Todd & Blair [2002, Part 5]
[Todd wakes up in a hospital in Guam; the doctor shows him the photograph of Blair and the kids]
Dr. Melendez: This is the only thing we found on you. You were clutching it in your hand. Even though you were unconscious, you wouldn't let go. We finally had to pry your fingers open. Now, these people are very important to you. Do you recognize any of them?
Todd: (about the photograph) I'm telling you, I don't know who these people are.
Dr. Melendez: Okay. Okay. Just look at the woman for a minute. Can you do that for me? She's very beautiful, isn't she?
Todd: She's not my type.
Dr. Melendez: Now look at the little girl.
Todd: She looks a little cranky.
Dr. Melendez: And the baby.
Todd: I don't know. All babies, they look alike to me.
Sam: Todd is in Blair's past.
Nora: What if he comes back, Sam? She's always ended up with Todd. No matter how he's sliced and diced up her heart, she's always ended up with him. I mean, can you be certain that Blair's not in love with Todd?
[Todd returns to Llanview]
Todd: Hey, Blair.
Blair: I thought you were --
Todd: Dead?
Blair: No.
Todd: Gone?
Blair: Yeah, I thought I'd never see you again.
Todd: Well, hate to be the one to break the bad news to you, Blair, but I'm back.
Blair: I can see you're back.
Todd: Well, that is the lamest greeting -- I mean, for a guy who's back from the -- well, you didn't know I was dead. I mean, I could've been, not that you care. Okay, I've played this in my head through, like, a thousand times, and I never really thought it would end like this -- you just standing there. Wow. Blair with nothing to say -- that's a new one.
Blair: I've got something to say.
Todd: Well, then, say it.
Blair: Go to hell.
Todd: Did you just say, "go to hell"? Whoo! Is that any way for you to greet your long-lost husband?
Blair: Ex-husband. The divorce is final.
Todd: We're divorced again?
Blair: That's right.
Todd: Well, cross that off the to-do list. Who wants to be married to you anyway.
Blair: Okay, Todd, what do you want?
Todd: I guess just what's coming to me, that's all.
Blair: I should've known when Starr asked me to drop those charges against you that she couldn't come up with it on her own.
Todd: You underestimate her.
Blair: I don't believe a word of your stupid little story.
Todd: Yeah, well, you're going to hear the rest of it whether you like it or not --
Blair: Oh, yeah?
Todd: Because while you were lounging around the pool here, living off of my money, I was risking my life on this flimsy little raft trying to get back here! I -- I almost died, like, 100,000 times, and the only thing that kept me going -- it was the idea, the thought that i would get back here to Jack and Starr and -- and --
Blair: And what, Todd?
Todd: All I thought about was Jack and Starr -- what they were doing, how much they might have grown when I was gone. I mean, I talked to them. This is no joke here, Blair. I had to figure out how to survive, and the only way I could think about was -- was thinking about Jack and Starr. Otherwise, I'd be fish food right now.
Blair: You know what, Todd? I can just picture you out there on your little pathetic raft, floating out in the middle of nowhere, still trying to figure out ways to manipulate me. Way out there in the middle of nowhere, Todd is still being Todd.
Todd: Did you think of me when I was gone?
Blair: No. Oh, you know what? I take that back. Yeah, I did think about you. I thought about you every day.
Todd: See? Told you so.
Todd: What do you want, Blair?
Blair: I want a normal life, Todd.
Todd: No such thing. Even if there was, normal never worked for me or you.
Blair: (about Todd) He said he got shipwrecked after he left Maui and -- do you think that's possible?
Sam: Well, I suppose so. And then what, somebody came along and rescued him?
Blair: No. Gilligan built himself a raft.
Blair: Don't blame Sam for everything that went wrong, Todd.
Todd: Fine. I'll blame you.
Blair: Blame me, Todd. Go right ahead. You just blame me. Because I'm the one who forgot who you really were -- the man who broke my heart a million times and broke Starr's. I loved you. I opened myself to you. I carried your baby, and --
Todd: No. You didn't tell me that Jack was my son. You told me that he was Max's.
