T&B Team Up at Serenity Springs

Blair is at the Serenity Springs gym, lying on an exercise mat and doing some breathing exercises with her eyes closed. She's worried because, as part of her revenge scheme against Max, she set up a computer virus that would out him as a fake Buchanan. But now that she's stopped her revenge plot, she has no idea how to stop the virus from being set in motion.

Blair: Clear your mind of all negative thoughts, Blair. Open it up to positive thoughts. Hmm. You are one with nature. Believe, and all your answers will come to you. All your answers will come to you.

At that moment, a shadow of a figure looms over her -- but she can't see because her eyes are closed. It's Todd.

Todd: So what are the questions?

Blair's eyes pop open and she stares up at him.

--end scene--

Blair: Todd Manning in a gym? (she rolls her eyes)
Todd: I know my way around here a little bit. Played college football, don't forget.

Todd sits down on a nearby bench, while Blair pulls herself up to a sitting position.

Blair: You know, Todd, I would think you would want to forget those frat boy days.
Todd: Those who forget their past are condemned to repeat it. I want my newspaper back. (he gets up and walks a few feet away)
Blair: And I told you I couldn't do anything about that.
Todd: Sure, you can do something about it. You transfer the 49% that you've got to me, and then you find another 2% anywhere you can. Asa or Kelly, it's completely up to you. (he sits back down on the bench, facing her)
Blair: And even if I could do that, why would I do that?
Todd: Well, I can think of only one reason that counts: Because it's what I want. I want everything that's mine, and I want it all right now.

Out in the hallway, they can hear Starr's voice.

Starr: Mom?

Starr and her nanny, Constance, enter the workout area, and Starr (whose work-out leotard matches Blair's) immediately spots Todd.

Starr: Daddy!
Todd: Hey.

Starr runs to Todd and he picks her up and holds her. Then he gives Blair a pointed look.

Todd: Everything, Blair.

--end scene--

Blair stands up and puts her hands on her hips.

Blair: Put her down, Todd. Now.
Starr: It's okay, Dad.
Blair: Come on.

Todd reluctantly puts Starr down on the workout bench.

Blair: (happy) I'm so glad that you are here, sweetheart! So, we going to do some yoga together? Hmm?
Starr: I want to play with my new computer first.
Blair: (confused) New computer?
Starr: Daddy got it for me.

Starr snaps her fingers at Constance.

Starr: Constance! My computer!
Blair: Oh, wow.

Constance sighs and brings the computer over to Starr. It's a brand new Apple laptop. Constance sets the Apple up on tbe bench and Todd immediately opens it and starts booting it up.

Starr: Daddy, will you teach me how to use it?
Todd: Sure.
Starr: (proudly, to Blair) Daddy's a computer genius, you know.
Blair: Hmm. And if you believe that, I have some swamp land in Florida I can buy him.
Todd: Oh, "LOL."

As Blair looks on, Todd starts showing Starr how to use the computer.

Todd: Okay, I started it up, so now we're waiting for your O.S. to take over, and when it does it'll be all these little pictures down there. See, here we are. So, where do you want to go today? Do you want to type? You want to color? Want to play a game?
Starr: I want to go online. You know...surf the net?
Todd: Let me tell you something, there's nothing online worth knowing. What we're going to do is we're going to play this great game here. You're the devil, and you're trying to murder everybody in the universe with a chain saw, so what you do is you double click on this guy with the knife in his teeth here. And then -- you know what, I think I'm going to build you a shortcut. This is taking way too long. And while you're at it, maybe I'll de-frag your hard drive.

As Todd spouts a lot of computer jargon and starts typing commands on the keyboard, Blair watches with increasing interest. She sits down on the bench next to the computer.

Blair: Uh, Starr, sweetie, why don't you take this really nifty computer and go play in the playroom, because I need to talk to Daddy. Do you mind?
Starr: But we just got started!
Blair: I know, it'll just be a minute. (to Constance) Constance, do you mind, please?

Constance walks back over to the group and Todd, looking glum, hands her the computer. Blair kisses a pouting Starr.

Blair: Thank you.
Constance: (to Starr) Come along.
Starr: (hugging Todd) Bye, Daddy.

Starr and Constance leave the workout room. Todd turns to Blair.

