Todd Sets Up Skye At the Diner For Blair

It's early morning and Blair and Max are having breakfast at the diner in Angel Square. Skye comes breezing into the restaurant, fresh from her meeting with Todd (during which Todd showed her a website proving that Blair was behind B&B United, the company that set out to bring down Asa and Max).

Blair: (seeing Skye) Oh, since when did this become the home for the late-night losers?
Skye: Well Blair, so glad to see you enjoying such a hearty breakfast! Although I don't think you and your wonderful husband here will be enjoying one anytime soon together.
Blair: You know, Skye, I think it's a little early for you and your melodrama. So why don't you just get lost.
Skye: I was so right about you, Blair. And believe me, it gives me great pleasure to be able to say that.
Max: Skye, please, enough is enough. (turning to leave) Come on, Blair.
Skye: First, take a look at this!

Skye holds a paper out toward Max. It's a computer print-out.

Blair: Don't take it, Max.

Max ignores Blair and accepts the paper from Skye. He reads the print-out: it's information about the company B&B United. On the print-out, Blair is listed as the company's owner.

Skye: (to Max) As you can see, your dear wife Blair is the CEO, president and sole owner of B&B United -- the company which set out to destroy you and Asa.

Blair turns to glare at Skye, who smiles in return.

--end scene--

Skye: I hate to say "I told you so," but --
Max: (to Blair) What's going on? You swore to me you had nothing to do with this company.
Blair: Max, I didn't! I don't!
Skye: Then how do you explain that print-out?
Max: (to Skye) Shut up. You did your thing -- now stay out of it.
Blair: Thank you, Max.
Max: How do you explain it?
Blair: Well, Max, come on, it's obviously a fake. She did it! It's not like it took a rocket scientist or anything.
Skye: That print-out is the real deal!
Blair: Oh, "the real deal"? Just because you say so, Max is supposed to believe it?
Skye: It came from a classified government web site!
Blair: Oh --!
Max: Government web site? (noticing Skye's laptop is with her) Well, you have your computer there. What do you say we plug it in? Take me there right now.

Todd enters the diner at this moment.

Skye: (to Max) What, you want a guided tour? (gesturing toward Todd) Ask him! He's the one who helped me find it in the first place.

Blair looks at Todd, shocked.

--end scene--

Todd: ...What?
Skye: Tell them!
Todd: Okay, tell them what?
Skye: Tell them how you helped me find that document on the computer -- the one that names Blair as the head of B&B United.
Todd: You know, I would like to -- employee relations and all that -- but I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Skye: (to Max) He's lying!
Max: Why would he do that?
Skye: We were in his office, and he said he'd help me find the proof that I needed that Blair was stabbing you in the back. And that's exactly what he did! He hacked into the government records on the incorporation information for B&B United, and that's when he found proof that it's in Blair's name!

Rae, who is also in the diner, can be seen reading the day's edition of "The Sun." The headline is "SHRINKWRAPPED!" -- one of Skye's articles, which slams Rae.

Skye: Todd, come on, please stop playing games here and tell Max the truth!
Max: I wish somebody would.
Skye: Todd, please, stop fooling around and tell Max so he can dump Blair like the trash that she is.
Blair: Well, if anyone's going to end up in the dumpster, it's you! That's obviously a fake! Todd, tell Max that Skye here has lost her mind. It's a fake, she made it up.
Skye: Every word in that document is true!
Max: (to Todd) You got something to say, you better say it.

Todd looks at Skye and makes a "crazy" gesture with his finger.

--end scene--

Todd: (to Skye) Blair's the mother of my daughter. If you're going to accuse her of something, you better have proof.
Skye: I have it right there! (she gestures to the print-out) And you helped me get it!
Blair: Yeah, right.
Max: Well, one of you is lying and I'm going to find out who it is.

Rae approaches the group.

Skye: (to Rae) Oh, what are you looking at?
Rae: (holding the edition of "The Sun") I'm looking at you -- the author of this drivel. You wouldn't know the truth, Skye, if it slapped you in the face.
Blair: Oh, and I wish it would.
Rae: And don't think for a minute that I don't know where this comes from. You know, one of these days, you're going to have to learn that being a cold-hearted tramp? Drives men away, Skye. You know, and you venting your frustrations on me or anybody else is not going to help you get Max or anyone for that matter.

Max turns on Rae.

