Todd & Blair [2002, Part 3]
[Blair is shocked to learn that Jack has aplastic anemia]
Blair: When Starr was sick with aplastic anemia, they told us how rare it was. How could this -- how could this happen?
Todd: You know, I said the same thing. I mean, really, how much bad luck can one family have?
Todd: Well, the best that they could do was say that was medically -- coincidental.
Blair: Coincidental?
Todd: Yeah, just one of those wacky kind of, you know, freaky disease, one-in-a-million coincidences.
Blair: Well, you know what, Todd? I'm not buying it.
Todd: Yeah, well, you're going to have to.
Blair: What if we did something wrong? I don't know, maybe it's something that they -- they're drinking or they're eating.
Todd: No, you can't even get aplastic anemia that way. And even if you could, Starr was living at the penthouse when she got aplastic anemia and she was drinking all that soymilk gunk. And Jack -- well, Jack lives at Dorian's, and he drinks his milk straight from the cow.
Blair: Well, how did you find a donor for Jack so quickly?
Todd: The usual way -- I asked around.
Todd: (to Blair) All right, look, look, let's just go, all right? Sam doesn't care if you get upset, but I don't really want to see it.
[Blair figures out the truth, with help from Sam]
Blair: Gabrielle wasn't Jack's bone marrow donor. Alex was. Wasn't she?
Sam: Yes, she was.
Blair: That means she was the perfect match for both Jack and Starr. And the only way that's possible is if Starr and Jack are brother and sister.
Sam: I know.
Blair: Biological brother and sister.
Sam: I know.
Blair: And that would mean that Todd was Jack's birth father -- and I was his birth mother.
Sam: Blair --
Blair: And there is only one little boy in the whole world who is our biological son -- the baby I gave birth to in Mexico, the baby that died in Mexico. Only he didn't die, did he? Did he, Sam? Did he?
Sam: No. Your baby didn't die.
Blair: I know he didn't. It's the only way any of this makes sense.
Blair: You knew, didn't you? That's what you were going to tell me at the hospital, right?
Sam: I thought Todd was finally going to be honest with you.
Blair: Yes, you thought Todd finally told me that Jack is -- my son, the baby I thought I lost, the baby Todd told me was dead. Oh, my God! Sam -- Todd made me believe my own baby was dead! Oh, my God!
[Gabrielle tries to encourage Todd to tell Blair the truth about Jack]
Todd: Once you told somebody the truth, did they still think you were a golly-gee, swell person?
Gabrielle: No.
Todd: Didn't think so.
Gabrielle: But I felt much better.
Todd: I don't want to feel better. I want Blair.
Todd: So what do I say? "Hi, Blair. Gee, that's a great belt. Hey, remember when you told me you were pregnant and Max was the father?"
Gabrielle: That's a good start.
Todd: "I didn't want you to have Max's baby. I couldn't handle being alone. I told you the baby was toast. Then when I found out that the baby was mine, did I tell you the baby was alive and bring him back? No, no, I told him he was some kid we found and we should adopt him, and I've been lying to you for a really, really, really long time. Say, Blair, feel like forgiving me?"
[Todd doesn't realize that Blair already knows the truth about Jack]
Todd: Blair, how come you weren't down at The Sun? Where are the kids? Blair, what are you doing?
Blair: I was just thinking about our son -- our biological son, Todd.
Blair: If you asked me what was the worst thing that ever happened to me, you know what I'd say?
Todd: Losing your baby.
Blair: It must have been awfully hard for you to tell me that my baby was dead.
Todd: Yeah, it was hard.
Blair: Oh, I'll bet.
Blair: You must've been really upset when you had to help deliver Max's baby.
Todd: I didn't think about it.
Blair: Sure you did. You were in love with me, jealous as hell, having to help deliver another man's baby. Admit it -- you were furious.
Todd: It bothered me.
Blair: How much?
Todd: Look, Blair --
Blair: When you lifted that baby up, saw him start to breathe, fighting for his place in the world, what went through your mind?
Todd: I was so busy, and I don't really remember.
Blair: Tell me.
Todd: I can't tell you if I don't remember.
Blair: You remember. You remember every second. Now, tell me.
Todd: Tell you what?
Blair: What you did. Why can't you even admit it? Why can't you say it?
Todd: Say what?
Blair: Say it! Say it, you bastard! You lied. You told me my baby was dead. And that was a lie.
Blair: All you cared about was whether or not I found out what kind of monster you were. The kind that would take an innocent baby and get rid of it because he couldn't raise another man's child!
Todd: There are so many mistakes that --
Blair: Just admit it, Todd. I want to hear you say it and be honest. For one moment in your sorry life I want you to tell me what you did.
Todd: I did it. I did everything you said I did.
Todd: I tried to tell you, Blair. I did. Tried to tell you before we got married. I tried to tell you after we got married. Remember that time you said you would forgive me no matter what I did I almost told you then.
