Todd & Blair [2003, Part 1]
Blair: Ooh, Sam, I am so glad you are here.
Todd: Yeah, personally, I'd rather live for a few more years, but whatever.
Sam: (about Todd) He seems touchier than usual -- and more than a little jealous.
Blair: I really wouldn't worry about Todd. It's a Todd thing. It's how he is, you know. He hates it when normal people are happy.
Sam: No, it's jealousy, Blair, plain and simple. And it's been a problem for you in the past.
Sam: Todd cares about you. And with the two of you living under the same roof --
Blair: I can handle Todd.
Sam: Except when you can't.
[Meanwhile, at Llanfair...]
Todd: All right, Sis, this is what you're going to do. You're going to have a big New Year’s Eve party, and you're going to invite Sam. And when he gets here, you're going to spike his champagne with go-away drops.
[Blair explains to Sam why she is not comfortable sleeping with him at the penthouse]
Blair: (about Todd) I did live here a long time with him.
Sam: Yeah, and a lot of memories go along with that.
Blair: Yeah, and just it wouldn't feel right in his apartment, his bedroom, his -- his bed.
Sam: Yeah. I mean, everywhere you look, you can't help but think about him.
Blair: But you know what? Sam, it doesn't have anything to do with us. It's just ghosts. It's memories. It's things that might have been. It doesn’t affect us.
Sam: Sure it does. I mean, things like that affect everybody.
[While Blair hides upstairs, Viki tells Sam about Todd’s plan to go after Mitch Laurence]
Viki: I'm very, very afraid. If Todd does something to provoke this Mitch, believe me, Mitch wouldn't think twice before killing him.
[Blair hears this and immediately comes out of hiding, to Viki’s surprise]
Blair: Well, then we've got to help him. We have to help Todd.
Viki: Right now, I'm just really, really worried about Todd. And I can see that you are, too.
Blair: Of course I'm worried about Todd. I mean, I just don't -- I don't want anything to go wrong. That's all.
[Todd and Sam arrive home from Mitch’s, and Blair throws herself at Todd to hug him]
Blair: Oh. Thank God you're all right. Thank God you're home.
Nora: (to Sam, about Blair) I'm sure she'll be better soon. I mean, after all, she survived a marriage to Todd.
Blair: Todd, you can't make up lies about Mitch Laurence.
Todd: Why not? I make up lies about everybody else.
Blair: You are not Mitch Laurence, Todd. And I know that you think that you are. I know you think that you deserved to die in Ireland. I know that you think that you're always going to be the man that raped Marty Saybrooke, but you're not. You're not, Todd, because you're not that man anymore, and I know that. I know that. Because I see you. I see how you treat your son, I see how you treat your daughter, and I -- I see how you treat me, Todd. You deserve to be forgiven, Todd, and you deserve to be loved. Please believe me.
Blair: You know, you can act all tough and all, but I know how you really feel.
Todd: Oh, really?
Blair: Mm-hmm.
Todd: Can you bend spoons with that mind of yours now?
Blair: Look, it's me you're talking to, Todd.
Todd: So what?
Blair: So -- I care about you.
Todd: You care about me?
Blair: Yes.
Todd: That's funny because all you say is how much you hate me.
Blair: I hate some of the things that you've done, Todd, but I don't hate you.
Todd: Oh, you know what I hate? I hate when you start sounding like Viki.
Blair: You know, I married you, didn't I? I had your children.
Todd: Hmm. Didn't stop you from divorcing me.
Blair: Just like it doesn't stop me from caring about you, just like it doesn't stop you from caring about me.
Todd: Okay, you remember how you felt in Maui? And all those other times that I screwed up, millions of times? It'll happen again. I give you a money-back guarantee on that.
Blair: Mitch is still at it, Todd. He's still trying to ruin other people's lives, and you've tried to spend the rest of your life trying to make up for what you did to Marty.
Todd: I've done such a great job with that.
Blair: See? See? You are down on yourself, Todd.
Todd: No, no, I love myself.