Todd: Why did you do that? That's my daughter. (he sits down on the bench next to her)
Blair: How'd you get so good with all this computer stuff?
Todd: Define "good."
Blair: Are you or aren't you?
Todd: Well, how do you think everything went nuts around here on New Year's Eve?
Blair: You -- you did that? How'd you do it?
Todd: Well, some men are born great and others have greatness thrust upon them.
Blair: No, how did you do it?
Todd: Shakespeare.
Blair: The blackout, Todd.
Todd: It's the 21st century, Blair. It's called a virus.

Blair is suddenly VERY interested....

--end scene--

Todd walks over to the punching bag and Blair follows after him.

Blair: Hey, Todd, I mean -- are you really good with computers?
Todd: Why are you so interested in this?
Blair: Well, let's just say that somebody creates a virus and then it's set to go off on a certain day -- I mean, this is hypothetically speaking, of course -- and then they change their mind.

Blair stands behind the bag and hugs it, while staring at Todd.

Todd: You better get out of town, Blair. (he gives the bag a hit, startling her)
Blair: I -- I didn't say it was me, Todd. Okay, all right.... I changed -- well, everything changed, and I -- it just happened unexpectedly, that's all.
Todd: Mm-hmm. You never could plan anything.
Blair: Look, can you stop the virus or what?

Todd walks away from Blair and goes to sit on the bench again.

Todd: What if I could? Why would I want to?
Blair: Would it hurt you to actually help me sometime, once??
Todd: Why would I help you with your revenge on Max? I mean, that's what this is about, right?
Blair: Maybe. I -- okay, yes! The virus is a revenge! Does it make you happy? Look, I'm -- I want to stop it. I'm really, really desperate. And I need your help.
Todd: I need my newspaper back, and I need to spend more time with my daughter.
Blair: I'm not keeping Starr away from you, Todd.
Todd: Well, then where is she?
Blair: Okay. You can see Starr whenever you want.
Todd: No kidding.

When Blair sees that Todd's not budging, she grits her teeth and continues.

Blair: And I will give you my shares of The Sun. I don't need them anyway, I got Asa's money.
Todd: Plus the 2% from either Asa or Kelly.
Blair: What? I can't talk Kelly into handing over the controlling shares of The Sun, and you know what, you can just forget about Asa --

Here, Todd loses his cool. He jumps up from the bench.

Todd: (raising his voice) You know, I'm really disappointed in you, Blair! You know, you used to be resourceful, you used to have all this imagination. When you were married to me, there was nothing that could keep you from getting what you wanted, and now look at you! What, you marry this Buchanan and you turn into this -- this spineless doormat!

Blair doesn't respond.

Todd: Fine. You can't do it? Then you can't do it.

Todd turns and walks away.

Blair: Todd, just wait --

Todd stops in place.

Blair: You know, maybe I -- I can figure out something.

Todd keeps his back to Blair, but his face betrays a little triumph. He knows he's won.

--end scene--

Todd walks back over to Blair.

Todd: See, I knew you'd come around. I knew you'd see things my way.
Blair: You know, we really need to figure something out, Todd --
Todd: (sternly) There's nothing to figure out, Blair! I want my newspaper back, and I want to see my daughter more.

Todd is right up in Blair's face. Suddenly, his voice softens.

Todd: Look, you -- you could come work for me. It'd be like old times. You remember old times?
Blair: Yeah. Like they were yesterday.

Blair turns and walks away from him a bit. But Todd follows her.

Todd: Well, they were. They were yesterday.
Blair: Well, I don't know if I can trust you.
Todd: Come on, look who you're talking to.
Blair: That's my point.
Todd: Blair, you can trust me. Come on, after everything we've been through, you know that. You can --

Blair's back is up against the wall and Todd moves forward, so that he's just inches from her face.

Todd: Look me in the eyes right now and you tell me that you can't trust me.

Before Blair can answer, Max enters the room and makes a beeline for them.

Max: (to Todd) Get the hell away from my wife.

--end scene--

Max: What the hell are you doing to my wife?
Todd: What the hell am I doing to your wife?
Max: You don't come within one inch of Blair, do you understand?
Todd: I wasn't doing anything to Blair. You tell him, Blair, or I'll tell him my side of the story.

At this veiled threat, Blair immediately intervenes between the two.

Blair: Max, come on. Todd is just being Todd. (she shoots Todd a meaningful look over Max's shoulder)
Todd: See?

