The TV Megasite: their OLTL transcript archive made possible our 2001-2012 transcripts and quotes.
CurlyQGrl's Edits: my source for great T&B edit tapes/DVDs at great prices. Highly, highly recommended.
LindaLafaux's YouTube Channel and Cataz2626's YouTube Channel: both Lafaux and Cataz have allowed screencaps from their T&B clips to be used in the site's graphics.
NixiHost and Site 5: our webhosts present (Nixi) and past (Site5); great service.
The Recovery Room and Screencaps By Jen: screencaps from these sites are featured in some of our graphics here.
Coppermine: both the main Manning Gallery and the FanArt gallery were created using Coppermine.
Soap Opera Digest & Weekly and Soaps In Depth: articles
from these great magazines make up the bulk of the Press Archives.
Paint Shop Pro, MSPaint and GIFFY: used when making all of the graphics that appear on the site.
Jem's Free PHP Mail Form: this contact form is used in a few places on this site.
Manning Family Values: the posters on this great T&B board were part of the inspiration behind this site.
And last but not least: special credit goes to all of the T&B fans this site has received since it opened its doors in 2004. You guys are the primary reason IF THAT'S LOVE even exists. To everyone who has ever dropped us an e-mail, or put up a link to this site, thank you. And to those of you who have enjoyed IF THAT'S LOVE and have kept visiting it over the years -- thank you.
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