Blair: Marty's not worth it, Todd. She's not worth the prison that you've built for yourself.
Blair: Stop blowing me off, Todd! Just stop it! Just stop it and forgive yourself.
Todd: How am I suppose to forgive myself when you won't –
[Todd breaks off]
Blair: This isn't about me forgiving you, Todd.
Todd: Yeah, it is.
Blair: No.
Todd: It is. You can't forgive me for me taking Jack away from you.
Blair: This is about you forgiving you. And if you can't forgive yourself, then how do you expect other people to forgive you?
Todd: Well, maybe, you know, if I had a little support around here --
Blair: Oh, stop, stop. It's got to come from you, Todd. You know, if you keep on believing that you're this awful person, then you're going to keep on doing awful things because of it.
Todd: Like telling you that your baby's dead.
Blair: That was an incredibly cruel thing. And as cruel as it was, it did not make you evil. It did not make you evil like Mitch Laurence.
Todd: Oh, well, let's compare, shall we?
Blair: Okay, go ahead.
Todd: All right. Mitch Laurence takes Viki's baby away from her without her even knowing.
Blair: Mm-hmm.
Todd: What did I do? I took Jack away from you and told you that he was dead. Now, you don't see any similarities there between those two things?
Blair: I know that you felt bad about it, and I know that you feel bad about it now, or we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Todd: So I'm just bad because I feel bad but I'm not intrinsically evil?
Blair: Todd, an evil person couldn't love their children the way that you love yours. They couldn't take care of me the way that you've taken care of me and allowed me to see my children.
Todd: Well, maybe I just owed you one.
Blair: No, maybe you just can't admit that you could actually -- actually be nice for a change.
Todd: I'll admit that I'm not evil, but I am certainly not nice.
Blair: You know, if you weren't, I never --
Todd: Never what?
Blair: You know I loved you, Todd.
Todd: Yeah, till you wised up.
Blair: You know, Todd, if you would stop all this self-loathing stuff, then maybe everyone wouldn't loathe you.
Todd: Everyone like who?
[Blair’s inflatable mattress has a hole in it, and Blair thinks Todd is offering her his bed]
Blair: That is so nice. See? I told you you could be nice. Giving up your bed for me?
Todd: Whoa --
Blair: I mean, that's not nice, that's noble.
Todd: Who said anything about giving up my bed? You can sleep on the chair over there.
Blair: What?
Todd: Sweet dreams.
[Sam barges into Todd and Blair’s room]
Sam: Hey, Blair, I've got some great news –
[He cuts off when he sees they’re in Todd’s bed together]
Sam: (awkwardly) I'll just wait downstairs.
Todd: Yeah, maybe you should do that.
[Sam inspects Blair’s air mattress]
Sam: Looks to me like this got punctured. Any idea who did that?
[Blair and Sam look at Todd]
Todd: What, don't look at me.
Blair: Why not?
Todd: What am I, 9?
Blair: No, but your daughter is.
Todd: (to Blair) I'll tell you what -- how about you and Sipowicz stay and try and figure out what happened to your cheesy inflatable mattress. You know, if I were you, I would never buy anything else from an infomercial.
[Todd is planning to go after Mitch again]
Blair: No, please. Just please don't go. Please, Todd.
Todd: Really? What are you going to do about it? Send Sam along again? Careful, Blair. Sam's going to start to think that you care about me.
Starr: So, how did you like sleeping in the same bed with Dad instead of that stupid air mattress?
Blair: Did your daddy make you put holes in that air mattress?
Starr: No. I thought of it all by myself.
[Starr says she wants her parents back together]
Blair: Sweetie, listen to me. You cannot make that happen, okay? When two people -- it just -- it doesn't work like that.
Starr: But you love Dad.
Blair: No, I don’t. I don’t. I don't love him. I -- you know, I care about him and I worry about his safety, but I don't love him.
Starr: Mom, I don't think you're telling me the truth.
Starr: I think you're lying, Mom, because you do love Dad.
Blair: I know that's what you want, Starr, but -- well, just because your daddy and I are getting along better doesn't mean that -- well, that we love each other.
