd: Who's that? Tomas?
Jack: Yeah. Who else?
Todd: "Toe" for short?

[Jack accuses Todd of trying to frame Tomas for Victor’s death]
Jack: You’re mad that my mom found someone else, so you decided this would be the perfect way to get rid of him.

Starr: What have I done to you besides tell you the truth?
Blair: This isn't about the truth. This is about you not liking Tomas.
Starr: That's not true.
Blair: Oh, yes, it is. And you're mad at me because I picked him over your father.

[Blair arrives at the police station]
Blair: Any word on Tomas?
Todd: John's inside playing with his detective kit, if you want to go talk to him.

Blair: I'm gonna go talk to John.
Todd: No, no, no. I'm telling you. Wonder Boy's got nothing.

[Todd is working on a new anti-Tomas headline for The Sun]
Todd: “Spy Guy Eyes…” blank. “Calmar fingers Delgado,” which is hysterical, for –
[Blair enters the office]
Todd: Hey!
Blair: Hello.
Todd: I'm glad you're here. I need a word that means friend and rhymes with "eye."
Blair: Ally? What you working on?
[Blair sees the headline]
Blair: I thought you said that you were gonna help me no matter what.
Todd: And I will.
Blair: You call this helping? You said that you were gonna help me prove that Tomas was innocent, not put him on the front page of the paper and indict him there!
Todd: But it's front-page news.

Blair: You think that Tomas is guilty, don't you?
Todd: Blair, I -- I got your back, okay? And I swear, I'm always on your side. However --
Blair: "However," you think Tomas is guilty, right?

Blair: (about Tomas) I got to know him. He got to know me. I trusted him. I fell in love with him. It's why I know he didn't kill Victor. That's -- especially since I chose him over --
Todd: Over me?
Blair: Yeah. I chose Tomas, because he was good -- he was kind -- and decent.
[Todd tries to touch Blair’s face but she turns away]
Blair: Don't -- touch me, Todd.
Todd: What did I do?
Blair: You ever wonder how -- why I'm like this after years of living with a man who hurt me, who hurt people. I guess my instincts are just kind of off-track.
Todd: Yeah, uh, I thought we'd moved past all that.
Blair: Yeah, past you taking my son -- telling me he was dead and then trying to sell him to strangers, huh?
Todd: Jack is fine.
Blair: No, Jack is not fine. None of us are just fine.
Todd: Oh, and that's my fault?! Everything is my fault. You fall for some psycho. That's my fault? He said he was a lawyer. That didn't tell you something?
Blair: Oh, what, that he would think twice before breaking the law? Is that what you're talking about?
Todd: How'd that go for you?
Blair: It didn't go! You know, I was so used to living with a man who ate with his hands and couldn't tell people how he felt! Yeah, so, you know, Eli -- he looked like a perfect gentleman to me!
Todd: Okay, you know what?
Blair: What?!
Todd: There's no such thing as perfect, and I can tell you how I feel. You know, when you say that, what I hear you saying is that it's really all your fault!
Blair: What?! My fault?!
Todd: You fall for me. You fall for some psycho lawyer. You fall for a CIA assassin who locks me up for eight years and then kills my brother!

Blair: Now, are you gonna run that announcement or what?
Todd: You know I'd do anything for you, Blair.
Blair: Thank you.
[Blair leaves the office]
Todd: Even that. Even that.
[Todd changes the headline so that it features Blair’s reward offer]
Todd: It's like I said. I'd do anything for you, Blair. Not that it matters. They're never gonna find the guy.

[Tea realizes that Todd killed Victor and framed and kidnapped Tomas]
Tea: (about Tomas) He was getting too close to nailing Todd for Victor's murder. He was getting -- he was getting too close to Blair. So Todd got rid of Tomas. Killed two birds with one stone.

