Tina Warns Todd That Blair's After His Money

At the penthouse, Todd is on the phone with Dan McCabe, a trusts and estates attorney whose name he got from Nora.

Todd: Okay, thanks, Mr. McCabe. I'll be there. Okay, thanks for everything.

Just after Todd hangs up, the doorbell rings. He goes to answer and -- surprise! -- it's Tina. She's fresh from a meeting with Arthur Vandenburg of the Lord trust, which has given her a new idea on how to get some of the Lord inheritance money from Todd....

Todd: I should've known.
Tina: I hope I wasn't interrupting anything.
Todd: What do you want?
Tina: I came to apologize.
Todd: That's a first.
Tina: I know I wasn't very nice to you when I blurted out the news about Victor being your father.
Todd: Look, you've never been nice to me before. So what?
Tina: Well, that's exactly why I'm here. I was hoping that we could get past it all.
Todd: For what?
Tina: Do you think I could come in? Please?
Todd: (reluctantly) Fine. Hurry up -- I got some place I gotta be.

Tina eagerly follows Todd into the penthouse.

Tina: Look, you may not like it, but we're family now. Do you think we could at least try and get along?
Todd: Why?
Tina: Well, because that's what families do.
Todd: I don't want anything to do with it.
Tina: You don't even know us.
Todd: I'd like to keep it that way.
Tina: Well, that's a little hard now that everything's out in the open. I think we owe it to ourselves to at least just get to know one another.
Todd: What are you, the Lord Welcoming Wagon? (brushing past Tina) Excuse me.
Tina: No, I'm just trying to make the best of an awkward situation.
Todd: Don't bother.
Tina: You're my brother now. I think we should.
Todd: Yeah, you seem about as happy about that as Viki was.
Tina: (surprised) You talked to Viki?
Todd: Oh, yeah. And she made it clear I wasn't invited to Christmas dinner.
Tina: I'm sure she'll come around in time.
Todd: I don't care if she does. Look, all I want is this money that's coming to me. You can keep your big, happy family all to yourself.
Tina: Maybe we could start by talking about our past.

Todd just stares at her.

Tina: Maybe that's not such a good idea.
Todd: No, I think it's a great idea. Why don't I start? There's some questions I'd like to ask you, since you're so anxious to make my acquaintance.
Tina: Okay, that's fine.
Todd: Let's talk about money.
Tina: (smoothly) All right.
Todd: David Vickers was pretending to be me for what? Some kind of inheritance?
Tina: (reluctantly) Yeah. But as soon as I found out that the real Lord heir was alive, I didn't want any part of David's scheme! I told him the only thing we could do would be to tell the truth!
Todd: Until you found out that it was me, and then all of a sudden it was easy to keep the news a secret.
Tina: You don't understand. David was really manipulative. He had me so turned around, I didn't know which end was up!
Todd: That's a new situation for you?
Tina: You don't have to be nasty, Todd. He lied to me, and he lied to everybody. He lied to you, too! I'm glad I divorced the creep!
Todd: Let's talk about the money.
Tina: All right. I'd much rather you have what's rightfully yours than that greedy monster get his hands on it!
Todd: Fine. What is "rightfully mine"? How much are we talking about here?

Tina stays silent.

Todd: Come on, it's all in the family, right? What's the deal?
Tina: Well, uh, it's somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty -- twenty-eight mil.

Todd is so stunned he has to ask for clarification.

Todd: --lion? Million? Dollars?
Tina: Yeah, somewhere in that area. With interest. 27.8 or so.

Todd slowly smiles, then breaks into a hearty laugh. Tina looks a little uncomfortable as his laughing gets louder and louder and he sinks down into the couch.

--end scene--

When the scene returns, Todd is still laughing.