Max: I'll tell you what, Rae -- stay out of this.
Skye: (to Rae) And since when have you ever had even a remotely successful relationship, huh Rae? With who? With Max? I don't think so.

At this point, John has entered the diner and he quickly comes to Rae's defense.

John: She has one -- with me.
Max: Hey --
Skye: Oh goody! It's Rae's personal police department!
Max: (to John) Oh, why don't you take your loud-mouth busybody outta here, huh?
John: Why don't you watch your mouth?
Rae: John, it's all right --
Max: She's the one who butted into the conversation!
John: Just leave her alone!
Rae: John, please --
Max: Why don't you get your girlfriend under control?
John: I said shut your mouth!
Rae: John --!

Rae manages to move John over toward a corner booth in the diner, away from Max.

Skye: (watching Rae) That woman is insane.
Blair: Oh, maybe, but she sure has your number.
Max: Let's settle this once and for all. (he grabs Skye's laptop) Thank you.
Blair: (uneasy) Max, what are you doing?
Max: Finding out if my wife -- who swears she's committed to our marriage -- has been stabbing me in the back.

Max opens up the lap-top. Todd watches Blair, who turns to stare at him.

--end scene--

Max plugs the computer in and turns it on.

Max: (to Skye) Now what web site did you find that document on?
Skye: I'll pull it up for you.

As Skye takes over typing at the computer, Blair turns to look at Todd. He reluctantly meets her gaze and she shakes her head in slight disbelief and hurt. When it becomes apparent that she'll get no help from Todd, Blair rushes over to the computer to confront Max.

Blair: Max, doesn't my word mean anything to you?
Max: You've lied to me before.
Blair: Yeah, and you've lied to me! But that's all in our past now. Skye is the one that's lying right now!
Max: Then there is no reason to worry about what's on that government web site, is there?
Blair: Well, if there is even a government web site. She probably fabricated that, too! Max, come on, don't you see what she's doing? She's trying to split us up! Todd is in cahoots with her! It's -- Max,'s all part of their plot.
Skye: (to Max) She's just trying to keep you from seeing the truth.
Max: Oh, is she?
Skye: There's no plot!
Max: Well, it seemed pretty convenient that you showed up in my room when Blair couldn't make it.
Blair: (outraged) What??
Skye: I told you -- it was a coincidence, I just walked into the wrong room.
Blair: Max, it's not a coincidence, you can't trust either one of them!
Max: I don't, but --

Todd can be seen chuckling to himself.

Blair: But what??
Max: Let's wait --
Blair: Are you saying that you don't trust me?
Max: Let's wait and see what the web site says.

--end scene--

Skye is still busy typing away at the computer. She appears frustrated that it's taking so long.

Skye: (to Todd) You know, this would be a lot easier if you helped.
Todd: I would be happy to help...if I knew what the hell you were doing.
Max: (to Skye) Keep working.
Todd: (to Blair) Psst!

Blair turns to glare at Todd.

Todd: (quietly, to Blair) If she found anything incriminating about you on this web site, I had nothing to do with it.

Blair doesn't respond, silently furious about his apparent betrayal. She casts one last look at Todd over her shoulder, then pulls Max away from the computer so they can talk briefly in private.

Blair: Max...look, I love you. And if you love me, and you care about our marriage and the baby that we're trying to make, you just trust me here -- just forget about this computer. Let's go home, all right?
Max: If there's nothing to find, why are you trying so hard to stop me from finding it?

Blair has no answer for that. Suddenly, Skye gets their attention -- she has found the web site.

Skye: There! That's it -- the incorporation information on B&B United. Now all I have to do is hit "Enter"...

Everyone watches as Skye triumphantly hits the "ENTER" key on the keyboard. Blair turns to look at Todd, who avoids her gaze.

--end scene--

Skye: (reading the information on the web site) Owned by none other than --

But the name on the screen is "Ben Davidson."

Max: (reading aloud) Ben Davidson.
Skye: But that's -- that's impossible! It was there before, I saw it! (she has a sudden realization) Todd changed it!
Max: It's a government web site, not some personal web page anyone can tamper with.
Todd: (scoffing) That's right, thank God -- my tax dollars at work.

Blair is looking at Todd with complete and utter relief and gratitude.

Max: I'm really sick of these games, Skye.
Skye: Max, it's not a game, I saw it, I swear I did! (to Todd) It was you. You set me up! I'm going to kill you!

