Todd Confronts "Viki"/Jean Randolph

Todd knocks on the door at Llanfair, and Lois the housekeeper answers.

Todd: I'm here to see Kevin's mom. (suddenly rethinking his wording) No, no, no, I'm here to see Victoria Lord Buchanan Whatever.
Lois: I'm afraid this isn't a good time.
Todd: (shoving past Lois through the doorway) Tell her it's her brother and he wants to talk to her.
Lois: Stay right here!

Todd ignores Lois's order and wanders into the library. He walks around the room, looking at the books and touching a few knick-knacks on a table. He picks up a framed photograph of some family members and throws it back down on the desk. Then he picks up a copy of Sloan Carpenter's biography on Victor Lord, Lord of the Banner.

As Todd inspects the book, "Viki"/Jean Randolph can be seen approaching the library doors. Jean realized some time ago that Todd was the real Lord heir, but she kept quiet so as to protect Viki and the rest of the family from the truth. Now, she watches Todd for a moment, then calmly enters the room.

Jean: What do you want?

Todd turns and looks at her.

Todd: I thought we'd have a little talk about our father -- Victor Lord.

Todd holds out a page of the book, on which is printed a black-and-white photograph of Victor.

--end scene--

Jean: Our father? I'm sorry, I -- I don't understand.

Todd throws the book down onto the desk.

Todd: I'm Victor Lord's son. How's that? Is that clear enough? I'm the bastard son that David Vickers was pretending to be.
Jean: Well, that's not possible.
Todd: Think again.
Jean: What makes you so sure?
Todd: Oh, a long list. But mostly Tina -- our sister. She ran off at the mouth, and she told me point-blank.
Jean: Tina is an idiot.
Todd: No. No, I'm the idiot! Because it kept slamming me in the face again and again and again, and all I did was say, "Duh!" Yeah, but it all makes sense now. You see, David Vickers -- he wanted to be my best buddy -- me, the leper of Llanview! Oh, yeah, he wanted to be friends with me all right...the only reason he wanted to be friends was so he could ask me stupid questions about what I was like when I was a little kid!
Jean: You're absolutely sure about this?
Todd: Ask Tina. She was in on it, too. Matter of fact, it makes me think you might have known.
Jean: Me? I am stunned by what you're telling me.
Todd: Well,'s time to wise up then, isn't it?
Jean: Well, yes, I would say it's time to reasses a number of things. Why are you here?
Todd: Why am I here? Why am I here?? Because I've got a lot of questions -- that's why! About my mother...about this sleazebag guy who's supposed to be our dad! I mean, what kind of family is it that I'm supposed to be stuck in? Who was this "Lord of the Banner" anyway? What kind of a man was he?

Jean stares at Todd in silence -- this is the absolute last subject she wants to discuss.

--end scene--

Todd: Okay, so let's just say that you didn't know about this. I know you're not exactly thrilled to find out, but I've got some questions about my mother. Did you know her?
Jean: Look, Todd, I -- I really think we should talk later when you've had a chance to --
Todd: You are not gonna get rid of me.
Jean: That was not my intention.
Todd: Who was she? Come on.
Jean: Well, you have to understand that I only have David Vickers' word for what supposedly happened, and he is hardly a reliable source. But, according to him, Victor Lord had two children with his mistress, Irene Manning, and she apparently gave the male child to -- I don't know, a cousin of hers or something -- and his wife Barbara.
Todd: Did you know her?
Jean: Who? Barbara?
Todd: No, Irene. The woman who gave me away.
Jean: Yes.

Todd averts his gaze from Jean for a moment, as he tries to process the fact that he's actually about to learn something about his biological mother. When he speaks again, his voice catches a little.

Todd: What was she like?
Jean: Todd, she's dead. And Victor is dead. Why do this to yourself?
Todd: Because I want to know, that's why! Now, look, you may think that I'm scum -- you and your whole family may think that I'm scum, but I've got some answers coming my way! All right, now, let's -- Victor Lord and Irene Manning -- they pawned me off to some guy who hated my guts? And let me tell you, Peter Manning screwed me up but good. But I got some questions about Irene. I mean, what -- how did she meet this guy Victor? Why didn't he marry her? How come you knew her?
Jean: Well, what difference does that make?
Todd: It makes a difference because I wanna know! That's why it makes a difference!