Tina: Well, you're laughing. That's a first.
Todd: No, what do you expect? Look, I just hit lotto. I got visions of Maseratis spinning in my head.
Tina: I'm happy for you, Todd.
Todd: So, what, I just -- I just pick it up? It's in, like, big stacks of hundred dollar bills -- is that it?
Tina: Oh, don't be ridiculous, no! It's tied up in stocks and bonds. Most of it is invested in publishing ventures.
Todd: Yeah, but it's here in Llanview, right?
Tina: No, no, it's in a trust at the Barton Bank in Philadelphia.

Todd heads over to the desk to take down the information Tina's telling him.

Todd: Barton Bank.
Tina: (helpfully) The man you want to talk to is Arthur Vandenburg. He's the literary advisor for the trust. He was good friends with -- with our father.
Todd: (writing all of this down) Vandenburg. That's that English dude that was at the country club with Dorian Lord, right?
Tina: Yes, that's the one. So he can put you in touch with one of the trustees so that you can get your money.
Todd: Great.

Todd picks up the phone and prepares to make a call.

Tina: What are you doing?
Todd: I'm calling my lawyer, have him get in touch with this Vandenburg guy.
Tina: Wait a minute, wait!

Tina hangs the phone up.

Todd: What's the matter?
Tina: Well, do you realize that had it not been for me, you wouldn't even know about being Victor Lord's son?
Todd: Yeah, I would have figured it out sooner or later.
Tina: Yeah, but still, you -- you wouldn't have known about the money had it not been for me.
Todd: What do you want -- a medal?
Tina: No, but you can do something for me.
Todd: What's that?
Tina: Well, it's really for CJ and Sarah.
Todd: What about 'em?
Tina: I know you adore my children, and my children think the world of you. They call you their -- their genie. You even saved CJ's life!
Todd: They're great kids. What's your point?
Tina: Well, since you're about to come into all this unexpected money -- thanks to me, really -- don't you think that it's only fair that you were to share some of it with your new niece and nephew?

Todd stares at Tina and doesn't react at first.

--end scene--

Todd: (laughing) You really are a piece of work, aren't you?
Tina: What? I'm just thinking about my children's welfare.
Todd: Oh, bull, you're thinking about you.
Tina: No, that's not true!
Todd: What, you really think that I'm going to share one dime with you after you and your ex-husband tried to steal my money?
Tina: I just want my children to have a decent future.
Todd: CJ and Sarah are fine. Cord's their dad. He's got plenty for 'em, don't you think?
Tina: Go ahead. Deny them their birthright. It'll be on your head.
Todd: You know, Blair was right about you. She said that you'd use your kids to get what you want if you couldn't get it by yourself.
Tina: Oh, Blair's a fine one to talk considering what she's doing!
Todd: Meaning what?
Tina: Oh, do you honestly think she's pregnant?
Todd: What are you talking about?
Tina: Wake up, Todd! She's known right from the beginning about the money -- way before you did! That's the only reason she married you. Everybody knows it.

--end scene--

Tina: I thought you were smart, Todd. Doesn't it strike you as just a little convenient that she wanted to marry you all of a sudden and start a family?
Todd: The baby came first.
Tina: Money came first. She knew you were Victor Lord's son all along. She knew you stood to inherit millions! Forget the baby. It was the money. That's the only reason she married you.
Todd: That's a lie.
Tina: Why would I lie to you? It's your money. You told me I'm not going to see a penny of it.
Todd: Yeah, yeah, you hate that, don't you? I mean, you wanna get your hands on Victor Lord's cash so bad that you gotta take it out on me and Blair. Gotta hurt somebody somehow, don't you, Tina?
Tina: No, it's just your wife is a two-bit gold-digger.
Todd: I don't need to hear this. Get out.

Todd turns toward the doorway, but Tina refuses to let him alone.

