T&B's Night On the Town Continues At Rodi's

Todd and Blair's night on the town continues as they arrive at Rodi's and head to the bar.

Blair: Hey, Jonesy!
Jonesy: Hey!
Todd: Hey, Jonesy -- can I get a beer?
Blair: And I will have a scotch -- double scotch, straight up, and yesterday.
Todd: It's great to be out of that snobby, stuffy joint, huh?
Blair: Olanov's?
Todd: Yeah. I got the feeling they didn't really want us hanging around there.
Blair: Well, Todd, I have a lot of feelings, and I am tired of not being wanted. So I am here to have some fun. So much fun that I don't even remember my own name.

Max and Luna have entered the bar, and they are shocked by the sight of Todd and Blair having drinks together.

Todd: Or Cord Roberts' name.
Blair: Who? (she giggles)

Luna makes a face.

Luna: (to Max) Look at her, hanging all over him!
Max: What a pair.
Luna: When is Cord going to wake up? She is the worst kind of woman on this goddess' green earth for him! A blond-haired, green-eyed cobra named Blair Daimler!

--end scene--

Max and Luna are called over to Marty and Dylan's table, but Luna is distracted by the sight of T&B talking at the bar.

Todd: (to Blair) Who needs this town, huh?

Luna can't let it go -- she tells Max to wait a moment while she goes over to the bar. Once there, she leans in over Blair's shoulder to speak into her ear.

Luna: You never do learn, do you?

Blair spins around on her stool to face Luna.

Blair: Uh-oh, got a visitor!
Luna: Can I talk to you for just a second? Come over here for just a little bit. (she gestures away from Todd)
Blair: (to Todd) Excuse me, Todd. Be right back.

Luna brings Blair over to a table a few feet away.

Luna: You know, you have been walking around this town crying for weeks about making a commitment to Cord and his kids. And here you are with the worst kind of trouble there is? Does Cord know about your new little friend, Blair?
Blair: I can take care of myself, Luna.
Luna: Oh, I'm sure you can, considering you're the only person you really care about.
Blair: Really? Well at least I don't walk up to people and start attacking them without getting my facts straight first. See, Cord and I aren't seeing each other anymore, because he is just way too busy galloping off to rescue his ex-wife from some bimbo mistake or another, so please -- are you through moralizing now?
Luna: Yep. I'm glad he's caught onto you.
Blair: You know, I really do find it so interesting that someone as perfect as you are can be so selective about who is and isn't worthy of your wonderful forgiveness!

Blair indicates a table a few yards away, where Dylan is hanging out with Marty.

Blair: For instance, there's your brother right over there who, for the last half-hour has been all over Miss Martyr Saybrooke --
Luna: (whispering) "Martyr."
Blair: -- when not long ago, that same Miss Martyr betrayed her best friend, Cassie!
Luna: (scoffing) Oh, that is a big lie.
Blair: Oh, come on, I know what I saw, all right? She slept with a married man! (mockingly) The honorable Reverend Carpenter!

Luna doesn't have a response for this, so she tries to turn it back around to condemnation of Todd and Blair.

Luna: You know what I think? I think you two deserve one another.
Blair: And you know what I think? I think you are SO sweet.

Blair goes to sit back down next to Todd. But Luna can't resist getting another jab in before she leaves.

Luna: You have never, and you will never, deserve a man like Cord Roberts, honey!

Luna waltzes off as Blair fumes.

Blair: (imitating Luna) "Honey"! Witch!!

She sips her drink, and Todd gives her a long look.

--end scene--

Todd and Blair move over to a table.

Todd: You know, I just realized something.
Blair: What?
Todd: Well, with you around I may not be the one person in this town that everybody hates the most.

This amuses Blair greatly.

Blair: Well, Todd, you are still king.
Todd: And what does that make you -- queen?
Blair: Yeah! (she laughs)

Todd nods in recognition of something, and then asks a question that's obviously been on his mind for awhile.

Todd: Well, your majesty...
Blair: Yes?
Todd: What do you say...you want to move down south to the Keys with me? We'll do that beach bum thing?

Blair gives Todd a strange look.

Blair: Why would I want to do that?
Todd: Why not? No reason for you to stay here as far as I can see. God knows I don't have a reason to stay.

--end scene--

When the scene returns, Todd and Blair have moved on to discussing her ideas for Melador products. Todd ojects to Blair's proposal that Melador focus on products for women rather than men.

