Todd & Blair [1995, Part 4]

[Blair's cruising around in roller skates at the penthouse]
Todd: I thought I was the menace to society in this family.
Blair: (giggling) Well, not anymore.

[Todd suggests that he buy the apartment of the annoying couple who lives above them]
Blair: Todd, you know what? I love the way that you think. If someone bothers you, you just buy 'em out.
Todd: I like this businessman thing. It's a lot more like football than I thought it was gonna be. Difference is, football, I was born with my talent. Business, I inherited it.
Blair: Oh, yes you did! Watch out. Lots -- oh, lots of it.
Todd: Yeah, now with 28 million bucks, I can buy my own stadium. Now, they play by my rules. Keep you off roller skates, the world's my oyster.

[Todd worries after Blair becomes queasy after roller skating around the penthouse]
Blair: It's just a little morning sickness. It's normal. It's wonderful.
Todd: What? You like feeling like you're -- I mean, you -- you looked a little green there.
Blair: Well, I'm going to enjoy every nauseating moment because it reminds me that I am going to have a baby.
Todd: Yeah, this kid's never going near roller skates, I'll tell you that.
Blair: You know, Todd, I've never felt like this in my whole life. I mean, there's a part of me that -- that feels really awful and sick and all jumbled up inside. Then there's another part that feels -- I just feel so wonderful, knowing, God, I'm building a baby! Todd, we're going to have a baby!

[T&B discuss moving to their own place]
Todd: The thing that's important to me is I don't want it to be stuffy or serious, you know? I kind of like something to be fun. Maybe a pinball machine or two, you know? Like the old kind, where you can hear the counter kind of clicking around and you gotta lift it like a foot before it tilts. Oh, and a pool table! I always wanted a pool table.
Blair: Why don't you buy Rodi's? Then you'll have all the comforts of home!
Todd: Yeah, you're right. Why, what kind of place you want to live in?
Blair: I don't know. How about, uh, sleek, modern, minimal? What?
Todd: Oh, come on, Blair, you don't exactly shop "minimal."

Todd: You know, after signing so many checks, I was starting to wish I had a shorter name.
Blair: Well, "Lord" is a shorter name --
Todd: Don't even kid about that. I mean, "Manning"'s not exactly the greatest name, but....

[Todd hands Blair a special present: a checkbook with both of their names on it]
Blair: Todd! This has my name on it, too!
Todd: Come on, what, you wanted me to write you an allowance or something? Hey, you write whatever you need. You keep this box of checks -- I'll order another one.
Blair: (laughing in disbelief) Are you serious?
Todd: Look, Blair, we're married. What's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours. I mean, look, when I had diddly, you shared what you had. I mean, you bought more than your share of drinks.
Blair: Right, Todd, I don't believe that that is exactly the same as a checking account with half a million bucks in it!
Todd: No, it is. It's exactly the same thing. You shared what you had, now I'm sharing what I have.
Blair: (softly) Todd, I think that -- I think that is the most wonderful thing --
Todd: Yeah, well, whatever, okay? Look, not even you can spend 28 million in a day. So, what, you feeling better?
Blair: Todd...thank you.

Blair: (about Melador) I've only got a year lease on that office, and I'm sure Asa's going to be ragging me the whole time, making my life completely miserable.
Todd: Oh, screw him. The company's going to make a mint. Let him eat his shriveled little heart out.

[Blair goes to visit Addie and gushes about her pregnancy]
Addie: (skeptically) Are you happy, Blair?
Blair: Oh, Mama, don't I look happy?
Addie: But you don't love Todd.
Blair: Well, we're getting along, though.

Addie: You didn't love Asa either. And you hated being married to him. Asa was bad!
Blair: I know, Mama, he was. But don't worry -- Todd is not one little bit like Asa Buchanan.

[Todd confronts Asa]
Todd: I don't want you bad-mouthing my wife anymore. I don't care what kind of a sick set-up you guys had when you were married -- it's different with us, totally different.
Asa: Is that right?
Todd: She's pregnant. I have the proof.
Asa: Now, the only thing to worry about: who's the daddy?
Todd: I'm the father. And I know that because Blair told me. She's been straight with me from the beginning. So, no more cracks.

