Blair Runs Into Cord At St. Anne's

Blair has dropped by St. Anne's for another visit with Addie. They walk into one of the visiting rooms and go to sit on the bench. Blair has just come from Cassie's, where she's learned that her cousin Kelly has moved to Llanview.

Blair: I cannot wait to bring Kelly by to meet you!
Addie: Kelly is my --
Blair: Your niece.
Addie: Yes.
Blair: Melinda is your little sister.
Addie: Oh, I know that. Melinda's sick.
Blair: Yes, she is. And Kelly is her daughter.

Addie suddenly realizes that Blair seems different than she seemed the last time she visited St. Anne's.

Addie: You're happy. Why?
Blair: Because, Mama, everything is finally working out the way that we wanted! In fact, Todd is talking with David Vickers as we speak!
Addie: Who is David Victors?
Blair: David Vickers. He's -- tell you what, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that Todd is about to find out who he really is!
Addie: Who is he?
Blair: Mama, you know! He is the real heir to the Victor Lord trust fund!
Addie: Oh, I know that. I just thought you meant he was somebody else.

Blair gets up from the bench so she can stand behind Addie to brush her hair.

Blair: Well, I will tell you what, Mama. I am not too keen on the timing about all of this. It would have been much nicer if there had been more time between the time we got married and the time he found out about the truth, but what can I do? I just -- I will just have to deal with Todd's suspicions, if he has them, later.
Addie: Does he have suspicions?
Blair: Well, I don't know. Maybe not. I don't know, but I tell you -- the most important thing is that -- that I have waited this out and my patience is finally paying off! Now all I have to do is deal with the details, and I can handle the details.
Addie: But is this Daniel Vickers --
Blair: It's David Vickers.
Addie: Is he going to tell Todd how rich he is?
Blair: I, um, don't think it's going to be that simple, Mama. Actually, I think David will probably stonewall. I don't think he will be that much help to us.
Addie: Then how is Todd going to find out anything?
Blair: Because Todd is going to find out because his curiosity is burning him up!

Blair goes to sit back down next to Addie.

Blair: He's dying to find out the truth, and neither me, David Vickers, or anyone else is going to stop him from finding out the truth, Mama! And when he does --
Addie: You'll be rich!
Blair: (laughing) Yes! Yes, I will, Mama! And you are going to be taken care of. As long as you want to stay here, you can stay here.
Addie: I -- I need to stay.
Blair: Oh, I know, Mama, I know.
Addie: I'm -- I'm sorry, Blair.
Blair: Don't you be sorry! Don't you ever be sorry. I love you so much. And I'm going to take care of you...always.
Addie: Thank you, Blair. And Todd -- thank Todd! Are both of you going to be rich, or is just Todd going to be rich?
Blair: Well, Mama, we're married. And what is his is mine.
Addie: Even if there isn't a baby? Like with Asa?

This is a reference to an earlier storyline in which Blair faked a pregnancy during her marriage to Asa (which, like her marriage to Todd, occurred because Blair wanted to secure the funds to take care of Addie). Later, when Asa discovered Blair wasn't pregnant, she managed to convince him that she'd merely had a "hysterical pregnancy."

At any rate, Asa was horrible to Addie -- even now, when speaking about him, she appears frightened.

Addie: Asa was mean to me. He was so mean.
Blair: (soothing her) Oh, shh...
Addie: And always yelling. I didn't like Asa.

Blair consoles Addie.

Blair: Don't you worry. Don't you worry. Todd is nothing -- Todd is nothing like Asa, okay? I like Todd. In fact, let me tell you, Mama -- Todd is my best friend. I tell you something else -- you know what does worry me, though? I think he's getting a little iffy about being married.
Addie: He doesn't love you?
Blair: Well, I think Todd feels about me the way that I feel about him. Although I don't know how he's going to feel about somebody using him like David Vickers using him even though he doesn't know what he's using him for. But I don't think he's going to take too kindly to being tricked again.
Addie: Blair, you shouldn't trick him.