Blair: You know you want to say it, Todd! And you were right! And I was wrong! That Tomas killed Victor! Go ahead! Say it! Go ahead! You want to!
Todd: Why would I want to do something like that?
Blair: I thought Tomas was different. But he's just like Eli. He's a lying, murderous bastard!
Todd: Blair, I am so sorry.
Blair: What for? Because your stupid ex-wife fell for it again? You know, I just thought I was smarter this time. I just knew that there weren't gonna be any surprises because I knew -- I knew Tomas. I knew his past, but -- I am such an idiot!
Todd: No, you're not. It's not your fault.
Blair: Yes, it is my fault. It's completely my fault. I should have run the second I heard that he was from the C.I.A. I mean, come on. But, no! No. You know, I was so convinced that he was such a good, good, good man. I fell for it. And he let me fall for it.
Todd: Well, there you go. His fault.

Blair: How could Tomas kill Victor and then, the whole time, tell me he loved me?
Todd: Hey, he made a mistake. Look, everybody makes mistakes. Doesn't make him a bad guy.
Blair: How could he do it? He -- he killed Victor. And then calls me up, and he -- he tells me that he loves me -- that he still loves me.
Todd: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry -- that it turned out this way. I'm sorry.

[Tea wants to go tell Blair that Todd killed Victor and framed and kidnapped Tomas]
Tea: She's not a child, okay? She understands how important this is.
John: You tell Blair, she runs to Manning in three seconds. She tells him everything. Things run too deep with those two.

John: This entire case depends on Manning being convinced that framing Tomas worked. Do you get that?
Tea: What if Blair is at risk?
John: Manning won't hurt her.

Tea: Maybe I'll stay for a few minutes. Have some girl time, huh?
Blair: Okay. Well, I'd love the company.
Tea: Okay. I thought you might. And then Todd can go home. I'm sure you have a lot to take care of.
Todd: Actually, Delgado, I think it's a pretty good idea that you leave. I think I know how to comfort my ex-wife.

[When Blair returns to the room, Tea is gone]
Blair: Well, where's Tea?
Todd: Uh, she changed her mind. She said she had to go.
Blair: Oh.
Todd: But she knew she was leaving you in good hands.

Todd: (to himself, about Tomas) I'm so sorry, Blair. I couldn't let him get too close. I couldn't let him figure out what I'd done.

Tea: I just don't want to believe this about my brother.
Blair: None of us want to believe it. I'm so glad that Todd was there.

Starr: Everyone's always blaming you for everything, and now the police, they can't! You're officially, completely in the clear.
Todd: Yeah. Guess so.
Starr: So -- why do you look totally miserable?
Todd: Like you said, I -- I just feel awful for Blair -- and for Tea. I didn't mean for any of this to happen.
Starr: Dad, it's not your fault.
Todd: That doesn't mean I'm happy about it.

Starr: I'm supposed to pick out Christmas trees with Mom.
Todd: Oh, wait. That sounds great. I'm gonna come with you. What?
Starr: I don't think that's a good idea.
Todd: Why can't I come with you?
Starr: I just don't think it's a good idea for you to foist yourself on Mom.
Todd: As much as I'd love to "foist" your mom, I'm only talking about getting a Christmas tree here with my family.
Starr: You pay people to get your Christmas trees.
Todd: Eh, where's the fun in that?

Starr: Dad, I know what you're doing.
Todd: Oh, really? What is it that I'm doing?
Starr: I know how you feel about Mom. And you have fallen back in love with her.
Todd: Starr --
Starr: No, no, no. You don't have to answer me. I already know that it's true. But you didn't tell her when you had the chance -- which is expected. Guys are dense about that stuff.
Todd: Right. So now I'm just another dense guy?
Starr: You don't have to be. If you love someone, don't play games. Just say it.
Todd: How'd you get so smart?
Starr: Good genes.

