Todd & Blair [2011, Part 2]

[Todd finally shows his face at the "Vicker Man" premiere and Blair is in shock]
Blair: Where have you been?
Todd: I was locked up.
Blair: You were locked up where?
Todd: I -- I don't know.
Blair: Who locked you up? Why?
Todd: I don't know. The only thing I know for sure is that you kept me alive. What kept me going day after day for 8 years was the idea of coming home to you and to Starr, to Jack. I fought for 8 years to get here, to be with the people that I love. I wanted to live my life again, but it turned out someone had taken my place.
"Todd"/Victor: Wow. This guy is out of his mind.
Todd: Blair, you were my wife. You had my children. You know in your heart you know who I am.

[Todd approaches Blair while they are still at the premiere]
Todd: You know me.
Blair: I don't know. I don't -- I don't know.
[Todd takes out the gold balloon picture and shows it to Blair]
Todd: This will help, right? You remember that? You do. You do remember this. It's our wedding. That's you...and that's me. I was at Dorian's that day when you showed this picture to Starr.
Blair: You were stalking me?
Todd: Yeah, I guess, a little bit. You told our daughter that you had never been so happy. You know me.
[Todd kisses Blair, then pulls away and looks her in the eye]
Todd: I dare you to ever forget me. I dare you.
[John starts to escort Todd away, but not before Todd gives the picture to Blair]
Todd: You hold onto this, ok? That's you, and that's me... the man who made you so happy.

Dorian: Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?
Blair: Because I just did.

[Blair tells Dorian about seeing Todd at the premiere]
Dorian: What was your gut? What was your first reaction?
Blair: I couldn't breathe. He sounded like Todd. He acted like Todd.
Dorian: Only this new guy... actually looks like your Todd.
Blair: Does that make him real? If that's the case, what about this other guy that I let in my life for the last eight years? That helped me raise my kids? That I was married to? How could I let him in? How could I let that happen?
Dorian: No comment.

Blair: (about Victor) Did I want Todd back in my life so badly that I just let him in? Dorian? If I was that wrong, then my life's been a sham.
Dorian: It has not been a sham if this new Todd is the one that's a fraud.
Blair: Well, he certainly didn't feel like a fraud when he kissed me.

[Tomas tells Blair all about how Agent Baker had, eight years ago, ordered him to kill Todd]
Tomas: Mitch Laurence had Todd beaten and left for dead in Victor Lord's mausoleum, which is where I found him. I called Baker, told him the condition Manning was in and asked him if he wanted me to...finish the job.
Blair: You didn't try to help him?
Tomas: I was following orders, Blair. But it didn't matter. The plans had changed. They wanted Manning alive, so I delivered him to my superiors.
Blair: You just left him there with them?
Tomas: Yeah.
Blair: Tomas! How could you do that? He's the father of my children, Tomas. How could you leave him with people that wanted him dead? What kind of monster are you?
Tomas: I know it's not enough, but I believed I was helping my country. I'm very sorry.
Blair: You're damn right it's not enough.
Tomas: And in the interest of full disclosure, when I found Todd in that tomb, he was holding the wedding photo.

Blair: (to Tomas) I've spent half my life in love with a man named Todd Manning, and I don't know who the hell he is.

Tomas: The guy with the scar on his face kissed you. You felt something, even though you haven't admitted it.
Blair: I told you when I first met you that Todd Manning was the love of my life, and in that wedding, in that picture, he showered me with gold balloons. It was the happiest day of my life.
Tomas: Dorian said something, that you never loved anyone as much as you loved Todd, and that's the reason you gravitate back to him.
Blair: Well, what about it?
Tomas: I want you to know that I hope that I can break that cycle, no matter who that guy is in the jail cell. You think that's possible?
Blair: I can't answer that, not until I know the whole story.

"Todd"/Victor: I remember distinctly locking Marty in the room at the KAD house. I also know that I've hated myself ever since that moment, and I've done everything I could to make it up to her.
Blair: Yeah. I mean, tricking her into falling in love with you.
Todd: What was that?
"Todd"/Victor: Nothing. It's--
Blair: It's true. Marty and Todd had a relationship.
Todd: They had a what?
Blair: Yeah, and this house actually was their love shack.
Todd: This guy has a relationship with Marty Saybrooke, and none of you figured out that he wasn't me? It didn't occur to you that that might not be something that I would do?

Blair: Let's just wait until the DNA tests come back, ok?
Tomas: Blair, why does that test even matter? Why are you letting either Todd dictate your relationship with me?