Blair: (to Addie) Oh, you'll like Todd. Oh, Mama, I'm gonna have the family that I always dreamed about. I mean, look at us -- here we are, with a baby on the way and everything!

[Todd has just bought the Omega building from Asa]
Todd: Today, the Omega Building. Tomorrow, Cord and his freaky family will be out of Blair's life for good.

[Todd gives Blair a present]
Blair: Is this the deed to the Omega Building?
Todd: Yeah.
Blair: Don't just say "yeah"! Did -- did you buy the building?
Todd: Yeah. I started thinking about Old Man Asa and how much he hated you, so I decided to buy the building. I mean, that way he can't screw you out of the lease once your business starts to get off the ground.
Blair: Todd! You bought the whole building?
Todd: It was less than 2 mil.
Blair: I can't believe that you did this for me.
Todd: It's just good business. I'm gonna move the paper there. Plus, that way, once Melador starts to grow, you've got room to expand.
Blair: Todd. Todd, look at me a minute. Thank you. And not just for this building, but for having the confidence in me that I would succeed. It was so sweet of you to -- to not want -- well, to protect me from Asa.
Todd: It's no big deal. You're my wife, right?
Blair: Yes. I'm your wife.
[They kiss]

[Todd is considering running The Intruder]
Blair: Todd, I saw the latest circulation figures on that sheet that you had. The Intruder has been losing it for the past two years. I mean, it's -- it's over.
Todd: Maybe. Maybe not.
Blair: Trust me, Todd, I know. It's a loser.
Todd: Oh, well, I was a loser once. Look at me now.

Todd: You want to know why the circulation is down for The Intruder? Look at this stuff. (reading through some past headlines) "Elvis Is Seen At A Mall." "An Alien Ate My Toy Poodle"! Oh, here's my favorite: "OJ Is Really Jack Kennedy In Disguise"! Who's gonna read this trash?
Blair: Todd, I'm telling you, a lot of people do. Look, I ran The Intruder for awhile. Badly, on purpose. But it has a very, very specific readership, believe me.
Todd: Who, the brain dead? Even they have to be tired of this garbage.

Todd: Journalism isn't about truth and justice and the American way. It's about power.
Blair: Well, Victor Lord knew that.
Todd: That's right. See, when you run a paper, you got clout. People listen to you. You get respect. I remember once when I was playing football, I intercepted this pass, and this reporter wrote about it. He called me "The Phantom Of The Endzone." Then all of a sudden -- bam! -- I'm somebody. You take a -- a picture, and you put some words under it, and all of a sudden everybody pays attention. Then, when I was on trial for rape, The Banner convinced everybody that I was scum. Now, that's power.
Blair: So what are you saying, Todd?
Todd: I've just been might be kind of fun to run a newspaper.

Tina: I don't even know why you and Blair are hanging around Llanview at all.
Todd: Well, why leave Llanview? It's such a warm, friendly town.

Todd: Hey, I just want what's coming to me. And I'm gonna get it, now that I've got The Intruder and Blair has Melador.
Tina: Oh, that's great -- a tabloid rag and a nonexistant cosmetic company. We'll see how far that gets you.
Todd: That's right -- we'll see.

[Dorian is back in town and suspicious about Blair's motives for marrying Todd]
Dorian: Dear, you may be feeling very cozy now that Todd's millions are in a joint bank account. But the guy is very troubled, and he has a very troubled past. Now, my guess is that he is crazy in love with his beautiful new wife. But I also guess that you don't love him very much at all.
Blair: I -- what's your point?
Dorian: Be careful. Things can turn ugly real fast. And remember that old saying -- a woman who marries for money pays for it the rest of her life.

Blair: Todd is a good man!
Dorian: Oh, please! Reality check -- we are talking about a convicted rapist here!
Blair: Oh, excuse me, well, at least my husband didn't pretend to be someone else, stealing someone else's $28 million like your husband!

Todd: Hey, Blair here?
Dorian: Yes, Todd, she is. Come on in. Blair, look who's here! Your new husband!
Blair: Well, well! Hey there, handsome!
Todd: What's up?
Blair: I was just telling Dorian about us expecting!
Dorian: Yes! Well, let me have a look at the newlywed couple. Yes, yes, you look quite handsome together. Well, what can I say? Welcome to the family, Todd.