Starr: But Dad loves you!
Starr: (to Blair) I'm not the one who's confused here, okay? You and Dad are! You can't even see what's right in front of you!
[Starr has a cartoon fantasy in which Todd and Blair are forced to appear in her courtroom]
Starr: Order, order, order! I'm Judge Starr, and this is my court. Todd Manning, you're charged with being in love with Blair Manning. Are you guilty or not guilty?
Todd: Guilty, Your Honor.
[Sam comes in to the courtroom, but he is gagged and can only mumble]
Starr: Sam Rappaport, when I issue a gag order that means you can't be in my court, either. Blair Manning, what about you? Are you guilty or not guilty?
Blair: Guilty, Your Honor. I admit it. I love Todd. I'll always love him.
Starr: Okay, then, I sentence you both to life together, forever and ever.
[Blair is jealous after seeing Todd with Shawna]
Blair: So, what were you doing with that girl?
Todd: What do you care?
Blair: I care because Starr -- Starr was worried --
Todd: Oh, Starr, right.
[Blair is still upset about Shawna]
Blair: I don't want strangers traipsing in and out, Todd.
Todd: We weren't traipsing. We were working.
Blair: Oh, working, yeah. Didn't look like that to me.
Todd: Why, what'd it look like?
Blair: It looked like that -- that woman was -- was -- was all over you.
Todd: You know what? So what if she was?
Blair: So what? So what? So what if Starr saw that, Todd?
Todd: Starr sees you with Sam all the time.
Blair: Oh, come on. That is so different, and you know it.
Todd: It's only different because one's you and the other's me.
Blair: (about Shawna) Todd, she applied for an internship at "The Sun," and her -- her reputation's as bad as yours.
Todd: Things are looking better and better.
Blair: No, no, no -- I don't want you seeing her.
Todd: No, you don’t. You don't want me seeing her.
Blair: Because she's trouble.
Todd: Because you're jealous.
Blair: I -- you -- you are so out of your mind. I -- I'm not -- jealous of her? Please.
[Sam is mad at Todd for printing a headline about Jen colluding with Mitch]
Sam: This is about Blair, isn't it? This is your juvenile attempt to get back at me for coming in between the two of you, isn't it? As if that wasn't your fault.
Blair: (about Mitch) No, Todd, you were angry at him for what he did to Viki.
Todd: I'm not angry at all. I just think somebody should kill the guy.
Blair: Don't say that.
Todd: No, no, not me. I'd probably just torture him.
Blair: This isn't about Jen. This is about you and your jealousy of Sam. Why can't you just be honest about your motives for once in your life, Todd, hmm?
Todd: What about you? Come on, look; I know you don't care about this stupid newspaper or stupid Jen or even stupid good guy Sam. You just want me to be jealous.
Blair: Well, you are.
Todd: You sure about that? Hmm. I know you, Blair. And I know what you want. You want me to say that I want you.
Todd: You're jealous of me and -- my new intern.
Blair: Who? Shawna Quinlan? She's a tramp, Todd. Why would I be jealous of her?
Todd: Because you never got over me. Come on, I'm right about this, right? I am. You're the one. You still want me.
Blair: You think I still want you? Are you nuts?
Todd: Okay, that's, like, two completely separate questions.
Blair: Todd, I kicked you out. I went to Hawaii to get away from you.
Todd: Yep, and the moment you got there, you started missing me.
Blair: Oh, right, right. I missed you so much that I divorced you and started seeing Sam.
Todd: You were on the rebound.
Blair: I -- I was not on the rebound, Todd. I wanted to be with Sam. I’m nuts about him.
Todd: I don't think so.
Blair: That's because you don't think.
Blair: (mocking Shawna) "I love men, especially men with power." Come on. I mean, you'd actually give that girl the time of day?
Todd: You know, Blair, I've heard it called a lot of things, but I've never heard it called "the time of day" before.
Blair: Okay, Todd, then what would you call it, then, hmm?
Todd: I don't know. What do you and Sam call it?
