Blair Figures Out That Todd Is The True Lord Heir

Blair has just said goodbye to Todd (who plans to catch a flight to Key West) and now her phone has started to ring. She picks it up.

Blair: Hello?

It's Cord on the other end.

Cord: Blair, you're there! Well, I was beginning to think that I was never going to catch up to you.

--end scene--

Blair: Cord, I don't know why you called, but if you called to ask me to start all over again, well, you can just forget it. Because I'm -- I'm not interested. Because you're too busy galloping off to the other side of the world to save Tina yet again.
Cord: I am not doing this entirely for Tina. Listen, David Vickers has been pawning himself off as a member of the Lord family. He was about to make off with a huge amount of money that he had no right to.
Blair: So?
Cord: So someone has got to stop him.
Blair: And I guess civilization would just crumble if someone doesn't punish David Vickers. And of course it probably has nothing to do with the fact that he took advantage of your ex-wife Tina, right?
Cord: I didn't say that this had nothing to do with Tina. I'm just saying Tina is not the reason that I'm doing this.
Blair: Well, then, why are you doing it, Cord? Because it's certainly not for me.
Cord: My kids, for one reason, Blair.
Blair: Your kids?
Cord: Yes.
Blair: Cord, come on. Your kids are home, safe in bed, where you should be. You know, I told you that I wanted to be first in your life. Do you remember when I said that? And you said that you wanted that, too.
Cord: I do want that, Blair. You are first in my life.
Blair: Then prove it. Prove that you want me first in your life and come home. Get on that first flight out and come and be with me.
Cord: Are you serious?
Blair: I don't want to be second. Not anymore, Cord. Either you come home, or I don't mean enough to you.

--end scene--

Cord: Look, Blair, you don't understand. I am so close to catching up with David.
Blair: In other words, I don't mean enough to you.
Cord: No, no, I -- Blair, I did not say that! You do mean enough to me! It's just -- I can't drop this thing in the middle like this!
Blair: Well, listen, James Bond, you -- you have a nice life and you send me a postcard, okay?
Cord: You listen to me, you listen to me! Blair, I love you.
Blair: (crying) I gotta -- I gotta go...
Cord: Wait, wait! Aren't you the least bit interested in justice?? When I went to Oregon, I found out that David Vickers lived two blocks away from Irene Manning. Two blocks, Blair!! Do you know what that means?
Blair: (bored) That they're practically neighbors.
Cord: Yeah, yeah, that's right! So his whole story about looking for his long-lost mother, Irene, the woman he'd only seen one time in his life, it was all bull -- it was just a load of bull!
Blair: So you found out that he's not Tina's brother.
Cord: Right! And he's not Viki's half-brother, nor is he Victor Lord and Irene Manning's illegitimate son, the Lord heir! What he is, Blair, is he is a thief, all right? And he was about to -- he was about to lay claim to an inheritance that was worth 27.8 million dollars!
Blair: You're kidding.
Cord: No, Blair, I am not! Listen, I want you to do something. I want you to -- I want you to pretend that I'm right there beside you right now, and that you're looking into my eyes. What do you see, Blair? You tell me what you see.
Blair: (visibly uncomfortable) Cord...
Cord: You see the same thing that you always do. You see how much I love you, and you see how much I want to be with you right now. Tell me you see that, Blair! Tell me --
Blair: Stop, stop! Don't do this to me, Cord! Tina is always going to keep screwing up, and you are always going to be going after her, and you are always going to be telling me it's about your kids. Well, I don't believe it anymore!
Cord: (fiercely) Tina has got nothing to do with this!
Blair: You know what I think? I think that you want -- I think you want us both. Well, I'm telling you something. I am not going to allow myself to be hurt like that ever again.
Cord: So then what are you saying, Blair?
Blair: I'm -- I'm saying that there's nothing else to say. Goodbye.

Cord is stunned into temporary silence.

Cord: Wow. Okay, um, you know we, uh, we keep getting into this same argument over and over again. You get hurt and then -- then I get hurt. All right. If that's what you want, then, uh, then goodbye, Blair. Good luck.

Cord hangs up the phone. Blair sobs, devastated, and then hangs her phone up as well.

--end scene--

When the scene returns, Blair's made a bloody mary, which she sips as she reflects back on her conversation with Cord. She remembers Cord telling her how much he loves her.

Blair: Just a bunch of bull.

She walks over to the couch and hears Cord's voice telling her about what he learned about David's connection to Irene Manning.

Blair: It doesn't prove anything, Cord! It doesn't prove anything!

Frustrated, Blair sits down on the couch and picks up the letter that Todd signed, the letter in which he promises to vist her every year. She reads it again.

Blair: I'm gonna friend. The only friend I had. I'm going to miss you, Todd.

Suddenly, Blair is struck when she reads Todd's name again and sees it spelled out: Todd MANNING.

Blair: Todd Manning. Irene Manning. (softly) Todd, you always said your father told you to find out who you are...

And then, the final piece falls into place.

Blair: Victor and Irene's son. The Lord heir! (laughing in disbelief) Could it be possible?

--end scene--

Blair flashes back to Cord telling her that David's story about being the Lord heir was bogus.

Blair: So if David Vickers is a fraud, that means the real heir may still be out there. Which means that could be you, Todd.

Next, Blair remembers Todd telling her that he didn't want to find his birth parents because they handed him off to the abusive Peter Manning.

Blair: Well, you might change your mind about that one, Todd. I just hope I get to tell you before it's too late.

Blair charges over to the phone.

--end scene--

Blair mutters to herself as she prepares to call Todd.

Blair: Come on, Todd -- I hope that you haven't left on that plane to Florida yet...where did I put it? That number...

Blair searches for Todd's number and once she finds it, she dials and waits for Todd to pick up.

Blair: Come on, Todd! Answer the phone...

Todd's answering machine comes on.

Todd's Voice: "Hi, this is Todd. Leave a message after the beep."

The machine beeps.

Blair: Hey, uh, Todd, it's me, Blair. Look, I need to -- to talk to you before you leave, okay? It's pretty important. And I'm going to see my mother, and I'll be back in a few hours, so don't leave without calling me, all right? I promise you, you won't be sorry! Okay, bye.

Blair quickly gets her things together and exits the penthouse.

--end transcript--

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