[Todd shows Blair the new penthouse he wants to buy]
Blair: Oh my God, Todd! This place is fabulous! I love it! I love it!
Todd: Man, it's really foggy.
Blair: Oh, it doesn't matter. I bet you the view at night -- this place would knock your eyes out!
Todd: I hate fog.

Blair: Todd, do you really want to buy this place?
Todd: Yeah, that's why we're here. If you want it, we'll take it.

Blair: God, can you believe Dorian today? I mean, she was so crabby. And did you see all those psychology books she had sitting out on her desk?
Todd: Well, maybe she's going crazy and she wants to save a few bucks on doctors' bills.
Blair: That's very funny, but she's too mean to go crazy.

[Todd explains why he wants to buy the penthouse even though it's Alex's]
Todd: Look at this. (he gestures out the window) The Omega Building, right? Our building. See? The one with the Greek letter on it? I'm going to change that to an "M," for the Manning Building. Yeah, I like that. We can sit here in the morning, have breakfast, watch all the little people go to work in our building. That is, if this fog ever lifts. God, I hate fog. Blair? What is it? What's wrong? I thought you liked this apartment.
Blair: It's very dramatic.
Todd: Yeah, well, that's us. Nothing tame or boring for Mr. and Mrs. Manning. Oh, and kid. Let's leave the two-car garages and the picket fences to everybody else. We've got style.

[Todd tries to convince Blair to agree to buy Alex's penthouse]
Todd: Come on, Blair. We can sit out here on the terrace, sip mimosas, and look at our office building. Hey, that used to belong to Asa Buchanan, too. I mean, what, you're sorry we bought that?
Blair: No. No, you made it possible to get Melador up and running.
Todd: Yeah, look, you got a dream, uh, I want to give it to you.
Blair: Is this Todd Manning talking? The surly dude that I used to share a park bench with?
Todd: Come a long way, haven't we?
Blair: We can't escape our past, though.
Todd: Says who? Come on, look, if a loser like me can turn out to be a multimillionaire with the whole town at his feet, anything's possible, right?
Blair: Okay, I guess I am being a little silly...
Todd: That's the hormones. Makes you emotional.
Blair: All right, Todd, let's buy it, okay? If it's what you want, then it must be the right thing.
Todd: That's great! Thanks.
[Todd excitedly hugs Blair but then steps back as he worries he might have hurt her]
Todd: Hey, I'm -- uh, I'm sorry. (chuckling nervously)
Blair: Todd! The baby and me love to be hugged. And we love seeing you so exicted. I mean, between this place and you digging into The Intruder, I've never seen you so happy.
Todd: Yeah. I am happy, aren't I?

[Todd shows Blair the new name for his newspaper: The Sun]
Blair: The sun can be -- all by himself, he can be lonely.
Todd: Yeah, but he's strong enough. He can handle it, right? As long as he's got the stars and the planets kind of circling around him.
Blair: (teasingly) Oh, is that what me and the baby will be, your majesty? Just little stars that go around your little orbit?
Todd: No, hey, come on, I didn't mean it like that --
Blair: No, Todd, come on, you -- you dream big, and I admire that. (touching her hands to her belly) Just don't forget about the rest of us when you eclipse The Banner and the almighty Lords.
Todd: I won't forget about it. Ever.
[They kiss]

[Alex is reluctant to sell T&B her penthouse]
Alex: (about Asa) He would kill me if I sold this place to you two.
Todd: I get it. Blair, you know, I didn't remember seeing Asa's name on the contract. There must have been some kind of mistake. I mean, this place isn't hers to sell!
Alex: Oh, it's mine to sell. That's not the point.
Blair: You are right, Todd! As well as I know Asa, he does pull the strings in this marriage.
Alex: That may have been the way it was when you were married to Asa, but nobody pulls my strings, honey.
Todd: Okay, Alex. Whatever you say.
Blair: And, you know, the tabloids call her "Llanview's most independent public woman"!

[Alex agrees to sell the penthouse to T&B]
Alex: Asa has his business...I have mine.
Todd: And they say a good marriage is hard to find.
Blair: Kind of gives you hope, doesn't it? Well, let's go, sweetheart. I want to talk to the decorator about changing everything.