Max turns his back to Todd and gets his phone out.

Todd: Are you calling your daddy?
Max: The police are still trying to find you for trying to kill RJ.
Todd: You call the cops, you bring them down here, you tell them your side of the story, and I'll tell them mine, and we'll see who wins.
Max: What does that mean?
Todd: Tell him, Blair.

--end scene--

Blair: Max, come on, don't listen to Todd. He's just trying to get attention.
Todd: I'm really not feeling well. I think maybe I have a virus. Why don't you get Max out of here before he catches it.
Blair: You know we should go Max. Come on.

They start to walk out, but Max isn't finished with Todd yet.

Max: You get one thing straight, Manning -- you don't come anywhere near my family.

Suddenly, Starr comes running back into the room. She hugs Todd.

Starr: Daddy, you're still here!
Todd: Yeah, I'm still here. Max and I were just talking about what's his and what's mine.
Starr: Did he take something of yours?
Todd: No, and he won't, either.

Todd kneels down so that he's eye-level with Starr.

Todd: You don't ever let him take anything from you either, you got that?
Starr: (solemnly) I won't.
Todd: Right, and if he does, you come tell me about it, like you did when you told me about that word that you learned.

Starr turns and beams at Max and Blair.

Starr: Revenge!
Todd: Right. Tell Uncle Maxie where you learned that word from.
Starr: Mommy! Mommy talks about revenge alllllll the time.

Todd gives Blair another meaningful look.

--end scene--

Blair: Starr! (she walks over to her and bends down to face her) Of course I taught you that word "revenge." You know, it's in that story we read all the time. You know, the one about the beautiful princess and that evil prince?
Starr: What story?

Blair realizes that it's probably better to get Starr out of there as soon as possible.

Blair: Let's go find Constance, okay? She has your Miss Mary Jo doll right?
Starr: Can Daddy come too?
Blair: No, he can't.
Starr: Why not?
Blair: Because I need to talk to your daddy about grown-up things.
Starr: When do I get to hear the grown-up things?
Blair: When you're grown-up, okay?

Todd pats Starr on the head.

Todd: Starr, get lost, okay? I'll see you later, all right?

Starr leaves the room.

Max: (to Todd) If you think you're going to take Starr away from Blair, you're mistaken.
Todd: (pissed) Hey, I'm trying to have a conversation with the mother of my daughter, so why don't you just go away, you barnacle?

Blair tries to placate Max.

Blair: Max, please, I really do need to straighten some things out with Todd.
Max: Like what?
Blair: Well, honey, he is Starr's daddy, and I don't want to keep him away from her and -- come on. You see how much she loves him. I can handle this. I'll be fine. I will.
Max: I'll be at the front desk.

Max kisses Blair and then turns to Todd as he leaves.

Max: Watch your step.
Todd: (bitterly) Yeah, you watch yours.

Max leaves the room.

Todd: I think he might've stepped in something.
Blair: (whirling on him) You idiot!
Todd: Oh, you marry him and I'm the idiot??
Blair: What are you trying to do?? Just ruin my marriage??
Todd: I'm trying to get my newspaper back and I'm trying to spend more time with my daughter! Then I'll get rid of your virus for you! You can spend as much time with your heir apparent Prince Charming as you like!
Blair: Then will you leave me alone?

--end scene--

Todd: You don't really want me to leave you alone, do you? That's probably more fun than you've had in -- years.
Blair: You can see Starr, Todd. But that's it. I want you to stay out of my life with Max.
Todd: Believe me, I don't want anything to do with your life with Max. People say I'm crazy? Look at you. I think you might have a couple personalities swimming around underneath that Peter Pan hairdo of yours. One of them might just be in love with Max.
Blair: (shouting) I am in love with Max! Not that you'd ever understand that, Captain Hook.
Todd: I want to spend more time with my daughter and with my Sun.


Todd: I mean Sun like my newspaper --
Blair: I know what you mean, Todd! I know!
Todd: Deal?

Todd holds his hand out, but Blair refuses to take it. So Todd spits in it and holds it out to her again.

Todd: Deal?

Blair looks at Todd and then reluctantly shakes his hand.

Blair: Deal.

After the handshake, Todd walks away. Blair clenches the hand he shook into a fist and looks very, very worried.

--end transcript--

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