Blair: You're a liar.
Todd: You said that -- you said you loved me. And you said that you would forgive me no matter what I did. Well, that's now, Blair. That's now. That's right now. What do you say, Blair? You got everything. All you got to do is forgive me.
Todd: You said you could forgive me for anything. Can't you find a way to forgive this?
Blair: No. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't know how.
Todd: Maybe what I did wasn't the smartest thing in the world. Maybe people can say it was wrong.
Blair: Cruel and evil.
Todd: Those things, too.
Todd: I love what we have. I love our family. You and me, Starr and Jack --
Blair: But we don't have a family, Todd. We never did.
Todd: No, we did.
Blair: No, no. It was just a lie.
Todd: No, not our family. Yes, I lied. I admit it. We've always lied to each other, you and me.
Blair: You must think I'm so stupid.
Todd: A little emotional --
Blair: All those clues right under my nose. Right under my nose. I was just too busy living in this dream world.
Todd: It's not a dream world, Blair. It's a real world for us.
Blair: Todd, I wanted so much to believe in what we had. I loved you so much. I wanted to believe that you loved me, too. You know what, it was all a dream. It is gone.
Todd: All you got to do now is give me another chance.
Blair: It is too late, Todd. You killed that dream just like you killed my baby in Mexico.
Blair: Go. Now. Or I'll call the police and I'll tell them everything you did.
Todd: They already know.
Blair: Then you'd better hurry.
Todd: You can't do this to me.
Blair: To you? I didn't do this to you, Todd. You did all this yourself.
[Todd blames Sam for telling Blair about the dead baby lie]
Todd: You wrecked your life and you couldn't stand to see anybody else happy.
Sam: Don't go there, Todd.
Todd: You're a loser, Sam. You are. You couldn't even hold on to Nora, like she's some prize.
Sam: You leave Nora out of this.
Todd: The way you left Blair out of it? Home wrecker.
Todd: Blair, I love you. I know I don't always say it, but I do, and I'm sorry. I am so sorry. If can you find a way to forgive me, I will find a way to make it up to you for the rest of your life. Oh, that sucked. How about this -- I'm a rat. I'm a lousy rat. I'm a lousy, stinking rat -- if you leave me, I will be without one hell of a tax exemption. I want you to forgive me.
Tea: (about Todd) He loves Blair. I know he does. And now he's lost her.
Antonio: She's a piece of work, too.
Tea: You can say that again. You know what's amazing?
Antonio: What? That you can let the guy go?
Tea: That both Blair and Todd are better people when they're together.
Todd: I knew you'd give me a second chance!
Blair: I'm not giving you a second chance.
Todd: Okay, it's, like, a third chance.
Blair: Not a third.
Todd: Fourth chance, whatever.
Todd: I should have told you the truth about Jack.
Blair: Yeah, you should have.
Todd: I won't lie to you anymore. I swear, from now on, I will tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. But really, it's just you because I'm still going to lie to everybody else because -- okay, I won't. I won't lie to you because we've got each other, right? And you've also got Jack and you've got Starr -- that's four -- four Mannings! I'll make it up to you, Blair. I will, I'm going to make this up to you. From now on, I mean it, I'm going to be perfect -- the perfect husband, the perfect father, the perfect everything.
Todd: Starr said that she wants us to stay together.
Blair: That's what she wants. I don't.
Todd: Well, it's two against one. You've been out voted.
Blair: Doesn't work that way, Todd.
Todd: Well, you can't do this to me. You -- and you can't do this to Starr. I mean -- come on, she always gets everything that she wants, especially if it's something important.
Blair: I just figure the sooner we get this divorce under way, the easier it'll be for Starr to deal with it, and we'll get on with our lives, all of us.
Todd: I don't want to deal with -- I don't want to move on or get on with my life or any -- I don't want a divorce!
Blair: Well, I didn't want to think that my son was dead, either. And I didn't want to believe that Jack was another woman's son! But we don't always get what we want, now, do we, Todd?
Todd: What court in the world is ever going to let you take Jack and Starr away from their father?
Blair: What court in the world is ever going to force a mother to have their children visit a convict?
Todd: What's that supposed to mean?
Blair: You're never going to see Jack again.
Todd: Look, you can't do that.
Blair: Oh, yes, I can.
Todd: No, you can't.
Blair: Yes, I can, and it's easy, Todd. "El bebe esta muerto."
[Blair attacks Gabrielle after the dead baby lie reveal]
Gabrielle: Why else would you go after me?
Blair: Well, why don't you just think about everything that you did?
Gabrielle: I have. But it's nothing compared to Todd. Oh. No, you -- you don't still love him, do you? Oh, heaven help you, Blair.
[Blair hallucinates Todd]
Blair: No, you're not really here, Todd. You are just in my head. But not for long! Because I'm going to kick you out of my head, this house. I'm going to kick you out of my life! You hear me? Right now.
