Todd Hires Skye And Blair Is Outraged

Todd is at the Palace, where he's just had an unpleasant run-in with Viki and Ben. After they leave, Todd looks around the restaurant until he finds Skye sitting at one of the tables.

Todd: Just the person I was hoping to see.
Skye: Well, now you've seen me. Now get lost.

She gets up from her table and tries to leave, but Todd stops her.

Todd: No, you and I are going to have a conversation about the dumbest guy in the whole world. That would be Ben.
Skye: Ben and I are divorced, and I have nothing to do with him anymore. And I don't want to talk about him -- certainly not with you.
Todd: Yeah, but you see, you and I are going to talk about him.
Skye: Look, the last little get-together we had was anything but pleasant. I don't like you, I don't like Blair, and I don't like that hideous little brat you spawned together. So just stay away from me from now on, okay? Is that clear enough for you?
Todd: You know, I publish a newspaper and I'm prepared to make you an offer that you would be an absolute idiot to refuse. Is that clear enough for you?

Skye seems a little bit interested at this, but she still walks away.

--end scene--

Later, Todd is at his office, sitting at his desk and holding a little model of the globe in his hands, when his intercom rings. He puts the globe down and answers the phone.

Todd: What? Well, you know what? Count to, like, five and then send her in.

Todd hangs up on the secretary, jumps to his feet, then puts the phone back to his ear and -- pretending that Blair is on the other end -- begins yelling loudly into the phone. Just as he's beginning his tirade, Skye approaches his office door in time to hear everything he's saying.

Todd: (yelling into the phone) You keep your marital problems away from my kid, you got that? You and Max are having some kind of a problem and Starr tells me about it, I'm coming after you! And Ill get sole custody so fast, your head will spin and the blood will come out of your eye sockets!

Todd slams the phone down and turns around to "notice" Skye standing there. He feigns embarrassment.

Todd: Uh, bill collector.
Skye: (sauntering into the office) Oh, please. What do you take me for? That was about Max and Blair.
Todd: You know, your memory sucks.
Skye: Excuse me?
Todd: Yeah, I told you to stay away from Max!
Skye: What I do is none of your business.
Todd: If it affects my kid, it's my business!

Todd pauses just before putting his next stage of the plan in motion. He sits back down at the desk.

Todd: Well, so, I guess you've heard.
Skye: Heard what?
Todd: Oh, you haven't heard? Max has been calling out your name in his sleep.
Skye: What are you talking about?
Todd: You really didn't know? Wow. Well, Starr came to me the other day and said that -- that Max and Blair were having this huge blowout because Max had been babbling your name in his sleep. I guess, you know, he's not over you yet. I mean, that's what Blair seems to think.

Skye is officially intrigued.

Skye: Really? Why are you telling me this? The last time I saw you, you were defending their marriage, warning me to stay away like you just did.
Todd: I changed my mind. Now what I want is Max on a slow boat to China. You want him, you should take him. Really, it'd be better for everybody.
Skye: I couldn't agree with you more.
Todd: Well, maybe we should work on this together.

--end scene--

When the scene returns, Skye is wandering around Todd's office, contemplating his suggestion.

Skye: So, Todd, what do you get out of all this? I mean, besides getting Max out of your daughter's life, hm? Blair, maybe?
Todd: No, that all went sour a long time ago.
Skye: Really? Well, from what I know about your history, you and Blair would be perfect together.
Todd: This has got nothing to do with me or Blair. This has to do with Max and Blair.
Skye: Well, I wouldn't worry about a thing. Max and Blair won't last.
Todd: That's not what Blair says. Or Max, I mean, if you really care what he has to say.
Skye: You know, Max might say that he wants Blair, but I can see the way he looks at me. Why do you think Blair gets so insanely jealous? Max wants me. He just can't admit it to himself. I don't care how many kids Blair pops out to nail his feet to the floor. Max will never really be hers.

Skye sits down on Todd's desk and messes with his mini globe toy.

Skye: So, you, uh, said something about an offer...?
Todd: Yeah. A job offer. See, uh, I'm -- I'm looking for, you know, a vindictive, venomous reporter, and you apparently have some kind of magazine or newspaper experience, so -- I don't know, maybe we could work something out.
Skye: Well, assuming we can work out all of those pesky little details, like hours, assignments...
Todd: Money's not a problem.
Skye: (eagerly) Great! You just hired yourself a new reporter!

Skye puts out her hand to shake Todd's, but he pointedly doesn't take it.

Todd: Great, go talk to this guy Briggs and he'll set you up with a desk and little paper clips and staplers and all the stuff you need.

As Skye's walking out the door, Todd stops her in her tracks with one last "detail."

Todd: What's the deal with Max and Ben?
Skye: (turning around to face him) What deal?
Todd: Well, it just seems that Max and Ben have some kind of connection, and I haven't figured out what it is, that's all.

Skye looks nervous.