Starr: You let Mom slip through your fingers. Why didn't you say something when you had the chance?
Todd: I don't -- I know. I blew it. I blew it.
Starr: Yeah, you did, and now Mom chose Tomas.
Todd: No. Tomas is out of the picture. Tomas is no mas. That's funny. You don't think that's funny? I think that's funny.
Starr: You think you could just move right in?
Todd: Well, yeah. I mean, what? No, that's -- that's a bad idea.
Starr: Yes! It's a bad idea! Oh, my God, Dad, it's too soon!
Todd: But I don't want to miss my shot again.
Starr: It's not like she's going out speed-dating! Dad, God, if -- if you move in too fast while Mom is still trying to get over Tomas, then you're gonna blow it again!
Todd: No, I can't blow it again, not after everything I did to get her back.
Starr: And what did you do? Dad -- what did you do to get Mom back?
Todd: I survived. That's what I did. When Irene shot me, I almost bled to death in that cabin, and your mom came, and -- and she saved me. She gave me the will to -- to heal.
Starr: Can you do that for her? Can you let her heal, give her the time?
Todd: Yeah, totally.
Starr: No, seriously, Dad. I mean it.
Todd: What? I can wait. I can.
Starr: Since when?
Todd: Since I -- well, I'm not sure, but I can.
Starr: Dad?
Todd: What?
Starr: I know it's very hard for you to be patient, but can you please just try? Don't mess this up again.
Todd: Why is this so important to you?
Starr: Because I miss us all being a family. I really want you and Mom back together.
Todd: Yeah, it wouldn't be so bad, would it?
Starr: Hey. Just wait, okay? Tomas is out of the picture. But you're not going anywhere.
Todd: Thanks, kiddo.

Todd: I'll try not to take things too quickly with your mom.
Starr: Good.
Todd: Doesn't mean I'm gonna let it go, either.

Blair: Todd's been great about all of this, and I think we have you to thank for that.
Tea: How am I responsible for what Todd's doing?
Blair: Well, because you defended Todd when everybody else was sure that he had killed Victor. You made sure that he walked. And you know what? I think that that gave him faith that people trusted him and, in turn, he could trust other people.

Blair: You got jumpy when you walked in to Dorian's and saw me with Todd.
Tea: What do you want me to say, Blair? I see Todd, I want to throttle him.
Blair: Why?
Tea: Because he has everything. He has everything back, and Victor's dead. How do you think that makes me feel, huh?!

Tea: So, Natalie doesn't know that Todd's the real killer?
John: We think. And only you and Bo know.
Tea: Listen, um, something needs to move on that soon because my daughter is really trying hard to be tough, and she's pretending that it's okay that her uncle's a murderer, and Blair is practically writing sonnets to Todd, okay? I'm gonna lose it if you don't arrest him soon, all right?

Todd: One tiny, little phone call wouldn't hurt, right? "Hey, Blair. Just calling to find out how you're doing." That's not too pushy, is it?
[Todd calls Blair]
Blair: Todd?
Todd: Hey. Uh, it's -- it's me. How's it going?
Blair: Well, actually, not so good.
Todd: Yeah? Um, I'm just checking in. Anything I can do?
Blair: Make it all not true? I know you can't do that. I'm just kidding. But thanks for calling to check in, you know? Appreciate it.
Todd: Hey, what's an ex-husband for?
Blair: You're a good one.
Todd: Yeah. Okay, well, um -- you know, if you need anything, just -- just -- just give me a call, okay?
Blair: I will. Bye.
Todd: Blair! One sec.
Blair: Yeah, I'm here.
Todd: There's something I need to tell you.
Blair: Well, what is it?
Todd: Blair, I –
[Jack storms into the room and starts yelling at Todd]
Jack: How'd you do it?! How the hell did you frame Tomas?!
Todd: …Blair, I'm gonna have to call you back.

Todd: (to Jack) I'll do whatever it takes to protect what's mine.

Starr: You were on the phone?
Blair: Yeah, your, um, your dad just called. He was checking up on me.
Starr: So much for not pushing it.
Blair: What'd you say?
Starr: Hmm? What? Nothing.

Blair: It's about your father, okay? For weeks, I have felt that he really was trying to tell me something, okay? And before I rode off into the sunset -- I told you about this already -- and before I rode off into the sunset with Tomas, I felt like I needed to talk to your dad to find out --
Starr: What he was thinking.
Blair: Yes.
Starr: And then he went off, and you decided that you could not live with his temper.
Blair: Yes, because I can't, okay? It's just that I thought --
Starr: You made your decision -- you're not gonna change your mind.
Blair: Right. Because I do not want to be involved with yet another man who could end up in jail or in a ditch, okay?

