T&B Drop In On Dorian So Blair Can Ask Her To Back Melador

Dorian is at her house, packing bags to leave town in a hurry (since David's fake Lord heir scheme is in the process of being blown out of the water, Dorian wants to get out of Llanview so she isn't dragged down with him). She is interrupted, however, by a ringing doorbell -- Blair is outside.

Blair: (yelling through the door) Dorian! Open up! Dorian! Dorian: (opening the door) Blair! What are you doing here?
Blair: (eyeing the packed bags in the foyer) What are you doing here? You planning a quick getaway?

Before Dorian can answer, she is shocked to see that Blair isn't alone at the door -- Todd is with her. At the sight of the real Lord heir at this moment of all moments, Dorian becomes very obviously unnerved.

--end scene--

When the scene returns, Dorian has allowed Todd and Blair into the living room. Blair noticed a wine bottle nearby.

Blair: Well, it looks like you have been doing just a little bit of celebrating here this evening, Aunt Dorian!
Dorian: (referencing the fact that Blair, too, has been drinking) I could say the same thing about you.
Todd: And you'd be right. Nice place.
Dorian: Thank you. (to Blair) I was on my way up to bed -- I'm exhausted. Could we postpone this visit until tomorrow?
Blair: Well, from the looks of all of your bags out there in that foyer, you might not be here tomorrow!
Dorian: They're old clothes. For a charity auction.
Blair: (upset) Now, wait a minute, you said that I could have first dibs on all your old rejects!
Dorian: Blair, would you like to tell me why you're here -- with Todd? Or am I supposed to guess?

At this reminder of what she's actually come here to do, Blair giggles with embarrassment, looks back at Todd as if for reassurance, and tries to pull herself together.

Blair: I have -- um, okay. I have a proposition for you.
Dorian: I see. Won't you sit down? (to Todd) Todd?
Blair: (giggling) Sit down, Todd!

Blair and Todd both take seats on the couches.

Dorian: And has Todd got something to do with this?
Blair: Well, Todd is my potential business partner.
Todd: That's right -- after I come into all my riches.
Blair: That's funny!

Todd chuckles and Blair laughes heartily, but Dorian remains particularly unamused.

Dorian: So you want me to give you some money to start up some sort of business?
Blair: Mine! My business: Melador.
Dorian: What is that?
Blair: Well, it stands for the three most important women in my life -- my aunt Melinda, my mother, Addie, and you. Mel-A-Dor -- "Dor" meaning, you know, Dorian.
Dorian: That's really very sweet.
Blair: It's gonna be really great! It's going to be fashion and cosmetics, and it's going to put Llanview on the map! Look, I've already designed my own line of jewlery, along with all these fashion things --
Dorian: Sounds wonderful.
Blair: It is. Dorian, it is actually fantastic! And I haven't been this excited about anything in such a long time --
Dorian: Count me in.

Blair is absolutely shocked to hear an agreement coming from Dorian so easily -- before she's even finished her pitch!

Blair: (astonished) What??
Dorian: I said, "Count me in." I'll back you.
Blair: (laughs in disbelief) Well, I haven't even told you about my marketing concept yet! It's going to be actually --
Dorian: You don't need to, my dear. I know how competent you are. (she stands up) And I'm so thrilled that you are going to be using your energies to good use in some kind of a business instead of wasting them on used-up cow-hands like Cord Roberts and Max Holden.

Todd, of course, is especially pleased to hear this last part, as he rises to his feet.

Todd: Blair, do you hear all that?
Dorian: So how much do you need to get started?

--end scene--

When the scene returns, Dorian is sitting at her desk and writing out a check while Blair watches over her shoulder. Dorian finishes and hands the check over to Blair.

Dorian: There. That should get you started.
Blair: (reading the check) $200,000??

Blair hugs Dorian happily.

Blair: Oh, Dorian, thank you so much! You are -- you are my fairy godmother!
Dorian: (standing up) I know, I know, I know. Now may I go to bed?
Blair: Wait, wait, wait, I want you to come by the building, so you can see where --
Dorian: Tomorrow, maybe.
Blair: Wait, wait! It will only take a second! I will show you the floor plans. I've got them right here --

Blair runs to her purse to get the floor plans out for Dorian.

Dorian: It's really not necessary, Blair.
Blair: I really want you to see this! This is the top floor --

As Blair digs around in her purse for the plans, she accidentally drops Todd's key and chain on the floor. Dorian goes to pick it up.

Dorian: What is this? What is this??

When Dorian realizes what the key must be, she stares at Todd in shock/horror. Blair, who has found the floor plans, tries to get Dorian's attention by dismissing the key altogether.

Blair: That's not important! Look, see the two top floors right here --

But Blair realizes that Dorian is still paying more attention to the key, so she snatches it away from her.

Blair: That is my safe deposit key! What, did you lose yours?

Todd has been watching Dorian's strange reaction to the key. Without taking his eyes off of her, he addresses Blair.

Todd: Blair?
Blair: What?
Todd: Let's get out of here. I think Dorian could use all the rest she can get.
Blair: Okay, all right, fine.

Blair gets her things together and prepares to leave with Todd.

Blair: Thank you, Dorian! Look, I don't know what -- oh, I don't know what I would do without you!

Blair and Dorian hug as Dorian is still very obviously trying to usher Todd and Blair out the door.

Dorian: I'm sure you'd manage just fine. Bye-bye, dear.
Blair: Todd, look at this money!

Todd and Blair leave Dorian's house.

--end transcript--

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