Blair: Trust you? How could I trust a man whose job is to murder my ex-husband? Huh?
Tomas: I told you I was lied to. I thought Todd was an enemy of the state. I thought you understood that.
Blair: I did.
Tomas: Really? Then why is it still coming up? Hmm? Maybe this has nothing to do with my past or what I did. Maybe it has everything to do with the guy with the scar on his face.

Todd: Starr came and gave me a pop quiz. She tried to catch me, like I'd forget something, some important detail. I remembered everything.
Viki: And did she believe you?
Todd: Well, yeah, she chalked it up to me having read Todd's unauthorized biography. It's not just her. Blair.
[Todd trails off, unable to continue]

Tea: We all know Todd had intimacy issues.
Blair: That was because of the rape. He didn't want to get close to anybody. And then when he came back from Ireland, he couldn't even sleep.

Blair: I'm telling you this much. If this guy that walked in a couple of nights ago turns out to be the old Todd, he certainly doesn't have any of those hang-ups, I'm telling you.
Tea: How do you know?
Blair: Because the first chance he got, he pulled me to him, and he kissed me.

Tomas: I know I wasn't completely up front with you, but I thought we got past that before this latest Todd showed up. I felt like we had something. Is it just me?
Blair: No. It was me, too. But that was before--
Tomas: Before the man with your ex-husband's face kissed you.

[Todd and Starr talk about his time in captivity]
Starr: How did you not go crazy yourself?
Todd: The only thing that kept me halfway sane was you. And Jack and your Aunt Viki and your mom. I just kept telling myself that there were people in this world that I loved.

[Todd tells Hope a bedtime story using Beauty and the Beast action figures as Blair listens in]
Todd: (as Beast) "Belle, I may be big and scary, but sometimes people aren't what they look like on the outside." I want you to remember that. Really. It's super important. Belle looked at Beast, and even though he was big and hairy and smelly and kind of ugly, she could tell that there was really something deep down really good about him. So she fell in love with him. And that kind of love, Hope, that kind of love lasts forever.
[Todd turns around and sees Blair looking at him]

Blair: Maybe you can explain to me why my daughter let a compete stranger watch her daughter.
Todd: Shorty left Hope with me, because Starr believes me. She knows the truth. She knows I'm Todd Manning.
Blair: You're telling me the man I believed was Todd Manning for the last 8 years is really Victor Lord Jr.?
Todd: Yep. That's right.

Todd: (to Blair, about Irene) She also told us that she brainwashed Victor into believing he was me, but I don't buy it. Obviously, the guy wanted my life, and can you blame him? (he looks at Blair meaningfully)

[Blair gets off the phone with John, who confirms that Todd is the real Todd]
Todd: You believe me?
Blair: John has it all on tape. You're telling the truth.
Todd: Yeah. Yes. I'm me.
Blair: Oh, my God, you're really him. All this time, I mean --
Todd: You thought that bozo was me. I know.
Blair: I don't even know what to say.
Todd: Neither do I.

[Todd and Blair look at pictures of the kids]
Blair: That's Jack's grade school graduation. Look at him in that suit.
Todd: Aww.
Blair: He did not want to wear that.
Todd: What's with the trophy?
Blair: He was class clown. He definitely has your personality.
Todd: When I left, he could barely spit out a knock-knock joke. He still believed in Santa.

Todd: (about Hope) She's beautiful. I don't know whether you've given any thought to this, Blair, but you realize that makes us grandparents.
Blair: Oh, yeah. That one, that's kind of hard for me to wrap my brain around that, too. Yeah.

[Todd loses his temper and takes it out on Blair]
Todd: I should've been here for all of this. I wasn't here. He was. There he is. There he is again and again and again and again. There he is. Oh, look. There he is. There he is with my daughter. There he is with all of my kids. I lost 8 years with my kids because of that bastard! Damn him! Damn him. Victor got to be their father for all the graduations and the proms and the birthday celebrations and everything else. Victor got to be there for my little boy when he turned from this kid who would tell jokes into this surly teenager who hates my guts. Victor got to be there for the good times and the bad times, because Victor was playing at being the father to my children, my children --
Blair: Todd --
Todd: Stop -- and you -- you let him do it. You opened up the door to a stranger, and you gave him our children. How could you do that? How could you not have known?

Todd: (to Blair) I was shipwrecked, and I paddled home to you on a homemade raft. I almost died of storms and fever and hunger and thirst, and I did it because I wanted to be with you. I wanted to get back to you. I fought to be with you, Blair. I never stopped trying to get to you, and you should never have stopped trying to get back to me.