Starr: Are you going to give Dad a chance?
Blair: Sweetheart, nothing has changed in terms of your father. He can still fly off the handle. God, you should have seen him the other night. Looked in his office and he was all up in Tomas' face that he just... oh, my God.

Blair: (about Todd) I thought he was just acting all crazy-jealous, but -- but he was right about Tomas. Instead of me staying there and following my plan, talking to your dad about stuff, I went home, and I slept with Tomas.
Starr: Mom, that's too much information.
Blair: Just learn from my mistakes, dear. Learn from my mistakes.
Starr: So, what are you saying? Are you saying that you should have picked Dad?
Blair: Sweetie, you can't rewrite history. All we can do is move forward and hope that we don't make the same mistakes twice, you know?
Starr: But you wanted to know what he was thinking, so you must have been curious.
Blair: I don't know if I was curious. I was just hopeful, hopeful maybe that things had changed. But they haven't. Your dad still gets angry. I still choose the wrong man. Business as usual.
Starr: Okay, but now you can -- now that you see that, you can change it.
Blair: No, I can't, 'cause I'm done with men. Unh-unh. Three strikes. I am out.
Starr: Three?
Blair: Todd, Eli, Tomas. I am done.

Starr: I know you feel like you can't trust yourself right now, but that's only because you just now finally figured it all out. You just have a thing for…exciting guys.
Blair: Oh, gosh. Yeah, that's one way of putting it.

Starr: I want you to fall in love again. And I do not blame you for swearing off guys for a while. But not forever. Please? You're going to find that right person. And now that you know the truth about yourself, you can't help but find the one.
Blair: Mm-hmm. What in the world would I do without my little wise one here?
Starr: You will never, ever have to find out. Love you.
Blair: Love you.
[After Starr leaves, Blair wonders…]
Blair: The one? The one. Is that you, Todd?

[Blair and Starr want Sam to help carry the tree into the house]
Starr: There's a huge Christmas tree outside.
Blair: (to Sam) Let me feel the muscles. Let's see if you can help me. I need a big, strong guy to do it - - bring it in!
[Suddenly Todd and Jack come through the door, the tree on their shoulders]
Todd: Well, hold on. There's two of them right here.

[Blair is happily surprised to see Todd and Jack]
Blair: Look at the two of you together. You know, but somebody forgot the tree stand, here.
Todd: (whispering to Blair) Jack invited me!

[Blair watches Todd and Jack arrange the tree]
Blair: Stop it! Right there.
Todd: Really? Right here?
Blair: Yes. Right there. That is absolutely perfect. Okay, who wants to help me get the ornaments upstairs?
Sam: Ornaments? Yay!
Jack: (to Sam) Do you know how many ornaments there are?
Todd: It's okay. We'll leave all of Dorian's tacky French stuff up there.
[Starr stops Todd from following after Blair]
Starr: Actually, Dad, I need your help down here with me, okay?
Todd: Okay. What's that all about?
Starr: How about you give me answers? You were supposed to give Mom space!

Starr: You have me and Hope. Jack's finally starting to let his guard down with you, and ever since we lost Victor, I think that Sam and you have bonded.
Todd: Sam's a good kid.
Starr: That's all gonna go a long way with Mom, so don't push it.
Todd: Okay. Wow. I'm not pushing.
Starr: You are pushing it! You're gonna blow it.

[Blair and the kids are about to start decorating the Christmas tree]
Todd: I think maybe I should be heading out.
Sam: No! Wait! We have to decorate the tree.
Todd: Sam, that's usually something that you do with your family. (he looks over at Blair)
Sam: You're family, too. You're my uncle.
Todd: Well, why don't -- why don't we let the family decide, then?
Starr: I'm down with it.
Todd: Jack?
Jack: Whatever.
Todd: What do you say, Blair? That leaves -- that leaves just you.
Blair: (smiling) Well, it looks like the ayes have it. (she hands him an ornament) Here you go.
Todd: Thank you.

[Sam is pigging out on Hershey kisses]
Starr: Sam! What did you do with all the chocolate! Look at you!
Sam: I'm saving them all for Santa.
[Todd grabs a Hershey kiss]
Todd: Not this one.
[Todd heads over to Blair with the kiss in hand]
Starr: Dad?
Todd: What?
Starr: Dad, get back here. Stop.
Todd: (to Blair) Hey, you want a kiss?
[Blair turns to him in surprise and he smiles]
Todd: Chocolate.