Once again, Addie has said something that spurs Blair to have a sudden realization.

Blair: Maybe I don't have to.
Addie: What do you mean?
Blair: I mean, maybe there should be a baby!

--end scene--

Blair: Maybe it's time that I got pregnant! I mean, if I really was pregnant with Todd's baby, then it would bond us together for good! And there's no way that he could turn his back on his own child, Mama!
Addie: But you're not pregnant!
Blair: But maybe I should be! Don't you see? I'm going to have to be, anyway! Look, I'm going to get going now, Mama, all right?
Addie: Come visit soon!
Blair: I will, Mama. Whatever you do, don't say anything to anyone about the baby, okay?

Addie nods solemnly, and Blair gets up to leave. But she stops short when she sees that Cord has just come through the doorway -- and it looks like he's heard what they're talking about.

--end scene--

Blair: Cord? What -- what are you doing here?
Addie: Who? (seeing Cord) Oh, hello!
Blair: Mama, here, shh -- it's okay. Don't let this upset you. Just sit down. It's okay. Don't be upset.
Addie: I'm not upset. Hello, Cord.
Cord: Hello, Addie.
Blair: Who gave you permission to be here? Who gave you -- you have no right to be here to see my mother!
Cord: What do you mean, Blair?
Blair: I -- I mean that I want you to leave now!
Cord: About the baby. I heard what you said just now.
Blair: (offended) Are you spying on me??
Cord: What baby, Blair??
Addie: (to Blair) Tell him! Go on. (to Cord) I'm not allowed.
Blair: No, Mother, no. Shh!
Cord: Blair, what is going on? Are you pregnant??
Blair: Would you just -- would you just keep your voice down a minute! Now, how dare you come in here and upset her like that?? You have to talk very calmly, very conversational!
Cord: Hey, don't hide behind your mother because you can't deal with me.
Blair: (yelling) I'm NOT!

Blair looks back at Addie and then quickly tries to compose herself.

Blair: I'm not. I told you that everything is over with us. Is that clear? Now, I really would like for you to leave now, Cord. Leave, please. Leave me alone.
Cord: Then answer my question.
Blair: I don't owe you any answers.
Cord: Fine, then I'll get the truth from Addie.
Blair: No, you won't!

Cord tries to go past Blair to see Addie, but she refuses to let him pass.

Addie: Blair, what is it?
Blair: Mama, look, shh --
Addie: (to Cord) I'm very glad to see you again, Cord!
Blair: (still trying to calm Addie down) Everything -- everything's okay!
Addie: (ignoring Blair and speaking to Cord)I really enjoyed our talk the last time.
Cord: I enjoyed it too, Addie. And I hope to talk to you again real soon.

At this veiled threat, Blair freaks out again.

Blair: No, you won't!
Cord: Blair, I'm going to get to the bottom of this thing, one way or the other. So you might as well just come right out in the open and tell me -- what baby?? What were you saying to your mother just now? Are you pregnant or aren't you?

--end scene--

When the scene returns, a nun has brought Blair some items she's requested -- drawing paper and pens.Blair is giving Addie some drawing paper and pens.

Blair: (to the nun) Thank you, sister. (bringing the paper and pens to Addie) All right, Mama. Here's your nice, clean piece of paper. Draw me a beautiful picture, and I'm going to be right back here talking with Cord. Are you going to be all right? You going to be okay?

Addie starts drawing and doesn't answer, so Blair walks over to the corner of the room, where Cord is waiting for her.

Cord: Don't make me ask Addie about this. Are you pregnant?

After a few moments of silence, Blair finally answers.