Blair: That's because I didn't trust you to love me even though I loved you so much. And when you told me that Jack was dead, part of me died -- died right with him. But not because he was a part of me. Because he was a part of you.
Todd: You still didn't say that he was my son --
Blair: Because he was a part of us, and I just wanted to spare you the pain that I was feeling with every little beat of my body.
Todd: Come on, you must be joking.
Blair: And then you brought that beautiful, beautiful little baby to me and begged me to agree to adopt him. You know what? I did. I did because I loved you. I knew that that baby made you happy. And that's all ever wanted to do, Todd. All I ever wanted to do was to make you happy because I loved you. I would have done anything in the world for you. So, yeah, you go right ahead and blame -- blame me for everything. But I can promise you this -- it'll never happen again.
Todd: I get it. We're done. You're with Sam. You can quit your bawling now.
Blair: Does it look like I'm bawling?
Todd: You and Sam -- you play doctor, house, whatever it is. But you don't get everything. You don't get my kids.
Blair: What?
Todd: They're mine, and I'm taking them back.
Blair: You can't do that, Todd.
Todd: Watch me.
Jessica: Blair is Jack's mother, and she doesn't want you to be around Jack.
Todd: Really? How do you know that?
Jessica: Why else would she have a restraining order against you?
Todd: Well, you know how Blair is.
Jessica: What, worried about her kids?
Todd: She's always freaked out about something. She's high-strung. That's what she is.
Jessica: Really? So you think she has no reason to have a restraining order against you?
Todd: She probably doesn't even remember why she's got it in the first place.
[Blair talks to Jack on his birthday]
Blair: I never even really got to see you when -- I was so tired, Jack, and you were so tiny. I couldn't really make out anything except your little legs and your little arms. Oh, my, you were just so -- so tiny then. But you know what? Your daddy was holding you. Your daddy was holding you then. That's right. Everything was going to be all right. Everything, finally, was going to be all right. You want this? Then your daddy took you out of the room, and I didn't even get to hold you. Didn't get to look at your beautiful face. Yes. I didn't get to hold you like I'm holding you now. And then what happened next, Jack, was the saddest day of my life. Jack, I'm so sorry. I don't want to spoil your wonderful birthday today. I just want you to know that -- that I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me, and I wanted you to know why. If I had known that you were alive in mexico, I would've stayed, sweetie. I would've stayed and I would've looked for you. And you know what? I would've found you. I would've. Let me tell you something -- I can promise you that I am never, ever, ever going to let you go. Never, ever again. Oh, no, I'm not. I love you so much, Jack.
[Todd visits Jack on his birthday]
Todd: Hi, Jack. Hey, happy birthday. So, what do you want for your birthday, huh? Because I was thinking of getting you, like, a bengal tiger. Is that going to be ok? Because, you know, your sister -- she's crazy about the animals, so I thought, you know -- of course, i can't really give it to you now because your mom might notice if there was a bengal tiger running around the house, and then she'd call the cops, and your old man would get arrested, and -- oh, my -- Jessica was right. I brought this on myself. I gave my kid away to strangers. My own son. You know, you have every right to hate my guts, Jack. I mean, all you ever wanted was to be with two parents and have them love you -- a mother and your father -- and I gave you away. And then I told your mother -- I mean, I told -- okay, well, I didn't tell Blair, but I didn't stop her from believing that you were dead. And all you -- she loved you so much. And I took you away from all that. I screwed up. I did -- me, Todd Manning. You know, I can't go back and erase what happened. All I can do is tell you that I'm sorry. So I'm sorry, Jack.
[Todd sees Blair in the room]
Todd: Look, I -- I'm just here to say happy birthday. I'm not trying to steal him or anything.
Blair: I know. I know why you're here. And I heard everything you said.
Todd: So you -- you heard some of the stuff I was saying to Jack, huh?