Skye, furious, lunges at Todd and attempts to strangle him. Blair watches the scene, amused.

Todd: Hey, hey, hey!
Skye: Who do you think you are? You set me up!
Todd: Crazy lady! Get her off of me!
Skye: Yeah, I'm going to kill you!!!!

--end scene--

John and Rae jump up from the booth they were sitting at, and John rushes to pry Skye off of Todd.

Skye: (to Todd) You liar! You set me up!
Todd: I didn't set you up anybody!
Skye: I'm going to get you for this!!
John: That's enough!

John has managed to separate Skye from Todd. Todd feigns outrage.

Todd: (to Skye) Oh, and I put you on my payroll! What was I thinking??
Skye: You were thinking that I'd do your dirty work for you, that's what!
John: Skye, stop!
Skye: You hacked into that government file -- I saw Blair's name!
Todd: You know, I can get you in touch with one of Viki's shrinks.
Skye: I am not crazy, I saw it!
Blair: No, you're just drunk.
Skye: I am completely sober! (to Blair) How could you stand there pretending to love Max so much, when the whole time you just want to ruin his business?
Blair: (seething) I do love Max!
John: All right, Skye, that's enough.
Skye: No! I am not going to leave here until everyone knows the truth! I told Todd that I couldn't find proof that Blair was B&B United. But he knew exactly where to go -- how to get past all those access codes.
Todd: Right, that was after I hacked into the defense department and launched all the nuclear missiles, but first I reprogrammed them so that they'd explode over the sky and say, "Surrender, Dorothy!"
Skye: Oh, please, you couldn't wait to show me her name! You pretended you really didn't want to show it to me, but the whole time you were chomping at the bit!
John: Skye, come on, enough!
Max: Skye, let it go.
Skye: Why do I do this to myself??
Max: Skye, it says right there (he gestures to the computer) B&B is owned by Ben Davidson.
Skye: Todd changed it!
Blair: Really, why would he change it, Skye, huh? It says right there. Why would Todd protect me or my marriage?
Todd: Gosh, Blair, that's because you and Max are the poster children for true love.
Blair: Oh, shut up! (to Skye) The truth is, this is just another pathetic, desperate attempt for you to break my marriage up with Max, because you want Max all to yourself. Todd hasn't anything to do with this.
Skye: Oh, like hell! Todd has his own agenda. If I get Max, the field is clear.
Max: (confused) The field? What are you talking about?
Skye: Don't you people get it?? Todd wants Blair back!

Blair looks at Todd, a curious expression on her face.

--end scene--

Todd: Okay, you got me. I -- you got me. I've been trying to break up Max and Blair...because every time I look at you, Max, my heart goes pitter-patter.
Max: Shut up, Manning.
Todd: Oh come on, Max. Our love is nothing to be ashamed of.
Skye: Deny it all you want. I saw the proof.

At this moment, Rae comes back into the conversation -- she's still holding the day's copy of "The Sun" in her hands.

Rae: (to Skye) Oh God, and what do you know about proof? If you want something to be true, you just make it up -- just like you did this article.
Todd: Okay, wait, wait, wait, I know she's loony tunes, but that article is great.
Rae: It's lies and innuendos. (to Skye) You lied about this, and you're lying right now.

Skye ignores Rae and focuses on Max.

Skye: Max, you got to know Todd had this planned all along.
Blair: (to Max) Ignore her.
Skye: Max, please! Why do you think he hired me in the first place? And like an idiot, I walked right into his trap.
Max: Admittedly, it's something Todd would do.
Blair: But Skye is no idiot. Desperate, yes. Stupid, no.
Skye: Max, please, do not believe her! And above anything else, please do not trust her!
Rae: Oh, God, that's good, coming from you, Skye.
Max: (to Rae) Okay, back off. (to Blair) You back off, too. (to Skye) Listen, the problem is, I'm having a hard time understanding what Todd gets out of this. If he's trying to break my marriage up, why would he cover Blair's trail?
Skye: I don't know, I don't know, but he did! I mean, you should have heard him going on about how you and Blair weren't getting along. He led me right to that web site, and I saw Blair's name, Max, I swear!
Max: And nobody, including yourself, can explain why? Why would he change Blair's name to Ben?
Skye: That's right, I don't know. But he knew I'd come rushing over to you right here with the information, that's why he did it! And then when I raced out of the office, he went back on the computer and he changed things! Oh, Max, please, I'm telling you the truth, and for your own sake, you gotta believe me, Max!