Blair: (about Shawna) Well, so, are you going to sleep with her or what?
Todd: Hell, yeah. She's hot.
Blair: Oh, ha-ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha, because we both know that intimacy is not your thing.
Todd: I'm fine. You think what you want, but next time you come by my office, you better knock first.
Blair: Sam and I are going to go away.
Todd: Oh, no, don't tell me. Sam made you another fantasy video. It's him dressed up on a beach somewhere, isn't it?
Blair: I'm going away with Sam and you can't stop me.
Todd: No, you're not going anywhere.
Blair: Why? Because you're jealous?
Todd: No, because I don't want you to be dead. You're going to leave me here to explain that to my little girl? "Oh, oh, jeez, Starr, you know, your mama died because she couldn't wait to play naked beach blanket bingo with Sam."
Blair: Well, it's not like we can be alone here, Todd, because you are always in our room.
Todd: “Our” room?
Blair: Yeah, our room!
Todd: It's my room. I only let you stay there to save your stupid life.
Blair: Oh, well, that's the least that you could do for me after what you did, telling me my son was dead.
Todd: How about what you did?
Blair: What did I do, Todd?
Todd: The moment I'm on a deserted island, you go after Sam. I mean, Sam! Blair, of all people, what's he got, like a million, maybe a million and a half? I mean, I would think that you would at least hold out for Asa and let him take you for one more spin.
Blair: Oh, oh, oh, how dare you! I'm through dating men for their money. And you know what? If Asa didn't have a dime left in his pocket, I would pick him over you any day!
Todd: Well, that's good, because you're never going to get me.
Blair: I -- I don't want you, Todd! I don't even know why you would even say that. And you know what? Why don't you get it through your stinking head that I hate you!
Todd: Yeah? Well, not as much as I hate you.
Blair: You know what? I hate you.
[They kiss]
[After the kiss…]
Todd: What was that for?
Blair: What do you think? You kissed me.
Todd: You kissed me.
Blair: No, you kissed me. And frankly, it made me sick.
Todd: Okay. That's it. You really are as crazy as everybody else in your family.
Blair: Oh, why? Because I let you kiss me?
Todd: You know what? I think that maybe you do belong in an insane asylum in Switzerland. Maybe the doctors can knock some sense into you, and maybe then you will realize that it was you who kissed me.
Blair: Oh, I most certainly did not.
Todd: Well, what do you call what you just did to me?
Blair: You kissed me, Todd. You kissed me. You held me --
Todd: No, I didn't. You smacked me on the lips right here --
Blair: And then you just kissed me really, really hard!
Todd: Fine. It was mutual. How about that? I'll give you that much.
Blair: No. No, no, no. It was not mutual. You kissed me.
Todd: Come on. You really think I would kiss you without you wanting me to?
[Blair is struck speechless and struggles for an answer]
Blair: No.
Blair: I mean, you can go ahead and tell Sam if you want. It was a totally meaningless kiss. It doesn't matter. Go ahead.
Todd: I think I will.
Blair: You know, he's just going to know that you're trying to make him jealous.
Todd: He's a guy -- he likes to be well informed.
Blair: (about Sam) I'm just not going to bore him and bother him with something so meaningless.
Todd: Oh, my.
Blair: What?
Todd: First you kiss another guy behind his back, and now you're going to lie? This doesn't say much for the future you and Sam have together.
Todd: I'm just trying to get you to realize that you and Sam -- you're not right for each other.
Blair: Well, we are right for each other.
Todd: No. Sam -- to him, lying is poison. And to you, it's like breathing.
Blair: Oh, right. And look who's talking.
Todd: Me? No, no. I love to lie. That's why we're right for each other.
Blair: I wish I had met Sam a long time ago, and I wish that I had never met you.
Todd: I don't believe you.
Blair: I told you I hated you! I hate you, Todd!
Todd: Be careful. Remember what happened the last time you said all this.
Starr: Dad? Why is Mom slamming doors?
Todd: Because she's crazy about me.