Blair: Most of it.
Todd: Yeah, that was a private conversation.
Blair: I know. That's why I can't believe it.
Todd: What, you can't believe that I would be talking to Jack? You run a newspaper now, huh? Is that what you call breaking news?
Todd: I deserve to see my kids every once in a while.
Blair: I know you love your kids. I know you love Jack and Starr and your family.
Todd: Great, then. So it's a deal, right? I get weekends?
Blair: Todd --
Todd: Okay, every other weekend. Once a month. Okay, holidays. Maybe not the big holidays. Maybe the little ones, you know, like Presidents' Day or National Fire Prevention Week --
Blair: Todd -- look, I let you -- you snuck in here against my will, all right, and you got to say a very, very nice happy birthday to Jack. Now, that's enough.
Todd: That's enough for who?
Blair: I want you to go.
Todd: No, you don't. I'm staying right here.
Todd: I値l have my great lawyers set it up so I can spend my life with my kids.
Viki: I wouldn't count on that. And even if you do get your way, it's still not going to solve your problems.
Todd: Sure, it will. I get my kids back and everything's perfect.
Viki: No, it's not. You still don't have Blair.
Bo: Tea says that Todd took a hell of a chance getting off that island. Now, their plan was to wait until spring when the weather's more favorable, their odds would be better.
Blair: So why did he leave?
Bo: Because he couldn't stay there anymore. He had to get back here.
Blair: For the children?
Bo: And for you.
Blair: Come on, Bo. Todd wouldn't risk his own life just to see me. Tea's a liar.
Bo: Tea has no reason to lie.
Blair: Come on. Lying's like breathing to that woman.
Todd: I don't care that I don't have Blair. She's got a new man now, anyway.
Viki: What?
Todd: Sam. Sam's her new man.
Viki: Sam? Really? Well, I mean, she deserves to be happy, right?
Todd: "She deserves to be happy"? What, because she betrayed me?
Viki: If you really loved Blair, you'd want her to be happy.
Todd: Not with Sam.
Viki: (about Blair) She's actually doing a very good job with your newspaper. It's got news in it for once. She's doing a whole expose on a big organized crime thing, the O達rien family.
Todd: Oh, terrific.
Viki: Yeah.
Todd: Good for her. Her crazy mother must be very proud.
Todd: Okay, just to get this straight -- Blair seduced Dr. Troy MacIver.
Addie: Yes. But she only did it to help Sam. She would do anything for her friend Sam. Todd? You look sad. Is something wrong?
Nora: I know why you're so cynical about all of this.
Todd: No, I just see life the way it is.
Nora: Well, you loved Blair, and the whole relationship blew up in a spectacular way.
Todd: Well, I don't love Blair now.
Nora: You don't? Not at all? Really?
[Blair has been getting threatening phone calls from the mob]
Blair: We're doing a series of stories on a crime syndicate, and I don't think they like it very much. That's about the fifth call I've got since we started running the series.
Todd: Blair, you know those guys could be dangerous.
Blair: Yeah, well, so is a free press. But you know what, Todd? Don't worry. If I get another one, I'll call the cops, okay?
Todd: Oh, I'm not worried. Please.
Blair: I have to admit, it's been quite an adrenaline rush, working on this paper again. I love it.
Todd: Yeah, well, I used to say the same thing when it was my job.
Blair: Yeah, I bet you did, but you don't anymore because you lost it in the divorce.
Todd: Yeah, well, I'll get the paper back as soon as the mob snuffs you out.
Blair: You lost the paper, just like you lost your kids, so why don't you get used to it.
Todd: You can keep the paper, but I'm coming back to get my kids.
Blair: You know what, Todd? You've been thrown in jail already for violating the restraining order.
Todd: Yeah, well, on the upside, there's free meals.
Blair: And Sam says the judge probably won't grant you bail this time. And I'm going to keep on signing complaints after complaints after complaints until you are out of our lives for good.