--end scene--

Roseanne comes strolling into the diner, but no one notices as all attention is fixed on Max and Skye.

Max: (to Skye) I will never believe anything you have to say, ever again. Do you understand me? Do you hear me?
Skye: Max, you're making a big mistake --
Max: No, I'm through with mistakes! The biggest mistake I ever made was listening to you!
Skye: (crying) Max, no --
Max: No, no, I let you hurt my wife -- what was I thinking, I don't know, but I learned my lesson.
Skye: Max, stop it!
Max: You are pathetic! When are you going to get the message? (gesturing towards Blair) I love her, I love Blair, I love my wife. You lie all you want, it's not going to change a thing.
Skye: You're calling me pathetic, while you're being led around the nose by --
Max: Don't even say it! I love her, that's the truth! Not that you'd know anything about that.
Skye: (wiping away her tears) Max, come on! I'm trying to save you here!
Max: Oh, please, I don't even want to look at you. Face it, you are nothing but a joke
Skye: (upset) You can't talk to me like that!
Max: I don't want to talk to you at all. (to Blair) Come on.

Max and Blair head toward the doorway, and are about to leave when Skye loudly gets their attention.

Skye: Yeah? Well you seem to be forgetting a few things! I guess you don't care if I tell everybody what I know about you.
Max: There's nothing for you to tell. And who'd believe you anyway?
Skye: What about all those things you told me, when we shared a bed together under the same roof as your wife?
Max: I'm warning you --
Skye: Oh, I'm going to tell the whole world --

Skye stops short when she sees that Ben has just entered the diner. She stares at him, suddenly unwilling to say anything more.

Ben: Skye.

--end scene--

Everyone waits as Ben approaches Skye, obviously concerned for her.

Ben: What's going on, Skye?
Skye: Ben...
John: Skye, you have something to say, say it.

Roseanne, who has so far been observing the action from the side-lines, speaks up.

Roseanne: What is this all about?
Blair: Roseanne, it's none of your business! Why don't you just take a hike? (to Max) Come on, let's go.

But Max doesn't seem to want to leave until he's heard what Skye has to say. Skye finally speaks.

Skye: (quietly) I have nothing to say.
Max: That's what I thought.
Ben: (to Skye) Are you all right?
Todd: Define "all right."
Skye: (to Ben) You treated me with respect, Ben. Like a woman. Not something you could just sleep with anytime you felt like it!
Ben: Skye, what is going on?
Skye: You're a gentleman. Not like him! (she gestures to Max)
Blair: (to Max) We should, like, go.
Max: Yeah. It's hard to watch someone lose their last shred of dignity.

Max and Blair turn to leave, which sends Skye into a rage.

Skye: You don't get to walk away from me! Don't you walk away from me!
Max: Let it go!
Skye: You are in this to the bitter end, Max! And it will be bitter. You will wish that you never treated me like this. You hear me?? And it'll be a blessing, believe me, it won't be a tragedy. Because you'll be better off dead than spending your life with that woman!
John: Skye, you just threatened a man's life!

Skye doesn't seem to care. She starts packing up her laptop, continuing with her rant.

Skye: Don't drop your guard, Max! You'd better sleep soundly in that big bed with that woman that you love so much. Because you know what? I'm coming after you, and I am going to get you when you least expect it. You just watch!

With that, Skye storms out of the diner. Ben follows after her. Everyone is quiet for a moment. Todd moves to stand next to Blair.

Todd: Well, that was fun.
Max: (to Todd) Why would she lie about your part in this?
Todd: Because she's crazy.
Max: No, she isn't. She's tried to break up me and Blair before, but she never brought you into this.
Todd: Well, why don't you sleep with her again? Maybe she'll tell you then.

Max's phone rings. He answers it.

Max: (talking into the phone) Yeah, hello? I'll be right there. (he hangs up and turns to Blair) It's Asa, it's his bail hearing.
Blair: Well, you should go then.
Max: Look, about all this --
Blair: No, we'll talk about it later. It's all right, I'm fine.
Max: Okay. (gesturing towards Todd) If he gets out of line --
Blair: (reassuringly) He won't.
Max: (to Todd) I'll deal with you later.
Todd: Oh, goody.

Max leaves and Todd follows shortly afterward. Blair stands alone, lost in thought, before she quickly heads out the door after Todd.

--end transcript--

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