An archive of memorable T&B quotes from 1994 to 1998. Because there are so many quotes, they've been divided into several pages. [Special thanks to the YouTube channels of Lafaux and Cataz for providing the T&B caps used to make some of the graphics in this section!!]

1994, Part 1 [Aug-Nov]: T&B first meet; the "Most Pathetic" contest begins; the hospital rapist story.
1994, Part 2 [December]: T&B go sledding; T&B first sleep together; Todd tells Blair he's adopted.

1995, Part 1 [January]: Todd gets Blair to sing at Rodi's; Todd discourages Blair from staying with Cord.
1995, Part 2 [February]: Blair learns that Todd is the Lord heir and fakes a pregnancy; T&B get married.
1995, Part 3 [March]: T&B adjust to married life; Todd learns he's the Lord heir; Blair is really pregnant.
1995, Part 4 [April]: T&B buy Alex's penthouse, start Melador and The Sun, and crash the Gold Star Gala.
1995, Part 5 [May]: coming soon.

not open yet

T&B 94-98

Part 1 [Aug-Nov]
Part 2 [December]

Part 1 [January]
Part 2 [February]
Part 3 [March]
Part 4 [April]
May-Dec not open yet

not open yet

not open yet

not open yet

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