Todd Shows Skye Proof That Blair Owns B&B

Todd is hanging out in the Sun office, munching on Chinese food and reading Skye's latest article for the paper. The article, entitled "Shrinkwrapped," slams Rae Cummings.

Todd: (reading aloud) "Would you take romantic advice from the woman who unleashed a serial rapist in Llanview?" (laughing) "Never say never, dear reader! If you enjoy The Banner's advice column by Rae Cummings, that's just what you're doing."

At this moment, a very tired-looking Skye enters the office.

Todd: Hey great hatchet job here, Chandler! Next time, though --
Skye: Oh, yeah --
Todd: I want you to go after Sykes. I really can't stand that guy.
Skye: Gee, thanks, boss. Do you have any -- do you have any idea what time it is?
Todd: Yeah, does it make a difference? If I call you, you come here. I call, you come.
Skye: For what?
Todd: Well, I want you off the Max and Blair trail.
Skye: Why?
Todd: Because I've decided I want them to live happily ever after.
Skye: Oh, no they shouldn't! Not in this lifetime!

--end scene--

Todd is now practicing his putting on a little mini golf course set up in the office. Skye, obviously exhausted, is lying down on the office couch.

Todd: You gotta learn how to admit defeat, Chandler. You did your best to break up Blair and Max. Just not going to happen.
Skye: I don't do "defeat."
Todd: See, I'm not sure. I had Blair locked up in that closet. All you had to do was your little vixen number and what happened? Nothing. Nothing!
Skye: I just need to get Max to see Blair for the lying traitor that she is.
Todd: Well, see, Blair -- she knows how to cover her tracks. It's like that business thing that she was keeping from Max. What was it called? D&D? D&G?
Skye: (in disbelief) B&B?
Todd: Oh yeah, that's it.

Skye scrambles off the couch. She's excited.

Skye: What? What did Blair say to you?
Todd: (feigning ignorance) Nothing. I don't even know what it is.
Skye: Oh, I do! While Blair's playing the wife -- devoted wife act to the hilt -- she has a secret plan to destroy Max and Asa!
Todd: Well, you're never going to be able to get Blair on something like that unless you have proof.
Skye: I know. I don't have any proof yet, but I'm sure you could come up with some proof in the computer, but you need those -- those pin codes or passwords --
Todd: Access codes. Oh, yeah, you really gotta know your way around a computer to find those. It's possible, though.
Skye: Have you done that before?
Todd: Well --
Skye: Todd, can you get me the proof I need to nail Blair?
Todd: Nah, I'm not going to get involved.
Skye: Oh, come on! Yes you can!

Todd putts and gets the ball directly into the hole. He looks at Skye.

Todd: Well, I guess I could get a little involved.

Skye smiles happily.

--end scene--

Todd is sitting at his desk, the computer in front of him. Skye is pacing about nervously.

Todd: Okay, you gotta stop that, you're making me nervous.
Skye: Well, all right, just tell me what's going on.
Todd: (looking at the computer screen) There's nothing going on, it's just searching, that's all.
Skye: Well --
Todd: I know that B&B's in there, it's just that it's registered as a private company.
Skye: Yeah, well, they must have an owner or a CEO listed or something.
Todd: If it's a new business, then it has to file as a corporation, or at the very least, file a DBA which means "Doing Business As" --
Skye: I know what that means. Just find it.
Todd: Well, that would mean that I'd have to break into the government files.
Skye: (scoffing) Oh, Todd, please.
Todd: Okay, you're right, I'm already doing, it, but -- (he looks at the computer screen) Oh, wait, here it is.

Skye runs over to look.

Skye: Did you find something?
Todd: (reading the computer screen) "B&B United" ... "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania" ...gotta scroll down here... "Registered by Blair Buchanan."
Skye: (happily) Oh, Todd, you are a genius!!

Skye is grinning from ear to ear. Todd looks at her, then turns away, deep in thought.

--end transcript--

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