Todd: That's stupid -- it doesn't make any sense. Why would you want to cut out half your market? Look, what you should come up with first is something that men and women can use. Men don't like having lousy skin anymore than women do.
Blair: (impressed) Todd, that is a very good idea. Why, you have a very good business-head on your shoulders!
Todd: (sarcastic) That's me -- money is my middle name.
Blair: Why do you put yourself down all the time? Just because your so-called father did doesn't mean that he's right.
Todd: All right. Maybe I got more brains than I know what to do with.
Blair: Well, then why don't you use them? Instead of running away... (she touches his arm) Why don't you stay here? Come work for me.

--end scene--

Todd: I don't think working for you is such a great idea.
Blair: Why not? Can't work for a woman? Come on, Todd, anything that I offer you has got to be better than picking up those stinking towels down at the Country Club. Right?

But Todd's got something else that's clearly been weighing on his mind, and he seems to figure that now is as good a time as any to bring it up.

Todd: You tell me something....
Blair: What?
Todd: You still planning on letting Cord shell out all that cash to lease the offices for Melador?
Blair: Look, I don't know. I don't know.

Blair gets up from the table and walks around to the other side.

Todd: Yeah, well, maybe you should think about it, Blair. Because I don't think it's such a great idea. I don't think you're going to be able to separate business interest from personal interest.
Blair: I know...I know.
Todd: Well, if I were you, I'd give all the money back.
Blair: (shocked) The money?? Look, if I didn't have Cord's money, I wouldn't have a company! I don't have a choice here!
Todd: (dryly) You're right -- keep thinking like that, you don't.
Blair: What's your point?
Todd: My point is that Cord's not the only bank in town. I'd put money into this project if I had any.
Blair: Thanks.

Blair goes to sit back down at the table.

Todd: So go on out there, Blair. Do it yourself. Don't keep waiting for some guy who keeps turning his back on you anyway.
Blair: Look, the last thing I need is for someone to tell me how to make it in life. Everything I've ever gotten, I've gotten on my own, all right?
Todd: (laughing) Yeah right. Strictly solo, huh?
Blair: I used to be. I guess somewhere along the line, I lost a part of that. I dunno, maybe -- maybe I'm playing it too safe these days. Maybe it's time to wake up part of old Blair again. Well, at least a small part.
Todd: Yeah. That part that can get things done if you try hard enough.
Blair: Maybe there is some place I can go for the money. Who knows? You know, I always thought that Dorian would want to be in on this. I mean, you can't go wrong, right?
Todd: That's right -- it's a sure bet.
Blair: Yeah. Maybe Aunt Dorian.

Blair is now giving this idea some serious consideration.

--end scene--

Blair is up at the bar trying to order some more drinks, but Jonesy isn't there.

Blair: Hey, when can I get some service around here?? Jonesy?? Where's -- Jonesy?

Dylan appears behind the bar instead, and Blair is less than impressed, of course.

Blair: Well, goody goody, the bartender from hell. What are you doing here?
Dylan: Well, I told Jonesy I'd fill in for her, and it is last call for the both of you.
Blair: Yeah, yeah, yeah. "Last call."

Blair takes her drinks and returns to the table, where Todd is waiting.

Blair: Well, Mr. Straight-and-Narrow over there says it's the last call for us. (she toasts Todd) So here is to all the do-gooders in this town and to my new life without them.
Todd: I'll drink to that. Hey, so, when are you going to hit your aunt Dorian up for that money?
Blair: You really think she'll go for it -- backing my company?
Todd: You always said that she would. It's worth a shot, right? You can't keep waiting around for guys like Cord to back you up.
Blair: No, Cord can just keep this money. Better yet, he could just use it to save Tina one more time.
Todd: Now you're talking smart.
Blair: So, have you reconsidered? You wanna come work for me?
Todd: (laughs) Absolutely not. I'll be too busy in Florida soaking up the rays. But I'll send you a postcard.
Blair: Well, come on, the least that you can do for me right now is to come with me to help me pitch my story to Dorian. Come on, come on, I'm going to need all the help I can get.

Blair stands up and Todd reluctantly stands up as well.

Todd: All right.
Blair: Great, thank you.
Todd: Got nothing better to do.

Todd strolls out of the bar while Blair runs to pay Dylan.

Blair: Here you go, you can keep the change -- and don't you wait up for us, because we won't be coming back! (calling after Todd) Wait a minute, Todd!

Blair goes running out the door after him.

--end transcript--

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