Todd: You okay with me crashing like this?
Blair: Sure, why not?
Todd: I just meant you probably got a lot going on, that's all.
Blair: You mean because I was betrayed by yet another man I was stupid enough to trust?
Todd: No, what I meant was that, uh, you probably have to go out and buy a bunch of presents.

Sam: I have presents for everyone, even for Uncle Todd.
Jack: I hope you don't expect anything in return, unless you want your own baby.
Sam: What do you mean?
Jack: Haven't you heard this story, Sam? Go on. Tell him, Todd. Tell him how you gave Mom the greatest Christmas present of all time -- me. You remember the story, don't you? How I became a part of this family? I'm sure Mom does.
[Todd has a flashback to handing baby Jack to Blair on Christmas]
Jack: Fine. If you don't tell Sam, I will.
Todd: No, no. I'll tell him. It's chilly in here. Why don't you go throw another log on the fire since you're so good at starting fires.
Sam: What was Jack talking about?
Todd: Jack is talking about something that I did. I wasn't such a nice guy. I did a lot of really bad things.
Sam: Like what?
Todd: Like I took something from someone and I lied about it.
Sam: Mom says lying is bad.
Todd: She's right.
Sam: Do you still lie?
Todd: Sometimes. But I try not to. I’m trying really hard to be a good guy.
Sam: You're already a good guy. (he hugs Todd as Blair watches)

Blair: Okay, you guys. We need to finish this tree, and then I want to head over to Tea's, okay?
[Todd jumps to his feet and goes over to Blair, getting up in her personal space and smiling adorably]
Todd: Why would you go to Tea's?

Sam: I found the star for the top of the tree. Who gets to put it on?
Todd: Well, that's up to Starr, right? 'Cause it's her name.
Starr: Well, you named me. Right?
[Blair has a flashback to Christmas 1995, when she found the star bracelet Todd bought for their unborn baby before he was presumed dead in Ireland]
Flashback Blair: (reading the card) "For our little girl. Merry Christmas for our little star. Love, Mom and Dad." Oh, Todd. Thank you. You just named our little girl, our little Starr.
[Back in the present, Todd smiles at Blair]
Todd: (quietly, to Blair) Okay. If I have any say in it at all, I nominate Sam.
Blair: Well, nominate Sam.
Todd: (loudly to everyone in the room) I nominate Sam to put the star on the top of the tree.
Sam: Yay!
Todd: Merry Christmas, kid.

[The Mannings take a family picture in front of the tree]
Blair: Okay, everybody. Come on. Come on. It's about ready to go. Everybody has to get together -- get together.
Todd: Everybody say "Manning."
Together: Manning!

[Roxy dreams that the citizens of Llanview are in the soap opera Fraternity Row: Todd is a criminal named Dash Dunning and Blair is a cop named Murphy]
Todd/Dash: Of course I am the real Dash Dunning.
Blair/Murphy: Not according to the evidence.
Todd/Dash: Evidence? What evidence?
Blair/Murphy: Evidence that suggests that you stole the real Dash Dunning's life and that he is being held somewhere.
Todd/Dash: Really? That's ridiculous. Where?
Tea/Macy: Really! In an undisclosed location.
Todd/Dash: Where exactly is this undisclosed location?
Blair/Murphy: I can't disclose that. It's undisclosed.

[Roxy’s Fraternity Row dream continues as Blair admires a shirtless Todd]
Blair/Murphy: Well, someone's been working out.
Tea/Macy: No kidding. Nice delts.
Blair/Murphy: I've always been attracted to you -- whoever you are.
Tea/Macy: Ditto.

[Roxy’s Fraternity Row dream continues as Blair and Tea try to seduce Todd]
Todd/Dash: Ladies, I'm totally flattered, but --
Blair/Murphy: We belong together. We have a past, remember?
Tea/Macy: We, like, totally got shipwrecked on that island. Good times, right?
Todd/Dash: Believe me, there's more than enough of me to go around, but, sadly, there's only one Dash Durham.
Blair/Murphy and Tea/Macy: Dunning.
Todd/Dash: Only one Dash Dur-- Dunning.