Todd's voice: Yeah, you can kick me out of the house. Maybe even kick me out of your life. But you'll never get me out of your head. We both know that. I'll always be there. Get used to it. See? I get the last laugh. You're stuck with me forever.
[Blair continues to hallucinate Todd]
Suzanne: Will you be needing anything else tonight?
Blair: No, thank you. I'm -- I'm fine. I'll be just fine.
Suzanne: Okay, I'll be in my room, then. See you tomorrow.
Blair: Thank you.
Todd's voice: You'll never be fine. You'll never be fine without me, Blair, and you know it.
[Blair makes out with Chad outside of Capricorn]
Chad: Mrs. Manning, I'm not too sure I can do this.
Blair: Oh, wait, wait, wait. It's Blair. There is no "Mrs. Manning."
Chad: Right. Blair. Uh, but there is a Mr. Manning. Your husband, remember? What about him?
Blair: (quietly, to herself) Mr. Manning. Todd.
[Todd visits Tea and asks her for a favor]
Tea: You know, even if I wanted to help you, there's no way I could -- I can't get you what you want.
Todd: How do you know?
Tea: Because I know what you want. You want Blair back.
[Chad is scared to make out with Blair because of Todd]
Blair: Don't you worry your pretty little head about Mr. Manning.
Chad: Well, I -- I kind of have to, don't I? What are you doing? He's rich, and he's powerful, and -- wait -- and he's pretty violent, from what I hear, and he's also married to you.
Blair: Uh-uh -- not anymore.
Chad: What do you mean? You guys are split?
Blair: Mm-hmm. Completely. From now on, he's dead to me.
Chad: Wow. I'm sorry. Um, that's too bad.
Blair: It's bad for him. But it's good for you.
Todd: I don't want Blair back. I don't even want Blair on the planet.
Tea: Wow. You're still that crazy about her, huh?
Todd: You're not listening to me.
Tea: Todd, I know you well enough to recognize what you're doing. You only get this angry at people you love.
Todd: You know what really, really makes me angry? Is when people play make-believe amateur shrink. Love Blair? Do you have any idea what Blair's trying to do to me?
Tea: Is it as bad as taking her baby and telling her he died?
Todd: Yeah -- no, worse.
Tea: Uh-huh. Somehow, I doubt that.
[Sam stops Blair from sleeping with Chad]
Blair: (to Sam) How am I ever gonna get over what he did to me? How am I ever gonna get over Todd?
[Blair tells Sam why she nearly slept with Chad]
Blair: I just wanted somebody nice to love me. Somebody who wouldn't do what Todd did.
[Todd jealously confronts Chad after learning that Chad was with Blair the other night]
Chad: I can explain.
Todd: I really hope you can because I'm not someone that you want to mess with. I'm liable to do something that I probably wouldn't even regret.
Chad: Nothing happened, I swear. The instant she took her dress off --
Todd: She took her dress off?
Chad: Um -- sort of. Look, I -- I realized how completely drunk she was and how wrong it would be for me to take advantage of that.
Todd: You're just the perfect gentleman, aren't you?
Chad: And you're someone who doesn't seem to know how to treat his own wife.
Todd: A perfect gentleman who will swallow his own teeth.
Chad: It seems to me, Mr. Manning, sir, that it would serve you right if Blair did run off with another guy.
Todd: I'm going to count to 10.
Blair: What the -- how'd you get in here?
Todd: I walked.
Blair: Well, what about the security guards?
Todd: Yeah -- oh, they're there. They're just -- well, they're a little slow.
Todd: We're not talking about what I did. We're talking about what you did.
Blair: Well, I did not do anything.
Todd: Or should I say "who"?
Todd: I wasn't happy when I found out that you were going at it with some guy outside of a bar --
Blair: Oh, come on, I wasn't going at it.
Todd: But then I figured you were just trying to get back at me for whatever I did to you.
Blair: I get it. It always goes back to you. All about you, Todd, right?
Todd: I forgive you. I forgive you for your little adventure in babysitting, and now you forgive me, and we'll call the whole thing even.
Blair: You stole my baby away and you told me that he was dead, Todd. And you know what? You weren't even going to tell me about it. You would have let me think that my son was dead forever!
Todd: No, no, no. I brought him back for you.
Blair: That's because I told you that you were the father, but you know what? I was the mother and that didn't even matter to you.
Todd: No. I told you I wasn't really thinking straight then.
Blair: (about Todd) I was trying to figure out a way for him to be in our lives. I mean, I wasn't going to take him back.
Sam: I don't expect you to.
Blair: It's just with Todd, anything short of everything isn't enough. It's either all or nothing with him. So Todd, he gets nothing.
Blair: You're probably my only friend.
Sam: Why would you say that?
Blair: Oh, what -- yeah, why would I say that? Because I'm Blair Manning. I was married to Todd Manning. People tend to shy away from us. Always have.