Todd: You didn't want to find me.
Blair: What? I did.
Todd: No. You didn't want to find me. You were just waiting for some jerk to waltz into your life claiming to be me. You gave my children to him. You gave yourself to him. You slept with him. You still thought that he was me? Blair, the whole time that I was in jail, the whole time that I was locked up, the only thing that kept me alive was thinking about the people that I love, the people that missed me, and the whole time that I was doing that, you were cozying up to some guy who just decided to be me, and you accepted him blindly.
Blair: No. Nobody did anything blindly, Todd.
Todd: That jerk took everything from me. He took my life, and there is anyone to blame for the 8 years that are missing from my life, it is you. I blame you.

Blair: (about Victor) John said that Irene programmed him to believe that he was you.
Todd: Oh, poor Victor. I was beaten, starved, and tortured for 8 years. I never forgot who I was. Victor wants to be me. He wanted my money. He wanted my kids. He wanted you. He got it all.
Blair: Yeah. He got it all, and now that he knows that he's not you, he's gonna have to give it all back.

Blair: You want to kill your brother? Really? I'll help you. Go ahead, Todd. You can be the man that you were when you left town so many years ago, yep, but if you're gonna do it, do it the right way. (she gives him the gun from Dorian's safe)
Todd: You're giving me a gun.
Blair: Sure. Why not? You've already lost 8 years of your life. Why don't you just throw away the rest of it?
Todd: I can't tell. Are you serious?
Blair: I am dead serious. You go out and you kill Victor, just you go back to prison. Saves a lot of people a lot of problems here, you know? Jack and Starr, they can just, you know, forget that you even came back to town, and Dani, she doesn't have to be forced to get to know her dad, and they could all rally around Victor, you know, for comfort, and then as an added bonus, we have Hope. She won't get to know her grandfather. Is that what you want? Sound good to you?

Blair: You know I know you better than anyone. You said that when you first came back to town, which means I know that you're your own worst enemy.
Todd: I have a right to be angry about this.
Blair: Of course, you do have a right, but killing Victor and throwing away the life that you just got back, do you really want to do that? Isn't there a better way to handle this? I mean, come on. You don't really want this gun, do you?
Todd: Hell, yeah, I do. Give me the gun.

Blair: (to Tea) I hope that you will convince victor to give Todd back what belongs to him now.

Blair: (to Tea) Think about Todd and what he went through -- for 8 years in prison, tortured. We were sitting here looking at pictures of the kids. He is mad about everything that he missed, and I don't blame him.

[Tea is outraged that Blair tried to call Todd's bluff about shooting Victor]
Blair: I offered him a gun to make a point.
Tea: Your point being that you'll do anything to get back with him, including overlooking the fact that murder is illegal?
Blair: Nobody was murdered, all right? I was just trying to give Todd a little perspective.
Tea: Ah. Because what's his is yours?
Blair: No. What's Victor's is Todd's, and that is a fact.

Blair: I promise you, first thing tomorrow, I'm gonna wake up and find you a good lawyer because Tea, she is a shark.
Todd: And she's on his side.
Blair: And I am on yours.

Tea: You know, how about instead of obsessing about my relationship with my husband, you concentrate on your relationship with Blair, especially now that Todd is back in town.
Tomas: We already talked about that. Blair doesn't want to think about the past. She wants to move forward with me.
Tea: Now who's deluding themselves? Blair and I go back a long time, okay? I know all her promises. I've heard all of her never agains, and if there's one thing I know, it's that Blair is not over Todd, and she never will be.

[Blair goes to warn Victor that Todd is after him]
Victor: You're not really worried about me.
Blair: Why would I be here if I weren't worried?
Victor: Because you want to keep Todd off of death row.

[Todd learns that Blair told John that he stole the gun from Dorian's safe]
Todd: Why would Blair say that?
Viki: Is it true?
Todd: (bitterly) I guess you don't see someone for 8 years, they can change how they feel, right? Out of sight...

[Todd goes to the police station after Victor's murder]
Todd: Maybe I did want to kill Victor. Maybe I even thought about how, but I didn't do it.
John: Why not?
Todd: Because of Blair.
John: Because of Blair?
Todd: Yes, because of Blair. Blair asked me why would I throw my life away after waiting for so long to just get it back.

Blair: I can't believe that this is happening. How could Todd be in trouble? And it's my fault.
Tomas: Excuse me?
Blair: If I hadn't have told him there was a gun in Dorian's safe, then --
Tomas: Are you kidding? You think Todd Manning couldn't find a gun if he wanted one? This is not your fault.

John: Hey, Manning? Do me one favor. Don't leave town.
Todd: Why would I? Everything I have is here. This time, I'm gonna keep it.