[Todd brings a bunch of gifts to Blair’s house after Jack invites him to Christmas Eve]
Jack: So you had all these presents. What would you have done with them if I hadn't invited you over?
Todd: I would've come anyway.

Starr: Hey, I know it's hard to stop thinking about Tomas, but you've got to give yourself a break, just for tonight.
Blair: I just can't believe it, Starr. I can't believe I fell for someone who would kill Victor.
Starr: There is no living in the past. Right?
Blair: Right.
Starr: Besides, like I said, Tomas may not even be the man that you're supposed to end up with.
Blair: Who am I supposed to end up with? Your father?

[Todd drops in on Blair and the kids on Christmas Eve]
Todd: Ho ho ho. Hi.
Blair: Hi. Um, what are you doing here?
Todd: Uh, Jack invited me.
Starr: Seriously?
Jack: I felt sorry for him. It's Christmas.
Blair: Wow.
Todd: Yeah, "wow"!
Blair: Did you pay somebody to wrap these presents?
Todd: No, I did it myself.
Blair: I bet. Mm.
Todd: You know, you don't have to let me stay, even though I did bring all of these nicely wrapped presents.

Todd: (to Blair) I meant what I said. If you want me to take off, I will.
[Blair doesn’t have a chance to answer because they are interrupted by Sam]
Sam: Do you know where Santa is?
Todd: Hey, Sam! Merry Christmas. And, no, I -- you know what? He sent an e-mail. He's running a little late. He's stuck in Sri Lanka. There's been a lot of reindeer traffic.
Sam: He was early last year. I saw him come down the chimney.
Todd: Really? (to Blair) How'd you let that happen?
Blair: Long story, but the problem is he is going to expect a repeat performance.

[Todd dressed up as Santa then disappeared and reappeared later, out of costume]
Sam: You missed him.
Todd: I missed who?
Sam: Santa.
Todd: No!
Sam: He was here. He left presents.
Todd: I don't believe you.
Sam: I told you he was real.
Todd: Yeah. I guess you were right.
Blair: (to Todd) Thank you.

[Blair visits Jack in jail]
Blair: For months, I've been searching for any sign of remorse from you about what you did to Gigi, everything that you did to Shane --
Jack: Okay, fine! I'm sorry!
Blair: Not to mention everything that you've put your father through!
Jack: He is not my father!
Blair: He is your father! He is!
Jack: Look, I might have invited him over for Christmas dinner just because I felt sorry for the guy, but that does not make him my father.
Blair: You don't "make" him anything, okay? He just is what he is, and I do believe that I would know that he's your father.

[Todd visits Jack in jail]
Todd: Look, you don't -- you don't like me, and that's not important to me right now. You need me. But I can't help you, Jack, unless you tell me the truth.
Jack: I am telling the truth! I swear!
Todd: Why don't you -- why don't you calm down and think about it, okay? I'm gonna go upstairs, and your mom and I, we're gonna get you out of here, okay?

Blair: How's Jack?
Todd: He's hanging in there. I told him it's all gonna be okay. I promised him that I'd make it right. I promise you, too. I'm gonna make this right. We're not gonna lose our little boy.
[Todd hugs Blair]
Blair: What are we gonna do, Todd?
Todd: We'll get Jack out of jail.
Blair: He's in jail because he confessed and they have it on tape.
Todd: He's in jail because somebody set him up. Nobody messes with one of our kids and gets away with it.

[Todd and Blair are horrified to learn that Neela is the one who set Jack up to confess]
Todd: His girlfriend? Her brother, Vimal, works for me.
Blair: Oh, my God. This is gonna break Jack's heart on top of everything else.
Todd: I practically bought out little India so they could spend time together in my office. She set him up while they were on my dime?

Blair: (about Jack) He's just a boy! He's my boy! I mean, he made a horrible mistake, yes, but should he have to pay with his life, Tea?
John: Like Gigi Morasco did?
Todd: McBain, will you just stay out of this?