[They hear some glass breaking]
Starr: Sounds more like she's mad.
Todd: Well, she is. She slapped me in the face, and she was yelling at me a few minutes ago.
Starr: Then why do you think she's crazy about you?
Todd: You'll understand it more when you're older.
Starr: Well, are you going to get back together with Mom?
Todd: I'm working on it.
Starr: Yes!
Todd: What does that mean, "yes"?
Starr: Well, whenever you say that you're working on something, it always happens.
Todd: (to Blair) Here's your choice, okay? You can take what's behind curtain a, which is Sam's half-baked plan guaranteed to leave your adorable children motherless, or you can take the box, which is you can stay here.
Sam: What makes it okay for you to take Blair out of here, Todd, and not me?
Todd: Well, to begin with, I wasn't smuggling Blair out for a roll in the hay. I was taking her to go visit her sick mother. And the other thing is that I'm an expert at pulling fast ones and you're not.
[Sam puts Blair’s shawl on her head so her face is obscured before the leave the penthouse]
Todd: Oh, my, it's Little Brat Riding Hood. (to Sam) What does that make you, the Big Bad Wolf?
[Blair is uncomfortable at the cabin hideaway with Sam]
Blair: I wanted to be with you. I did. But I can't. No matter how much -- how many times I tell myself it's because of those mobsters, it's --
Sam: It's not because of the mobsters. It's because of Todd.
Blair: You were right. I can't be with you because of Todd. And I want to blame the people that are following me, but I can't -- not if I'm going to be honest.
Viki: I don't know why you can't just admit that you want Blair back. Why can't you just admit that you love her?
Todd: I do.
Viki: Well, my goodness. Now, I'll bet that didn't hurt a bit, did it?
Todd: It kind of did. It kind of hurt my voice a little.
Viki: It's really nice. You want her back. You love her.
Todd: All right, Viki, you don't got to keep saying it.
Viki: I don't know if you've considered this, but Blair might actually be seeing Sam because she has feelings for him.
Todd: No, she doesn't.
Viki: Well, she might.
Todd: Then why would she kiss me?
Viki: Did she?
Todd: Yes, she did.
Viki: Oh.
Todd: I mean, she slapped me right after, but she did kiss me.
Viki: (about Blair) I don't know why you can't just tell her that you love her or show her. I don't know. No, you can’t. It's too scary.
Todd: Why would that be scary?
Viki: Because you might tell her and you might still not get her back.
Sam: He hurt you, Blair. He hurt you in the deepest way imaginable, and you still feel something for him.
Blair: It was just a little kiss.
Sam: Yeah -- it's not -- not with you and Todd. No, it could never be just a kiss. It's -- I mean, Todd is a fact of your life, like -- like your birthday -- like your birthday and like the color of your eyes. You can't change that.
Blair: I came home because I didn't want to be in the cabin with Sam. I wanted to come home. I wanted -- I wanted to be with you.
Todd: What happened to what you said before? What happened to you hated me? Isn't that what you said? What happened to that?
Blair: Well, that's what I -- I told myself that's what I wanted to believe because caring about you can be very painful.
Todd: You care about me?
Blair: I always have, Todd. You know, every time that we get close, you always -- or I find out that you do something that hurts me so much that I can't trust you anymore. But then you do something -- somehow, some way, you get me to trust you and you get me to -- to want you again.
Blair: Have you changed?
Todd: I hate change.
Blair: Yeah, I know. That's never been easy for either one of us.
Todd: Well, that's why we never bother with it.
Blair: Todd, you remember -- do you remember when we first got married and I was pregnant with Starr and we were at the airport right before you left for Ireland? We both said that we had changed, that our love had changed us.
Todd: It's a long time ago, Blair. And that was before --
Blair: I know. It was before a lot of things. We were both young and naive. We thought the past was behind us, that life was happily ever after.
Todd: This past isn't behind us.
Blair: But I think -- well, I don't know, but I don't think people just change overnight. I think that they change every day for the rest of their life. And you do some bad things, you make mistakes, but you also do some good things, and you hope that the good outweighs the bad.
