An archive of memorable T&B quotes from 2000 to 2003. Because there are so many quotes, they've been divided into several pages. [Special thanks to Cataz's YouTube Channel for providing the T&B caps used to make some of the graphics in this section!!]

2000, Part 1 [Jun-Aug]: Todd returns and tells Blair he wants both Starr and The Sun back.
2000, Part 2 [September]: T&B steal The Sun back from Kelly; Todd "helps" Blair with Max.
2000, Part 3 [October]: T&B locked in the storage room; Todd sets up Skye for Blair; Blair kisses Todd.

not open yet

2002, Part 1 [Jan-Feb]: T&B have a real wedding night; Jack's christening; T&B argue about Starr's lying.
2002, Part 2 [Mar-Apr]: When a court threatens to take away the kids, T&B have to fight for custody.
2002, Part 3 [May-Jun]: Blair learns the truth about Jack and tells Todd she wants a divorce.
2002, Part 4 [July-Sept]: Blair tries and fails to get over Todd; Todd ditches Tea to return to Blair.
2002, Part 5 [Oct-Dec]: Todd returns to Llanview; Blair moves in with Todd for protection from the mob.

2003 [currently down]
2003, Part 1 [January]: Blair gets jealous; Blair forgives Todd for Jack; T&B reunite and plan to marry.
2003, Part 2 [Feb-March]: T&B break up over the mob lie; Todd rescues Blair from Mitch; Todd disappears.
2003, Part 3 [April-Nov]: Blair tries to move on with Walker but can't let go of her memories of Todd.

T&B 2000s

Part 1 [Jun-Aug]
Part 2 [September]
Part 3 [October]
Part 4 [November]
Part 5 [December]

not open yet

Part 1 [Jan-Feb]
Part 2 [Mar-Apr]
Part 3 [May-Jun]
Part 4 [Jul-Sep]
Part 5 [Oct-Dec]

Part 1 [January]
Part 2 [Feb-Mar]
Part 3 [Apr-Nov]

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