[T&B run into Neela and Rama in Angel Square]
Todd: Well, look who it is. Neela Patel. If it isn't Llanview Police Department's newest little helper.
Rama: Hello, Mr. Manning. Ms. Cramer.
Blair: Hello. (to Todd) Come on. Let's go. Come on.
Todd: (to Neela) Look at you. Do you have any idea what you've done? Do you realize our son is in jail because of you?
Blair: This is not the time, Todd. Come on.
Todd: Was it fun? Did you like it, playing amateur spy? Make you all tingly on the inside?
Rama: Mr. Manning, please.
Todd: Already in this country, what, just a few days, and you're a model American. Your mother must be very proud. We should give you a medal.
Blair: Come on. This is --
Rama: We're leaving now, okay? Come on.
Todd: Leave our son alone.
[Blair hugs Todd]

Todd: The little that I remember of Rex Balsom from before Irene got her paws on me was that he was always a little shifty, you know, like he was having a seizure.
Blair: Rex is a lot of things, including Clint Buchanan's son.
Todd: That supposed to scare me? What's that homebound lump gonna do?

[Todd doesn’t want Tea to be Jack’s attorney anymore]
Todd: Jack's entire future is at stake. Nora's not gonna pull any punches. Do you really want your son's freedom in the hands of -- of an attorney whose personal life is in complete shambles?
Blair: Yeah, because she loves Jack, and Tea will pull her life together for his sake.
Todd: I don't get it.
Blair: What?
Todd: Well, what happened with the two of you when I was away? It's like you're all "can we braid each other's hair?" and stuff. It's totally disturbing.
Blair: We grew up. You should try it.
Todd: I'm not gonna grow up. And you're not a grown-up, either.

[Todd has a meltdown when he realizes that his plan is fallng apart]
Todd: Tea knows I killed Victor. Tea knows what I did to Victor. How'd she figure it out? She didn't hear from Tomas. Baker's got eyes on him 24/7. And -- she's been busy lately. She's been pregnant. She's been hanging out with John -- John McBain. John suspects me. Or he's been talking to Louie. John told Tea. Now Tea knows. This can't happen. Not now. Not now. I am so close! God!
[Todd throws a nearby candy bowl at the wall just as Blair walks in]
Todd: You okay?
Blair: I'm fine. I think Dorian's gonna be pissed, though.
Todd: Put it on my tab.

Blair: What has got you so upset?
Todd: It's Jack. I just don't want to lose him. I can't lose him, not -- not -- not again. Technically, he was never mine to lose, I guess.
Blair: Jack is gonna be fine. Okay? Listen to me. He's going to be okay.
Todd: He's not, all right? He -- he was not okay long before I came back. We need to face the facts. Victor did a number on him. There's a chance he's beyond repair.
Blair: No, hey, don't say that about our son, okay, because Jack is not a lost cause! And if you believe that, then you might as well get the hell out of our lives! Jack needs a father that believes in him, Todd. I mean, no father at all would be better than one that doesn't have his back 100%!
Todd: Sorry.
Blair: All right.
Todd: And you're right.
Blair: I know.
Todd: And I have Jack's back.
[Todd pulls Blair over to sit next to him]
Todd: I do. I just -- My own son can't stand me. I don't know what to do to change that.
Blair: You are doing it. You are here, Todd. You're waiting him out. You're taking everything he throws at you and coming back for more. And eventually, he'll see you for the man that you are.
Todd: Who do you think that is?
Blair: A father who loves his son. It's not gonna be easy, and this is gonna take a long -- long time. You stand beside Jack, okay? And I will stand beside you.

Todd: Thank you for talking some sense into me. Usually, that's Viki's job.
Blair: Why should Viki have all that fun?

Todd: First things first, we focus on getting Jack out of this big mess he's made.
Blair: Okay. I'll get Tea on the horn.
Todd: Yeah, get her on the horn and fire her.
Blair: Fire her?
Todd: Yeah, I don't trust her.

Blair: (about Tea) You're never gonna believe the line of bull she tried to sell me.
Todd: What did Bipolar Delgado say to you?