Blair: Yes, I am. It's true. I'm pregnant.
Cord: When? I mean, how long have you known?
Blair: A while.
Cord: Blair, why didn't you tell me? This changes everything! I -- I don't get it. You run off. You marry Todd Manning -- a man that you don't love, when you're carrying my child? Who are you trying to punish here, Blair?
Blair: You don't understand, Cord.
Cord: You're right! You're right, I don't understand! How long did you think you were going to keep this from me?
Blair: It has nothing to do with you.
Cord: You're wrong, no, it does -- it's got plenty to do with me, starting from now on. Look, if you want to make a fight out of this, fine. If you don't want to be with me, that's your decision. But a father has got rights, too.
Blair: Look, if you just listen to me, Cord --
Cord: You can't keep me away from my baby! You can't do that! You can't shut me out!
Blair: It's not yours.
Cord: What??
Blair: I'm not keeping any secrets from you, okay? You don't know about it because you're not involved.
Cord: What are you talking about?
Blair: I mean that it's not your baby -- it's Todd's!

Cord stares at Blair in shock.

--end scene--

Cord: You're pregnant with Todd Manning's baby? See, I -- I don't believe that. You two haven't been together that long.
Blair: Why would -- why would I lie?
Cord: You just told me that you have been pregnant for a while. Back when we were together, that -- that's when the baby was conceived. The baby was conceived when?
Blair: Christmas.
Cord: Christmas! Right!
Blair: Before Christmas --
Cord: Right!
Blair: Before Christmas! And we weren't getting along, if you'll remember, back then. In fact, we weren't getting along very well at all. And I was feeling -- I was -- I was alone. I went out for a drink. I was feeling too much. Todd was there, and he was feeling the same way, and we just helped each other through. I invited him home -- and we made love.

--end scene--

Blair: I'm glad Todd was there, Cord. The way that I was feeling -- look, what happened that night, it just happened. It wasn't -- it wasn't planned. And you and I, we were always very, very careful, that's -- with Todd, we didn't use any protection, and that's how I know who the father is.
Cord: This doesn't make any sense to me. I mean, I know we had our problems back then. I -- why are you saying this to me? I know how I felt back then, and that was real. And I know that you felt the same way, too. You were not sleeping with somebody else when we were together.

Blair turns away from Cord.

Blair: (quietly) But I did.
Cord: You -- you loved me, Blair.
Blair: Yes, I did.
Cord: You look at me! Blair, you look at me right now! If this is true, you say this to my face!

Blair turns back around to face Cord. Even though the pregnancy is a lie, this part, at least, is true, and Cord can see it on her face.

Blair: I'm sorry. If you don't believe me, ask Todd. It's true. If you could just see it on my side for a -- for a minute, Cord. You told me that you loved me, then you went off and you were with Tina. And I thought that you didn't love me -- I thought that you didn't love me!

But Cord has now totally given up all hope.

Cord: Hey, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.
Blair: What?
Cord: Want to know something? I, um -- I kept hoping, right up until this very last minute. You know, "Blair and Todd, they're married." I kept hoping that there was an explanation for that -- that I could get through to you. That I could make you see how much I still love you.
Blair: Cord --
Cord: Oh, no, wait, wait, wait, no, it gets better. See, I was so stupid that I thought I knew for a fact that you felt the same way about me.
Blair: Cord --
Cord: I thought, you know, it's only going to take a little time. Blair's going to wake up and she's going to say, "Hey, Todd, look, you know what? I made this crazy mistake. I'm sorry."
Blair: Look, if -- if you just let me --
Cord: What the hell am I doing? You know, I still believed that we could have a future together.
Blair: Cord, don't, please --
Cord: And now, it looks like -- it looks like my friends and my family, they -- they were right about you, Blair. They were right about --

Blair is now crying, and Cord is on the verge of tears himself.

Blair: Just let me explain --
Cord: No, no. Um, you go. You, uh, you have his baby. You have a good life, okay? But I don't want to see it. You want to know what I want right now? You want to know what I'm hoping for right now, Blair? I hope that I never see your twisted -- beautiful face ever again.
Blair: Cord, please --

Cord is now openly crying. He turns away from Blair and goes toward the door.

Blair: Don't go!

But Cord ignores her and leaves. Blair starts sobbing uncontrollably.

Blair: I had to. I had to!

--end transcript--

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