Todd: And that's what you call being a good mother?
[Viki is upset because Mitch kidnapped Natalie]
Todd: God, you sound just like Blair. What, I take Jack away for, like, two minutes, and now she's -- Jack's back with her and everything's totally better, and she still figures she's got to stick it to me.
Viki: Because there are consequences of your actions.
Todd: What, I borrowed my own kid for a little while. What's the big deal?
[Todd finally gets an answer after he repeatedly calls the police station to find out how Blair is doing after the shooting]
Todd: Where the hell have you been?
Sgt. Wagner: Excuse me. This is Sgt. Wagner.
Todd: Yeah? Well, this is Todd Manning. We were talking about my wife.
Sgt. Wagner: (referring to Blair) She just isn't able to talk to anybody right now.
Todd: Why not?
Sgt. Wagner: Mr. Manning, she's very shaken up. She's had a rough time here.
Todd: Yeah, well, she'll talk to me. You tell her that I'll be right there.
Todd: I'm going in there now and I'm going to talk to Blair.
Officer: I can't let you see her until the sergeant says so.
Todd: That's the wrong answer.
Cassie: (about Todd) He's trying to steal Blair's children.
Todd: Okay, I'd like to think that I had a little something to do with those kids.
Nora: (about Todd) Blair gave him custody? What, is she crazy?
Todd: Oh, you walked right into that one.
Blair: And everyone thinks that I had a complete breakdown?
Todd: Why not? It wouldn't be the first time.
Todd: (to Sam) You should never have let Blair publish that article about those thugs in the first place.
Blair: Oh, stop blaming Sam for all of this!
Todd: Okay, who else can I blame?
Sam: Listen, I know you don't want to stay at Todd's and, believe me, I don't like the idea, either.
Blair: There's got to be a better solution.
Todd: Oh, come on, Blair, you're going to hurt my feelings.
Sam: (to Blair) You and Todd hate each other and everybody knows that.
Todd: Yeah, unless they've been living under a rock.
Blair: (about the penthouse) It's -- it's been a long time since I've been here.
Todd: And I count my blessings every day.
Blair: Thank you for moving out of your bedroom for me.
Todd: I'm not moving anywhere.
Blair: I'm not staying in this room with you, Todd.
Todd: You don't have a choice.
Blair: What do you mean, I don't have a choice? You have six rooms in this penthouse!
Todd: Yeah, but this is the safest room in the penthouse. Look, I got the windows shut, the -- well, the shades are drawn, and look, I'm the only one who ever comes in here. And if somebody ever does come in here and sees you, you can, you know, just hop in the closet there because it's got a false back and you can hide until they won't find you.
[Todd hears squeaking coming from Blair's air mattress]
Todd: Blair, will you quit moving around? Your bed's all squeaky.
[The bed continues squeaking]
Todd: What, you couldn't blow it up? You've got enough hot air, you could use it.
[Todd relents and gets out of bed]
Todd: Okay, fine, but tomorrow night you're sleeping on the floor.
[Todd goes to the mattress to take Blair's place, but finds she's asleep, so he covers her with his blanket instead]
[Blair has a nightmare about the shooter and Todd tries to comfort her]
Blair: He was right here.
Todd: No, there's nobody here. Look around. Is there anybody? There's nobody here, just you and me.
Blair: It was very real. He was standing right there, looking down at me. I'll never forget his face.
Todd: You've got to stop.
Blair: Todd, he had a gun. The gun was right there.
Todd: Nobody's going to hurt you. Sit down.
Blair: He was -- he was there. I saw his eyes. My God, he wants me dead. He wants me dead.
Todd: Well, he'll have to go through me first.
Blair: Why can't I just forget that night? I just keep seeing it. I see him. He was standing there with the gun in his hand, and I swear if he hadn't heard those sirens --
Todd: Well, he did hear those sirens and you got away because you're smart and you're tough, Blair.