Blair: Well, I thought about what you did to Jack and to me and to us. And I thought about how you told me that he had died and how you took him away from me.
Todd: Look, Blair --
Blair: And I've also heard that you -- I've heard you say you're sorry to Jack and to me. And I've seen you with Jack and Starr, and I know how much you love them, Todd.
Todd: I -- I do.
Blair: I know that you do. And I also know how hard it has been for you to have to live with yourself for what you did. Look, I know you, Todd. I know you better than anyone. I married you three times. You're my husband. And I -- I know that you love me, even though you can't say it.
Todd: I love you.
Blair: I love you, Todd. And I forgive you.
[Todd holds his hand out to Blair, and she takes it, and they go upstairs to make love]
[Todd and Blair in bed together the morning after their reunion]
Todd: What are you doing?
Blair: Just watching you sleep.
Todd: I don't sleep much anymore.
Blair: Oh, yes, you do. You sleep with a big smile on your face.
Todd: Yeah?
Blair: Mm-hmm.
Todd: Must have been that dream I was having, you know, where you forgave me and gave me -- gave us another chance.
Blair: That wasn't a dream. That was real.
[Todd and Blair are still in bed together]
Todd: So, here we are.
Blair: Here we are.
Todd: Took a while.
Blair: As usual. But you know what? We always seem to end up here, don't we?
Todd: It's weird, huh?
Blair: Not to me.
Todd: Are you sure this is where you want to be?
Blair: I've wanted to be here for a long time.
Todd: Would've been nice of you to clue me in on that, you know.
[Blair explains when they first knew she wanted to be with Todd again]
Blair: I think it was when -- maybe the first night that I slept here. I think that's when I started to want you. I just didn't know it.
Todd: But you know it now.
Blair: Especially now. After last night -- you were so loving and tender.
Todd: All right, that -- that doesn't leave this room. You know that?
Blair: Oh, okay. Okay. On one condition.
Todd: What, you negotiating already?
Blair: Mm-hmm. I think I heard Hedy leave with Jack, and Starr’s at school. So why don't you show me how loving and tender you can be all over again?
Blair: You always do that Todd stuff when you don't get what you want.
Todd: Oh, now you think I got what I want?
Blair: Well, if it's me you want.
Todd: What about Sam?
Blair: I care about Sam. But it's over, Todd. All you got is me.
Todd: Can I help it if Shawna’s got a little thing for me?
Blair: Oh. Because you are so irresistible?
Todd: Isn't that what you think?
Blair: Well, I think it's okay for me to feel that way.
[Blair doesn’t like Shawna’s attraction to Todd]
Todd: What am I supposed to do about it?
Blair: Not be so bad.
Todd: But that's what people like about me.
Todd: Look, Blair, I'm not Sam, all right? I'm not going to change that much.
Blair: Oh -- I don't want you to. I just want you to be the Todd that I know.
Todd: Oh, and love?
Blair: You have to ask?
Blair: (about Shawna) If you don't do something, then I might just have to take matters into my own hands.
[Todd turns and leaves]
Blair: Hey, hey! Where you going?
Todd: I am going to fire Shawna. The last time you took matters in your own hands, someone went out of a window.
[Todd just interrupted an apparent hitman trying to attack Blair]
Blair: I owe you my life.
Todd: Well, you know, don't make it out like I'm some kind of a hero.
Blair: Oh, you are. You are to me.
Todd: This is my reputation we're talking about.
[Blair is outside again now that the mob threat appears to be over]
Blair: So why don't you join me in the celebration and do a little jogging with me --
Todd: No, no, no. When I got thrown off the football team, I made a vow that I would never again do a wind sprint.
Blair: Come on, it's time to celebrate. I'm free, and you are my hero.
Todd: Look, I'm nobody's hero.
Blair: You put up with my bad attitude, my bad moods, my complaining --
Todd: And you did. You complained about everything.
Blair: (to Todd) You know, no wonder I fell in love with you all over again. You always act like everything is, like, no big deal. But you have a heart bigger than anybody, Todd.
