Blair Tells Addie That Todd Knows He's The Heir

Blair arrives at St. Anne's, where she quickly pays the nun in charge, Sister Theresa, the check necessary for Addie's stay. Addie is sitting on a nearby bench.

Blair: Well, here is this month's, and I'm sorry it is so late.
Sister Theresa: I know things have been hard for you with your aunt away.
Blair: Well, things are -- are better, but I'm so happy that Mother can stay here. In fact, pretty soon, I should be able to pay a year in advance!
Sister Theresa: Really?
Blair: Yes!
Sister Theresa: Well, that is wonderful! I'm so glad for Addie -- and for you -- that things are going so much better.
Blair: Oh, things are going a lot better!
Sister Theresa: I'm very happy for you.
Blair: Thank you.
Sister Theresa: Excuse me.
Blair: All right.

Sister Theresa leaves the room and Blair runs over to sit next to Addie.

Blair: Oh, Mother! (she hugs Addie happily) Everything is turning out just wonderful! Todd knows that he is the Lord heir, and he knows about the money, and he's going to be rich, Mama! And I'm going to be his wife, so that means you and I -- we never have to worry about anything ever, ever, ever again!

Blair hugs Addie again.

Blair: Oh...great!

--end scene--

Blair: Mama, Todd is meeting with the lawyers about the money right now!
Addie: There's a lot of money, isn't there?
Blair: Oh, a lot, I would definitely say so -- about $28 million worth! Give or take a few measly $100,000! Can you believe it? $28 million, and it's all just a little bit of red tape before it's Todd's! And, Mama, it's all legal! He is the heir -- it belongs to him.

Blair's tone changes a little bit here.

Blair: Oh, but we are having a -- a few problems.
Addie: You are?

Blair gets up from the bench and begins pacing.

Blair: Yes. Tina "The Witch" Roberts -- well, Tina Lord Roberts. Actually, Tina Lord Roberts Rogan Vickers -- whatever her name is this week -- well, she's trying to screw things up for me.
Addie: What did she do?
Blair: Well, she told Todd that I wasn't pregnant -- that I only married him for his money.
Addie: Well, it's the truth, isn't it? You're not pregnant, are you?
Blair: Well, not -- not yet.

Blair sits back down on the bench.

Blair: But, Mother, I will be...soon. I hope. But, Mother, the important thing here is that Todd believe that I am. Tina's little sneaky visit just didn't help things out much.
Addie: Did he believe her?
Blair: Mm-mm. Because Tina has met her match with me. (smiling coyly) You know, Mama, your daughter can be, uh, quite convincing when she has to be. Todd, um -- he believes more than ever that we're having a baby. He doesn't even have a clue! (she giggles)

--end scene--

When the scene returns, Blair is waiting in the room while Addie goes to get something. When Addie returns, she's with Sister Theresa and holding a small green vase.

Sister Theresa: Here she is!
Blair: Oh, Mama, good! I was beginning to worry about you.
Addie: Why?
Blair: Well, because you were gone so long.
Sister Theresa: Don't forget, Addie -- next time you promised you'd make something for me.
Addie: I will!

Blair looks at the vase in Addie's hands as Sister Theresa leaves the room.

Blair: Mama, you made this? You -- this is beautiful!
Addie: (handing it to Blair) It's for you!

Addie hands Blair the vase as Sister Theresa leaves the room.

Blair: Oh, no, Mama, you -- you -- I can't keep this -- you must keep it for yourself.
Addie: I want you to have it! I can make another.
Blair: You will -- I -- thank you, Mama. It's -- it's beautiful. You know, you are doing so good here! A few months ago, you weren't even talking -- at least in complete sentences -- but, oh, you've come so far!
Addie: You like it?
Blair: Oh, I love it! Are you kidding? I -- I love it! And Todd and I, we're gonna get a big house, Mama! A big house! And maybe you can come visit -- maybe you can even come live with us!
Addie: I don't know. I -- I didn't like living in Asa's big house.
Blair: Mama, no, no, no, this will be different. This time you're gonna get to hold your new grandbaby!

Addie stares at Blair in wonderment, and Blair realizes that she's getting a little ahead of herself.

Blair: Well, when -- when I'm pregnant, that is. Oh, Mama, I'm finally gonna get to have the family that I've always dreamed about, Mama! And then I am gonna be so happy -- the happiest I have ever been in my whole life!

Blair hugs Addie to her and kisses her cheek.

--end transcript--

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