[Sam interrupts a close moment between T&B]
Todd: Do you not know how to knock? What, were you born in a barn?
Blair: Sam, I'm so glad that you're here.
Todd: That makes one of us.
Sam: Am I interrupting something?
Blair: I was having a really terrible nightmare.
Todd: And then she screamed so much, it gave me a nightmare.
Blair: And Todd was trying to make me feel better.
Sam: Did it work?
Blair: Yeah, I -- I guess. But, you know, now that you're here, Sam --
Todd: Spare me.
Blair: Um, Todd slept in the bed.
Sam: (to Todd) You made Blair sleep on the floor?
Todd: Well, I got her an air mattress.
Sam: So why didn't you sleep in it?
Todd: With Blair?
Todd: (to Blair, about Sam) He shouldn't be here.
Sam: Why not, Todd?
Todd: Because I can't stand you.
Blair: Well, gee whiz, you can't stand me, either, Todd.
Todd: That's true, but I made a deal and you have to be here, but as long as you are here, he's not allowed here. There's no Rappaports. There's a Rappaport ban.
Todd: (to Sam) Believe me, if it were up to me, Blair would be stashed at your house. I don't want her around here at all. I mean, she talks in her sleep. Well, you -- well, I mean, maybe you don't know that.
Blair: Why is it that every time Sam is here, you just happen to barge in, huh?
Todd: Okay, fine. You go ahead. You keep making gaga eyes at Sam here. But then when you get yourself killed, I'll stand over your dead body and I'll tell you that I told you so.
[The phone starts ringing]
Todd: Whoa -- no, no, you can't answer that phone.
Blair: I know that.
Todd: It's just Cassie, anyway. She's probably calling just to yell at me.
[When Blair wants to go see Addie, Todd suggests that they dress like nuns and sneak into St. Ann's]
Blair: You want me to traipse all over town in a nun's habit.
Todd: There's no traipsing. We have a car.
[T&B are dressed like nuns]
Todd: Who cares what Addie says, right? Nobody's going to believe her anyway. She's a nut job, just like you're a nut job.
Blair: Well, I would be very careful who you call a nut job, Sister Manning.
Nun: I don't recognize you.
Blair: I'm sister Monica, and this is Sister Anna Nicole.
[Later, Todd takes issue with the names]
Todd: "Sister Anna Nicole"? Have you lost your mind?
Blair: It's all I could think of.
Todd: What?
Blair: It's all I could think of!
Todd: If you don't have anything to smart to say, don't say anything at all.
Blair: You look ridiculous.
Todd: Really? I thought black was slimming.
Blair: You, a holy woman -- you're lucky that you didn't instantaneously combust.
Blair: Well, if it wasn't for you, then -- well, I mean, who else could've come up with this -- such a stupid, you know, idea like this?
Todd: Well, not Sam. I mean, can you really picture sam in a penguin suit like this?
Blair: Well, Sam probably -- he just would've done it differently, that's all.
Todd: Yeah, but he didn't. But I did.
Blair: So did you really tell Hank that you were taking -- that you'd taken a vow?
Todd: Yeah.
[Blair laughs]
Todd: Why not? People can change.
Blair: You've been really great today. I was worried about Mama. You knew that.
Todd: Well, it's not like you were really hiding it.
Blair: Well, you didn't have to help me, Todd, but you did. You came up with a really great idea and we dressed up and we got into St. Ann's.
Todd: And out. That's the tricky part.
Blair: Yeah. And you went out of your way to make me feel better. You even dressed in drag.
Todd: Glad you noticed.
Todd: All right, look, I know that there's some mob that's trying to kill you and everything, and I can't stand you, but that doesn't mean that I want to see you on the 11:00 news.
Blair: Why, thank you so much, Todd.
Blair: Just now when I heard Jack crying, it made me think of Mexico. And not the day that Jack was born, but the day that you told me that he died, that I would never see my little boy again.
Todd: It's not one of my better decisions.