Tina: Wait a minute! Don't take my word for it. Ask Asa. Cord. Max. Half the men in the town, they'll tell you! She slept with Asa so she could get his hands on his checkbook.
Todd: Oh, shut up, Tina.
Tina: She's not a saint! She's a user and a taker!
Todd: Oh, and what are you? Huh? At least she didn't, uh, plot around with David Vickers trying to steal my money.
Tina: Well, she didn't have to. All she had to do was sleep with you and then just give you a sad story about being pregnant.
Todd: It's not a story. She didn't want to get married to me. I'm the one who proposed -- I'm the one who insisted on it. This was my idea. Not hers.
Tina: Of course it was "your idea." And that was the key to her plan, to make you think that it was your idea. And she was betting 28 million dollars on it! She's been yanking your chain all along. Can't you see it?

It's clear from Todd's facial expression that even though he doesn't want to, he's starting to have some doubts.

--end scene--

Tina: Open your eyes, Todd. It's Blair Daimler we're talking about.
Todd: You don't need to tell me about Blair. I married her with my eyes wide open.
Tina: Really? Funny they didn't take notice of her tummy. It's as flat as a flounder. It's her checking account that's ready to expand.
Todd: You think I'm as dumb as all that? You hate Blair. You would do anything to dump on her. Let me tell you something -- Blair has always been straight with me.

Tina laughs sarcastically.

Todd: Not like you. You're the one that -- that went into business with David Vickers. Heck, you married him knowing that -- that he was trying to -- to steal my inheritance. What does that say about you?
Tina: I'm a fool. And I admit it. What's your excuse?
Todd: You're just not gonna quit, are you? You will say anything, you will do anything, to get your hand on our old man's cash.
Tina: No, keep the money, then! Just as long as she doesn't get it!
Todd: Fine. Goodbye, Tina.

Todd grabs his coat and heads toward the door.

Tina: Stop and think about it, Todd! Think! She must have known about the inheritance before she married you, because she and Cord were together just a month or so ago!
Todd: Oh, I know. She told me all about that.
Tina: Okay, then you know that Cord went all over Spain trying to track David down to stop him from claiming the inheritance. For God's sake, if -- if Cord knew about it of course he told Blair about the money!
Todd: No, he didn't tell her anything! That's why they broke up.
Tina: No, she broke up because she traded up -- to you! She smells money and she'll do anything it takes to get it. She'll even fake a pregnancy, which she's done before!
Todd: Look, she told me all about Asa. Blair and I, we don't have any secrets.
Tina: Only one. And the one that counts. Don't let her make a fool out of you. Just stop and think about it for a minute, Todd. The truth is staring you right in the face.

--end scene--

Todd: There's one thing you don't know about me and Blair. No matter what else has happened in our lives, we've always been honest with each other.
Tina: Oh, is that so? Well, then, what exactly did she tell you about her marriage to Asa?
Todd: They were gonna put her mother in a home, and she wasn't gonna see her anymore. And Asa practically blackmailed Blair into marrying him to stop that from happening.
Tina: That's only half true. I bet she left out the part where she ditched the man she loved for an old coot she despised. And why? Not just for Mommy, but because Asa had more money than God.
Todd: You're twisting it all around.
Tina: No, Todd, I'm giving you the facts, whether you want to accept 'em or not. Blair was in love with Max, and she dumped Max to be with the money. And then she was in love with Cord, and she dumped Cord -- do you see the pattern here?
Todd: Buzz off, Tina.
Tina: Oh! (snaps fingers) And don't forget the juicy part! After she dumped Max, she needed to pull the wool over Daddy Warbucks' eyes, so guess what she did? She told him she was pregnant -- the same cheap trick she's pulling with you. Wake up, Todd, before you hand over half of your 28 million. Just make sure! Don't trust her -- make sure!

Suddenly, Blair enters the penthouse -- and, of course, she's outraged to find Tina there.

Blair: What is going on here? Todd, say something! What is she doing here??

--end scene--
Tina: Well, you two lovebirds, you deserve some time alone. Honeymoon won't last forever -- isn't that what they say? Todd, think about what I said, all right? Just...sister to brother, all that stuff. (to Blair) Excuse me.

Tina brushes past Blair and goes out the door. Now T&B are left alone together, and Todd has some questions for Blair....

--end transcript--

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