T&B's First Awkward Night Together In The Penthouse

Todd and Blair have just booted Tina from the penthouse, and now, Todd is sitting in the living room as Blair brings them both food and drinks from the kitchen.

Blair: Man, you know, Tina -- she's got a lot of nerve coming over here, chewing me out for breaking Cord's heart! (she hands Todd a drink) Here you go.
Todd: She really pushed your buttons, huh?
Blair: Yeah, why is she so revved up about how we're going to make it, anyway?
Todd: Beats me.

Blair munches on her sandwich.

Blair: You know what I think? I think that she's snooping around for David Vickers, is what I think.
Todd: What, you mean about me?

Blair sits down in the chair opposite Todd.

Blair: Mm-hmm. I think the two of them are working together.
Todd: Except I heard that David Vickers left the country 'cause he pulled some scam on the almighty Lords.
Blair: Well, I heard something different. I heard that she and David are married.
Todd: Really? Was that before or after she knew that he wasn't her brother?
Blair: I guess that was part of their scam 'cause he wasn't the Lord heir after all.
Todd: So what do they want from me?
Blair: I don't think they want anything from you. I think that they know something about you, and they're afraid that you're going to figure out what it is.
Todd: Well, must be good, with Vickers playing nice with me.
Blair: Good or bad, Todd, aren't you dying to find out what it is?
Todd: I guess it couldn't hurt. I mean, maybe there is money. Maybe that would help me make some sense out of my life. Might do something for the kid.
Blair: Yeah.

Blair gets out of her chair and walks over to the bar to pour herself some soda.

Todd: All right, I'll give Sam Vance a call. I mean, she said that she could find out if I wanted her to.
Blair: (barely keeping her enthusiasm in check) You know, Todd, I think that that is a good idea. Because one way or the other, it'll get, um, Tina and David off your back.

--end scene--

When the scene returns, Blair is alone in the living room, while Todd is somewhere else in the penthouse. She paces around the living room, lost in thought. First, she has a flashback to Todd proposing to her at Rodi's. Then, as she paces around the room a bit more, she has another flashback to her argument with Cord after Cord found out that she and Todd were married.

After this last flashback ends, Blair walks over to the couch and lies down on it.

--end scene--

When the scene returns, Blair is still stretched out on the couch in the living room and lost in thought until Todd comes back into the room. He goes to the window and stares out at the city below.

Blair: Are we back from the Keys, and are we really married?
Todd: Hard to believe.
Blair: Reality sure sets in fast. Thanks to Tina.
Todd: No place like home. In Llanview.
Blair: You haven't had much time to miss it, have you?
Todd: What's to miss?
Blair: Well, I guess you do have a point.

Blair gets off the couch and walks over toward Todd.

Blair: But there's a lot to be said about sleeping in your own bed.
Todd: Yeah, I guess.
Blair: It's your bed, too, Todd.
Todd: I guess it's going to take a little while for me to get used to that idea.
Blair: We've got a lot of time. Look, Todd, this is really weird for me, too. I -- I don't know what to expect.

Blair goes to sit down on the steps by the window. Todd follows and sits beside her.

Todd: At least you were married once before.
Blair: What, to Asa? Doesn't count. We're just gonna have to -- take it one step at a time. And be patient. No pressure.
Todd: I guess that sounds like a pretty good plan.

There's an awkard pause.

Blair: So, you wanna go to bed?
Todd: That's your idea of no pressure? I -- I don't know. I don't think --
Blair: Well, I'm -- actually, I'm pretty wiped out by my day, too. We both could use a good night sleep, though.
Todd: Well, you go ahead. I'm still a little wired.
Blair: You haven't had much time to yourself lately, huh?
Todd: Nope. I guess I kinda got used to going on it alone.
Blair: I'm sorry about that, Todd.
Todd: Look, it's no big deal. I just need some time to chill out, that's all.
Blair: Okay, well... (standing up) Good night.
Todd: Night.

Blair turns and goes into the bedroom while Todd stays seated on the steps.

--end scene--

When the scene returns, Todd has fallen asleep on the couch. While asleep, he dreams about a time about five years into the future, and a little girl with curly blond hair sitting on the couch in the penthouse, hugging a stuffed animal as she cries.

In the dream, Todd comes home and sees the girl -- his daughter. He goes to sit on the couch with her.

Dream Todd: Hey -- what's the matter, honey? Why are you crying?
Dream Daughter: They said you were bad, Daddy. You did bad things.
Dream Todd: Who said that?
Dream Daughter: At school. The girls -- they told me their parents said you were a monster!
Dream Todd: That's not true. I -- I've changed, I swear.

Dream Blair enters the penthouse, and the little girl jumps off the couch and runs into her arms.

Dream Daughter: Mommy, Mommy, make him go away! Everybody says he's bad! He's bad!

Blair hugs the girl and glares at Todd.

Dream Blair: You see, Todd? Now even your own child knows who you really are.

Todd suddenly wakes up.

--end scene--

When the scene returns, Todd is putting on his jacket and Blair (dressed in her nightgown and robe) has come out of the bedroom to find out what's going on.

Blair: Todd, where are you going?
Todd: I'm going out. I -- I gotta get some air.
Blair: What? Is something wrong? Did I -- did I do something?
Todd: No, no, it's got nothing to do with you.
Blair: Well, then why are you going?
Todd: Because I just -- I need to breathe, that's all. I just need to breathe!
Blair: (taken aback) Okay.
Todd: I'm sorry. I -- I fell asleep out here before.
Blair: Well, that's okay. You're allowed, Todd.
Todd: (shaking his head) Yeah, I know. I had a nightmare. I guess it kind of shook me up.
Blair: Well, you wanna talk about it?
Todd: No.

Todd immediately heads for the door, but Blair isn't willing to let it go yet.

Blair: Look, Todd, I know that this -- this isn't easy for you.
Todd: Yeah, well, it's no picnic for you either, is it?
Blair: Todd, we did the right thing -- for the baby's sake.
Todd: I hope you're right.

Todd continues walking toward the door, but Blair chases after him.

Blair: Todd, are -- are you gonna be coming back? I mean, how late?
Todd: Look, I'm just going out. I need to get some air. I'm gonna go for a walk.
Blair: Okay, well, I'm gonna, um -- I wanted to go over and see Cassie and tell her the news.
Todd: About the baby?
Blair: I thought I would tell her about that later. One shock at a time, you know?
Todd: Right.
Blair: I'm gonna go over about 10:00. I'd love for you to come.
Todd: (making a face) To Andrew and Cassie's? (thinking for a moment) I don't know, I --
Blair: Well, I'm going to be going about 10:00.
Todd: Fine, I'll make it.
Blair: Thanks.

Todd again tries to head out the door, and again Blair stops him.

Blair: Todd? We're gonna make this work. I know it.
Todd: I'm glad one of us does.

Todd leaves and Blair stares after him worriedly before finally closing the door.

--end transcript--

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