Blair: (about the mob hit) So, what am I supposed to do, just forget it all happened?
Todd: Yeah. And you're supposed to think about what Jack's face looks like the first time he sees you in the morning or how much you want to see Starr's Christmas pageant next year.
Blair: We got our family back.
Todd: Yeah, we do.
[The man Todd hired to pretend to attack Blair tries to blackmail him]
Henchman: Where is Blair?
Todd: You shut up about Blair.
Henchman: You know, Blair is so beautiful. I almost hated to scare her like that.
Todd: Did I stutter when I said "Shut up about Blair"?
[Sam is suspicious of how quickly the “hitman” was captured]
Sam: I know you, Todd. You could have arranged for this whole thing to just happen.
Todd: You are nuts. Why would I do something like that?
Sam: To get Blair back.
[Blair is surprised when Andrew arrives at the penthouse]
Todd: I've got Andrew here so that he can marry us right now.
Blair: You could have asked me first.
Todd: Well, consider yourself asked.
Andrew: Blair, I'm sorry. I would've never come over here if I had known this was --
Todd: Hey, whose side are you on?
Andrew: You haven't even proposed to her. You don't have a marriage license. You don't have a witness. As usual, you haven't given any thought to this at all.
Todd: So the place isn't crawling with flowers and bows, and that means that I don't care?
Todd: I just want to get married. I'm sick of us not being married.
Blair: I am, too.
Todd: You love me.
Blair: And?
Todd: We should get married because that's how people who feel about each other -- that's what they do -- they get married. We should get -- let's get married.
Blair: What is the rush? I mean, come on, we just -- you know, we got -- we just got back together.
Todd: Right, right, because we belong together. And, okay, sure, Blair, look, we fight, we break up, but we always wind up back here. So we should get married. We should be together because that's the way we're supposed to be.
Blair: It's what I want. It's what I've wanted for a long time.
Blair: Just -- you have no reason to be jealous of Sam, okay? Please. I chose you, Todd, and I love you.
Todd: Do you mean that?
Blair: You and Jack and Starr are all I ever need.
[Blair is still worried about rushing into marriage]
Todd: I'll make you happy.
Blair: What about you, Todd?
Todd: What?
Blair: Will it make you happy?
Todd: Yes.
Blair: Andrew, we're ready!
[The ceremony begins]
Blair: Andrew, can we say our own vows?
Andrew: If you'd like.
Blair: Todd, promise me that you'll never lie to me again.
Todd: Okay.
Blair: And no matter what happens that you'll never put me through the pain that you put me through the last time we got married when I found out about Jack.
Todd: I won't. I promise. And I'll hurt anybody else who does.
Andrew: Todd --
Todd: This is about protection, right? To honor and love and protect. Well, I'll protect you, Blair, even if it's from myself.
Blair: And I believe you. And if we ever find ourselves in a bitter, horrible battle --
Todd: We won't.
Blair: But if we do, promise me that you won't use Starr and Jack against me, no matter what happens.
Todd: You going to swear to the same thing?
Blair: Yes.
Todd: Well, then, I will, too. I swear.
Andrew: Todd?
Todd: Right. I -- when I was -- don't laugh -- I was on a raft stuck in the middle of the ocean and I couldn't see anything but water around me, and I -- every time I decided that there was no hope and I thought I wanted to die, I wouldn't let myself because I started to think maybe, just maybe, if I held on for another minute, I might be able to get back to this -- to you and to Starr and Jack. I couldn't die without trying to get back to my family. It's the only thing that kept me alive.
Blair: I'm so glad it did.
[The ceremony continues]
Andrew: Do we have the rings?
Blair: I --
[Todd takes out the rings]
Todd: She said I wasn't prepared.
Blair: You -- you are prepared! Todd.
Todd: Yeah, I told you. (to Andrew) And, look, you know, while we're promising stuff, I should let you know that I promise I will never call you to do this ceremony ever again.
Blair: And I think he's right about that. I think this one's for keeps.