[Quotes in bold are new.]

Kassie on the Character of Blair

"My character's just misunderstood. She does bad things for good reasons." (SOD 1/30/96)

"I'm ready for Blair to be on top again. The Blair/Max thing has been fun, but I don't think she needs a man. I never have." (SID 4/4/00)

"I think Blair's throughline is that she has always been hungry. Hungry for love, hungry for power. I think she's still hungry. She is her biggest enemy. But I think through the love of Todd and her children she is trying to make herself complete." (SoapNet Chat 10/28/04)

(comparing her roles on "Guiding Light" and OLTL) "Chelsea was young, on the wrong side of the tracks and good. Blair is from the wrong side of the tracks, struggling but bad." (SID 2/14/06)

(on whether or not Blair could be return to her wayward past) "Blair still has her ways about her, but she has matured, and her children have given her a different point of view. She isn't desperate like that anymore." (SOD 4/18/06)

(on the positive side of the breakup of T&B) "To me, there is nothing more exciting than to see Blair in a jealous rage -- that's when fans love her the most. She threw Tea out a window. What else can you say?" (SOD 2/20/07)

(on how Blair has changed in the last decade) "Blair really hasn't changed much at all; she still makes the same mistakes over and over." (SID 3/13/07)

"Blair is fiesty, passionate, rich, a little bitchy and a lot of fun! Blair's strongest traits are her passion for her family and the man that she loves, and her need to be fulfilled as a woman. And her legs and her breasts and her power to use them to get what she wants." (SoapNet Promo 2007)

Kassie on Blair as a Mother

(on how Blair is handling Starr's rejection following the rape trial) "When Starr rejects her love, it kills her. Blair can handle the physical rape, but she cannot live without the love of her daughter." (SOD 2/17/04)

"I feel like Blair has been the perennial pregnant woman on that show. I've played five pregnancies and I want to keep wearing the tight fitting clothes, no pregnancy outfits." (SoapNet Chat 10/28/04)

(on Blair and Starr's relationship) "Starr still is more of the adult in the relationship, but I do think there has been a healing there. However, Blair realizes that Starr is growing up and is going to be a teenager, so we'll have to deal with all of those aspects now." (SOP 11/1/04)

"Blair and Jack have a great relationship, and he loves his mommy -- even when Starr pretends that she doesn't. So, it's nice to have that develop." (SID 12/19/06)

"Blair thinks she's pretty good at everything, but she really, really wants to be a good mother, because she never had a real mother in her life and that's a big hole inside of her. She projects some of her own fears that she had growing up without a mother onto her children, and therefore she can be a little overbearing and controlling, but she wants the best for her children." (SoapNet Promo 2008)

(on Blair's decision to raise Margaret's son Sam) "The fact that it's Margaret's child...it's a human [response] for women when you are trying to take on a child who is not your own. Issues happen. Sometimes the love is not reciprocated. The step-mom is the last one considered in the equation. For Blair, who is so self-centered and self-involved, that's hard for her to swallow." (SOW 1/22/08)

Kassie on Her Favorite Blair Scenes and Stories

"One of my favorites was when Blair took her pregnancy test in front of Todd for the first time. She thought she wasn't pregnant, and then she found out that she really was pregnant and was shocked -- then turned the tables on him and said, 'How could you not trust me?'" (SID 1/20/04)

(on her favorite scene with Robin Christopher [Skye]) "The haircutting scene was my favorite." (SID 1/20/04 Online)

"I liked the scenes when Dorian and Blair were trying to dupe David - probably in 1994 or something like that. I liked the Walker/Todd storyline. I liked the Max/Blair/Luna triangle." (SoapNet Chat 10/28/04)

"When I stripped Max [played by my real-life husband, James DePaiva] down in the stables...naked." (SID 11/23/04)

(on her favorite scenes of 2006) "I loved the drunk scenes I did at Jessica's wedding. It was fun to be light again after such a year of heavy sadness and pain." (SOD 1/2/07)

Kassie on Her Portrayal of Blair

(on Todd telling Blair that baby Jack had "died") "It's just awful. In the most real, gut-wrenching way you could possibly imagine, she just breaks down. She wanted this baby so much. The fact that I've had a baby in real life, and I know that your hormones go wacko, I just tried to play it as real as possible." (TVGO 10/12/01)

(on the best and worst things about playing Blair) "The best thing about playing Blair is getting to wear her fabulous clothes. The worst thing is having to get out of them -- on air -- and get into a bra and panties." (SID 11/26/02)

"There are days that I walk in and think, 'I can't be Blair today,' but the minute I put on those tight-fittin' clothes and those pumps, I'm ready to be the bitch." (SOD 4/20/04)

(on the difference between her and Blair) "I'm not actually a bitch in real-life. But we get so tagged into a stereotype, it can be hard to be out in a group of fans. When I first came on One Life to Live, people hated Blair because she was breaking up Max and Luna. People on the street would yell at me, and I was like, 'Look, I'm just playing the part,' but they'd say, 'Stay away from Max. You're evil!'" (SOD 9/12/06)

(more on the difference between her and Blair) "I joke that I go from Susie Homewrecker by day to Susie Homemaker at night. ... I'm totally a homebody. I like to have fun and entertain, but Blair wears me out! I'm not joking. I just think, 'Oh, my goodness -- 14 years. No wonder where these wrinkles come from!' It's not from my life. It's from putting on her shoes every day because she's sad. There's something really broken in her." (SOD 5/15/07)

(on filming love scenes as Blair) "I'm such a goofball. Maybe I don't come across it as Blair, but as soon as the camera cuts, I'm this 'wah-wah' silly girl. So personally, there's nothing romantic about me at all!" (SID 9/11/07)


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