Todd: (about Jack) I feel like if we got to know one another, that that might change.
Blair: To know you is to love you?
Todd: I don't know, Blair. You tell me.

Todd: (about Jack) He needs real help. The kid needs a role model.
Blair: Really? And that would be --
Todd: Hell, yeah, that would be me, compared to Victor! Do you see what Victor has done to our son?
Blair: Victor wasn't all bad, Todd. He loved our kids, especially Jack.
Todd: What kind of love is that?

Blair: (about Jack) Victor was trying to protect him! He didn't want him to go to jail!
Todd: And where the hell were you, Blair? Huh? Tell me that. Where were you when Jack was picking on a kid who has asthma? A kid who has cancer? Locking some woman in a basement, killing her, and then blaming it on some other brat? Where were you? Getting your hair done?
Blair: Don't you dare blame this on me. Where were you, huh? And I'm not saying it's your fault, but it's not mine, either.

Todd: Let's consider the genetics here. I was not much older than Jack when I did what we both know I did to Marty Saybrooke. Maybe if somebody's to blame for Jack's behavior, it's me.
Blair: Are you actually taking responsibility for something?
Todd: You can't tell me that it never crossed your mind that Jack is the way he is because of me. My father was a pedophile, I'm a rapist, and Jack is torturing little kids and locking women in basements. Never made that connection? You know, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Poor kid never stood a chance, given the cards that he was dealt.
Blair: Don't say that. No. Jack might not be a saint, but he's certainly better than your father, and he's better than you.

Blair: I still think there's hope for Jack. I do. I mean, it's like what you said. He is weighted down with guilt. I think that we can get through, help him. I thought that he was opening up, and then Victor died, and he shut down again, back to his cold, cruel self.
Todd: Like me. That's what you mean.
Blair: I honestly don't know what you're like anymore.

Todd: I'm gonna help our son. I am. I'm gonna get these charges dropped, and I'm gonna focus on Jack. I'll do whatever I have to to help him get through this.
Blair: Good.
Todd: Um, sorry. I was a little rough with you. You don't deserve that.
Blair: Maybe I do. This whole thing with Jack, it just blindsided me. He's different from Starr.
Todd: We'll fix this. (they hug)

Todd: I didn't know that your mother was pregnant with you, Danielle, because I left her. I left her to go be with Blair, to be with my family.
Dani: If you hadn't, you might never have seen them again.

Blair: (to Jack, about Todd) I was so in love with that man. You have no idea. I was so naive. I thought he was the best thing that ever happened to me. I did. I mean, he was -- he was funny. He was smart. He was so alive. The day that I married him, it was the happiest day of my life. I was marrying a man that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, the man that I wanted to be the father of my children.

[Todd tells Starr that Irene is after a special microchip]
Starr: Why don't you just give it to her?
Todd: Because I don't have it! I don't have it! I -- I haven't had it for eight years! If I had it, I would have given it to her eight years ago! I would have done anything to get home to you, to Blair, to Jack -- all of you.
Starr: Yeah. I know. I know! I believe you.
Todd: When I think about what it is that you had to go through in the last eight years.
Starr: It's okay. It's okay. We survived.

[Todd is out of jail, thanks to Starr]
Starr: We'll tell you about the jail thing later, okay?
Blair: Wait, wait. What do you mean "we" will tell you?
Starr: Just don't freak out, Mom.
Blair: Todd Manning. What have you done?
Todd: I did what I had to do to save all of your lives.

Blair: How could you get our daughter mixed up in something like this, Todd, huh?
Todd: You're welcome.
Blair: Don't push me on this, and I mean it.
Todd: Look, we were really worried about you. Our daughter was trying to make sure that you stayed alive.

Todd: Nobody's gonna go to jail, especially not Starr. We just need to straighten this out. That's all.
Blair: Oh. We wouldn't have anything to straighten out if you hadn't made her Bonnie to your Clyde. How could you use our daughter like that?! And stop laughing!

Todd: (about Irene) She has proof that it wasn't me that shot Victor.
Blair: That she's never gonna give you.
Starr: Yeah, maybe Mom's right.
Todd: No. She'll give it to me. I will make her give it to me, and then our son is finally gonna know that I'm innocent.

T&B 2010s

Part 1 [Jan-July]
Part 2 [Aug-Sept]
Part 3 [October]
Part 4 [November]
Part 5 [December]

Part 1 [January]
Part 2 [GH, March]
Part 3 [coming soon]

Part 1 [coming soon]
Part 2 [coming soon]

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