Todd: See, there's something that -- that you're still not seeing. I mean -- all right, look, I don't unders-- ahem -- I don't expect you to understand this, but I understand it because, you know, I had that whole time on a deserted island to think about it. I thought about it the whole time I was on that stupid raft with nothing around me but water.
Blair: What, Todd? I'd really like to know. What?
Todd: I don't expect you to ever forgive me for what I did.
Blair: That's your grand revelation?
Todd: Yep. No. Look, there's something that you got to understand.
Blair: What? What? Just say it. What?
Todd: If I had it to do over again, I would do everything different.
Blair: Well, that's easy for you to say now, isn't it?
Todd: Well, you see, now, I knew that you were going to say that, those exact words. Now I know you, Blair.
Blair: But you broke my heart anyway, didn't you?
Todd: I didn't figure that me telling you this would change anything.
Blair: Well, yeah. Well, you got that right.
Todd: But I still had to tell you because it's the truth. Look, you go ahead. All right, fine, you keep holding Mexico against me. You punish me for what I've done for the rest of my life. I don't care. It was a long time ago, Blair, and I can't take it back. All I can do is make sure that I don't do anything like that ever again.
Blair: Yeah, until you get jealous again.
Todd: I don't even know why I bother. I don't care what you have to say or what you think. Not anymore. I just wanted to set the record straight.
Blair: Wait. Is that true?
Todd: I just told you it was true!
Blair: No, no, I'm talking about -- you really don't care what I think? You don't care about me at all?
Todd: You are Starr and Jack's mother. That's why I'm helping you.
Blair: Oh, come on. That's not what I asked, and you know it. Do you care about me anymore?
[They are interrupted when Jack starts crying and Todd has to leave the room]
Todd: I'll go.
Blair: I still want you to answer my question.
Todd: What question?
Blair: Do you care?
Todd: Why should I? You don't care about me. You got over me like I was a 24-hour stomach virus. What difference does it make whether or not I care about you?
Blair: It makes a lot of difference to me, todd.
Todd: Well, that's your problem.
Blair: (to Jakc) You know, your daddy's been really terrific, Jack. He sure has. Yep. There you go. He loves you so, so very much, and I know that now. I guess the big question is, how do I feel about your daddy?
Todd: So --
Blair: What?
Todd: Don't you think we should finish?
Blair: Finish what?
Todd: We were having a conversation.
Blair: Oh, you mean before I took Jack upstairs? No, you were having a monologue. I wasn't saying anything.
Blair: You know, Starr even had a sweet little Christmas pageant at school, and I couldn't even there to see her. I missed the whole thing!
Todd: So what? Come on, what would you rather do, go see some kids act out some stupid story or, you know, get shot by some guy in the mob?
Blair: Well, of course I can't live here with you, Todd. I hate you.
Todd: Okay, I was listening, remember?
Blair: Oh, well, all right. You know what? I -- I don't hate you as much as I used to hate you.
[T&B watch the Christmas pageant tape]
Blair: Oh! There's -- there's Matthew. Gosh. He's going to be as handsome as his daddy.
Todd: Well, let's hope he's smarter. Sam's one piston short of a two-stroke, if you ask me.
[Todd wants to turn the Christmas tape off after Blair finds out that he didn't make the tape -- Sam did]
Todd: I think you've had enough of this syrupy Christmas stuff.
Blair: It wasn't "syrupy Christmas stuff" when you let me think that you made this tape.
Blair: Sam gave that tape to me.
Todd: Oh, right, Sam, good old Sam. What a trouper, Sam.
Blair: And I can't wait to thank him.
Todd: You can't see him, Blair.
Blair: Todd!
Todd: Hey, look, I don't make the -- actually, you know what? I do. I do make the rules.
Sam: Now, if you don't let me see Blair, I'm going to start to thinking maybe there's something you're concerned about more than just Blair's safety.
Todd: Like what?
Sam: Like maybe you're still in love with her.
Todd: Hmm. That was a good one -- ha-ha.