--end scene--

Skye: What's this interest in Ben all of a sudden?
Todd: Just curious.

Todd grabs the candy bowl on his desk, gets out of his chair and walks over to Skye.

Skye: Well, you know what curiosity did to the cat.
Todd: Yeah, but cats are all really stupid.
Skye: I don't know what's going on between Ben and Max. I'm not even sure there is anything going on between them. I mean, what makes you think there's anything going on?
Todd: Just a feeling. Anyway, welcome to my newspaper. May we make many enemies together.

Todd offers the bowl to Skye and she's about to take a piece of candy when suddenly, Blair walks in (she's brought papers related to Todd's new ownership of B&B United). And she does NOT look happy to see Skye.

--end scene--

Blair: Did someone say "deal"? Deal?? Okay, Todd, what's going on?
Skye: Oh please, Blair, don't make a scene.
Blair: I want an explanation, Todd, and it better be good!
Todd: It's okay. I hired Skye as a features writer.
Blair: Are you crazy??

Todd is still munching on the candy, and he's now giving Blair a curious look. It's obvious he's enjoying her jealousy.

Todd: I saw what she's got and I liked it.
Blair: She's a bottom-feeding hag!
Todd: So what?
Skye: (to Todd) I beg your pardon!
Todd: (still talking to Blair) I thought that would be good for The Sun.
Blair: What about what she's done to me??
Todd: Look, what people do in their personal time really has nothing to do with me.
Blair: This woman has been doing after my husband for months! She's trying to destroy my marriage -- she still is! I don't want her near me, or anybody that I'm close to! Now, you end this deal, now!

--end scene--

Skye walks over to Blair.

Skye: Blair, is this the way you act around Max? All of this shrieking and hissing and spitting? No wonder why Max ended up in the arms of another woman!
Blair: I don't need any pointers on behavior from you.
Skye: Really? Because, you know, I can tell you what Max really likes. What keeps him coming back for more...

Blair is about to attack Skye, but Todd gets in between them and stops the cat-fight before it turns physical.

Todd: Okay, all right, all right, all right, that's enough, that's enough. You guys want to have this kind of fun, you can do it around the water cooler. (to Skye) You, go see personel, they'll set up your paper clips and your staplers and all that stuff.

Skye doesn't budge.

Todd: (sighing) Look, if I have to say "right now," then you're fired.
Skye: All right. I'll be back in a little while. I look forward to working with you, Todd.

As Skye leaves the room, Todd very obviously turns to check out her behind. Blair is not impressed.

Blair: Well, it's obvious that you didn't hire Ms. Skye for her word-processessing.
Todd: No, I hired her for her spread-sheet.

Todd laughs at his joke, but Blair is pissed.

Blair: (yelling) Why are you doing this??
Todd: (turning serious) I'm doing this for you.

--end scene--

Blair: (skeptically) You hired Skye for me? I don't think so.
Todd: No, you keep your enemies close to you.
Blair: She's my enemy.
Todd: Which makes her mine. Look, I worked really hard to get you and Max where you are right now. I'm not going to let the Wicked Red-Headed Witch of Llanview screw up my plans.
Blair: What plans?
Todd: You'll see.

Todd's phone starts ringing and he answers it.

Todd: What?

It's Starr on the other end.

Starr: Daddy, what's "ovulation"?
Todd: Uh -- wait, say that again?
Starr: I heard Mommy and Uncle Max talking about it. They said they're going to the Bayberry Inn to make a baby.

Todd has a disgusted look on his face.

Starr: Mommy said they had to do it today 'cause she had an ovulation. So what is it?
Todd: It's a chocolate flavored kind of drink, and you know what, we're going to talk about this some other time.
Starr: I don't want Mommy and Uncle Max to have a baby. It'll get all the presents and everything!
Todd: Yeah, I'll take care of it, all right?

Todd abruptly hangs the phone up.

Blair: Look, Todd, you can do whatever you want to do. (she puts down the papers she brought with her) I just came by to drop off those papers for the company.

Todd grabs a notepad and starts scribbling something on it.

Todd: Wait, you know, just -- just stand outside, I'll be there in a second.

Blair goes out into the hallway to wait for Todd. He finishes writing a note on the paper, puts it in an envelope, seals it and leaves the envelope -- labeled "Skye Chandler -- First Assignment" on his desk for Skye to find. Then he goes out into the hallway to meet up with Blair, who is just about to leave.

Todd: Wait, wait, wait, I got a surprise for you.
Blair: Everything you do is a surprise, Todd. Is this a good one or a bad one?
Todd: You'll see!

Todd takes off down the hallway and Blair reluctantly follows after him.

--end scene--

When Skye returns to the office, she sees the envelope and reads the note inside.

Skye: (reading) "Skye, Max is meeting Blair at the Bayberry Inn for a hot night. She won't make it. You will. P.S. Stay out of my office."

Skye gets a sneaky look on her face.

--end transcript--

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