[Blair shows Todd the portrait that Tea sent her]
Blair: It's a portrait of me that Tomas painted that he never finished.
Todd: Uh, that's not so bad.
Blair: Yeah. Bad -- read bad. (she hands him a note) The note Tea sent me.
Todd: (reading the note) "Thought you might want to hold on to this."
Blair: Hold on to it? I mean, the man murdered her husband, betrayed me in the worst possible way -- why would I want to hold on to anything that that man ever touched?
Todd: That's a good question.

Blair: Maybe I'm turning my anger toward the wrong person.
Todd: Who would be the right person?
Blair: That would be Blair Cramer. I mean, come on, Todd. Falling in love with yet another murderer? What is wrong with me?
Todd: Blair, you know... you're not the person that's to blame for everything. Someone else is.
Blair: Who?
Todd: The person that you need to be mad at... is Tomas Delgado.
Blair: I made it so easy for him. I trusted him when he gave me every reason not to. I mean, why can't I learn?
Todd: What the hell is the matter with you?
Blair: What?
Todd: What to the woman I fell for? The Blair I know was never a victim. You wouldn't take anything from anybody -- somebody did something wrong to you, you know what you would do?
Blair: Uh, no.
Todd: You'd get mad as hell. You don't remember?
Blair: Well, I remember that getting me in a lot of trouble many times.
Todd: Yeah, but it felt good, right?
Blair: Yeah.
Todd: So quit feeling sorry for yourself. What are you gonna do, huh? Really.
Blair: I'm --
Todd: You're gonna?
Blair: I'm gonna --
Todd: Gonna?
Blair: I'm gonna --
Todd: Gonna?
[Blair smashes the portrait Tomas painted]
Todd: Good for me. Was it good for you?

[Blair surveys the destroyed portrait]
Blair: Is it dead?
Todd: (chuckling) Yeah. It's toast. You are the winner and still champion.
Blair: Well, if I could only have ripped into Tomas, then maybe it would be better, but I guess I'll just have to live with that.
Todd: I think you've found the perfect way to ring in the new year.
Blair: I don't know about that. I don't know. Maybe I'll come up with something better. You have any plans tonight?

[T&B are all dressed up for new year’s eve together]
Todd: Hi.
Blair: You look, uh...nice.
Todd: And you look -- like you might be really cold very soon.
Blair: Well, we don't have to be out here all night long, just long enough to do a little ritual burning.
Todd: That's your big plan for New Year's Eve?
Blair: Yeah. I figure we better start the new year fresh. At least, I'm going to. I'm gonna just get rid of all the guilt from last year, and this is how it works. "Trusting the wrong man." Tear that little piece of paper off. Burn it. Whoop! There you go. See? Out of my life, like it never even happened. Care to join me?

[Blair writes her resolutions on pieces of paper and then burns them]
Blair: This is for all the times that I opened my big mouth. There we go. I can forget all about that. Yep.
[She spots Todd jotting down something on his paper]
Blair: Hey. What are you writing?
Todd: You keep your eyes on your own note over there.
Blair: No, no, no. That's not how it works, Todd. You have to say it to play it.
Todd: Well, my note, my rules. You sure this is gonna work?
Blair: Well, why don't you burn it and you'll see.
[Todd burns a little note in which he confesses to killing Victor and framing Tomas for it]
Blair: You have to admit, you feel better, right?
Todd: (grinning at her) Yeah. You bet I do.

[T&B’s almost kiss moment at midnight is ruined when the power goes out]
Blair: Wow. The whole town must have been hit. There's no lights on anywhere.
Todd: Should we, uh -- should we talk about, uh, what just happened?
Blair: There's -- there's nothing to talk about. It was -- it was a moment.
Todd: I think it was a lot more than that.
[Todd moves closer to Blair]
Blair: Todd, what are you doing?
Todd: What I should have done at midnight.
[Todd kisses Blair passionately]

T&B 2010s

Part 1 [Jan-July]
Part 2 [Aug-Sept]
Part 3 [October]
Part 4 [November]
Part 5 [December]

Part 1 [January]
Part 2 [GH, March]
Part 3 [coming soon]

Part 1 [coming soon]
Part 2 [coming soon]

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