And here is the part that Jean was trying to avoid talking about. But it appears now that she has no choice.

Jean: We were best friends in college.
Todd: (surprised) You two went to college together? You two were the same age?
Jean: Yes.
Todd: (disgusted) Victor Lord was putting it to his daughter's best friend?

Jean is starting to lose control, the way she does when this painful subject comes up. The closer Todd gets to drudging up the memories of the past, the more she tries to fight it.

Jean: I think you better leave this alone.
Todd: What kind of a sicko was this guy?
Jean: I mean it! Leave it alone!

--end scene--

Todd: "Leave it alone"? Are you kidding me?
Jean: No, I am not! You don't know what kind of things you might be stirring up!
Todd: Oh, it'll get stirred up all right! It'll be all over town -- are you kidding me?? You, me, Tina -- we all got the same father, and he's hoppin' under the covers with your college roommate and then leaving it to her to figure out what to do when the kiddies come along!
Jean: (whispering to herself) I don't want to deal with this....
Todd: I was thrown away like garbage. You know something, now that I think about it, this -- this might just be a good thing, right? I mean, now, when people say that Todd Manning's a total screw-up, at least I can say, "Hey, look who my father was!"

Jean is trying to get away from Todd, trying to block out what he's saying. She walks away from him a bit, turning her back to him as she tries to maintain control.

Jean: ...I don't think I can deal with this...
Todd: It's amazing that you came out to be halfway normal. I mean, my life's totally screwed up. And Tina -- whoa, she doesn't exactly have it all together....
Jean: (talking to herself) I'm not going to deal with this -- I can't.

Todd remains oblivious to her internal turmoil, as he continues to rant about Victor.

Todd: I mean, I don't really blame her, you know? You think about find out that your father was sleeping with young girls, girls young enough to be their daughter --

Jean's back is turned to Todd, but viewers can see her reaction to that word...she's teetering closer and closer to the edge, and Todd has no idea.

Todd: -- and then one of them turns out to be my -- this is really weird stuff when you think about it!
Jean: (hollering) I can't do this!!
Todd: What's the matter? You don't like talking about Daddy and all the fun he had hoppin' in the sack with all his little girlfriends? Nothing wrong with sex, huh?

As Todd talks, Jean's body goes completely erect as Jean loses control and another alternate personality takes her place. This other alter is the rude and crude Niki Smith.

Niki: I got no problem with sex! Sex is just fine.
Todd: (taken by surprise) ...Okay.
Niki: Sex is, like, part of everybody's personality. What's the matter -- you don't know that?

--end scene--

Todd watches as Niki goes to pour herself a drink.

Niki: You know, personally, I am totally fed up with everybody in this town running off at the mouth about what a "monster" Victor Lord was! Who gives a damn? Let me give you some advice: grow up, deal with it -- everybody else in this house has. So what is your problem, huh? Besides, you got no idea what that old guy was capable of.
Todd: Yeah? Why don't you tell me?
Niki: (laughing) Nah. You're not gonna hear it from me. Relax, I'm doin' you a favor by not opening my mouth. Do yourself a favor -- forget about Daddy, ya' know? He really wasn't worth wasting your time on.

Todd studies Niki, his curiosity piqued by her complete change in attitude and mannerisms.

Todd: I don't get it.
Niki: What?
Todd: You. I can't figure you out.
Niki: So don't try! Believe, like, ain't a part of any family I ever came from. I hope you ain't planning to be.
Todd: I'm outta here. I -- I got what I came for. You know...I think I got a little more than I came for.

Niki watches Todd as he quickly departs Llanfair. As soon as he exits, she begins cheering her return to power.

Niki: Yes! Yes! (she takes a sip of liquor from the decanter) Oh, yeah, that's good! (she pours herself a drink and gulps it down) Yeah!

Niki takes off Jean's glasses and scarf and strolls into the foyer, where she looks at herself in the mirror on the wall.

Niki: Welcome back, Niki! Long time, no see, huh?

--end transcript--

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