Todd: I gotta get to the airport -- I don't wanna miss my flight.
Blair: What flight?
Alex: Nice to know the newly-weds are communicating so well!

[Blair is worried about Todd flying out in this weather]
Blair: Todd, you can't go with this fog rolling in like this!
Alex: Yeah, you want to make sure nothing happens to you. I don't want you to crash and burn before your check clears.
Todd: Oh, don't worry. I'll live. I have to. I'm having too much fun.
Blair: (giggling)

Alex: (about Todd) Isn't it amazing how much he's like Asa?
Blair: Asa and Todd have nothing in common!
Alex: Except for you! You always go where the money is, don't you?
Blair: Look who's talking!

Alex: (to Blair) You had an opportunity to go after the old chip off the golden block, Cord Roberts himself. But instead you chose Todd the Confused Barbarian. Tell me -- was it worth it?

[Blair admires her figure in the mirror]
Blair: Oh, well, it won't be long now. I'm gonna hate being fat, but this'll be different. This is going to be perfect. Just perfect.

[Dorian wants T&B out of her penthouse ASAP]
Blair: Oh, excuse me! You are in a hurry. I guess I'll just drop everything and go pack. Todd and I will turn our lives inside out, maybe move into the Palace until we can move into our new place. No bother at all.

Dorian: I am married to a gorgeous young hunk with a smile that would send shivers. Whereas you -- it does put a kind of a glitch in the Cinderella story when Prince Charming is a convicted rapist.
Blair: Look, I -- I don't need this.

[Todd walks in on Dorian being cagey in an argument with Blair]
Todd: Geez. I think I just walked in on a couple of cat burglers.

Todd: Dorian, what are you doing here?
Blair: Oh, she just came to make sure that we leave the premesis.
Todd: We're doing that.
Blair: Well, not quickly enough for her.
Dorian: No, no, no, no, I also came over here to ask Blair to help me with my daughter, Cassie.
Todd: So you came by to ask us a favor and to tell us to get out quicker?

Todd: I ran into big sister Viki at the airport bar.
Blair: Really? That must have been lovely. How hostile was she this time, from 1 to 10?

Todd: It turns out to be one screwball family I'm in.
Blair: Well, yes and no. I don't think I would call Victoria Lord Buchanan Carpenter etc. a screwball.
Todd: Yeah? After tonight, I think I'd call her the loosest screw in the bunch.

Blair: Dorian won't die if we stay here one more night.
Todd: You still okay about moving into Alex's old place?
Blair: Well, I definitely want to get out of here, but on top of the fact that we're definitely gonna need more space, I don't want to be in Dorian's debt anymore.
Todd: Dorian.
Blair: Yeah, really.
Todd: She is so weird.
Blair: Well, she's never been very predictable.
Todd: Tell me about it. I mean, one minute she's like, "Welcome to the family, Todd," and the next minute she's throwing us out on the street.

Todd: (about "Viki"/Niki) She even offered to buy me a drink.
Blair: Todd, what's wrong with that?
Todd: Nothing. Except she usually acts like I'm covered with lice.
Blair: Maybe she's finally accepting you for her brother.

Blair: (to Todd) Well, I don't care about anything other than you, my dear husband, this baby, and Melador. And you and the baby are in great shape.

[Blair is nervous about launching Melador]
Todd: Listen to me...if this -- (referring to a jar of Miracle Mud) -- is your only competition, I -- really, I don't think you have a thing to worry about.

[Todd has just suggested that Blair buy Miracle Mud from Serenity Springs]
Todd: What are you laughing at? Blair: At you, Todd! You are sweet, but you are funny. You want me to buy out Max and Luna -- and Cord?
Todd: Well, it's not like you can't afford it.
Blair: They wouldn't sell me one teaspoon of mud from Serenity Springs! That place is like some monument of Max and Luna's "love"! They certainly don't want me contaminating it.
Todd: Just make 'em an offer!
Blair: They hate me, Todd! Luna thinks that I'm the devil's daughter, and Max would just as soon shoot himself in the head as to look at me, and -- come on, as far as Cord is concerned, I --
Todd: Look, I think you're taking this way too personally. This is just business.
Blair: Right. You can tell that to The Three Musketeers.
Todd: Look, everybody's got a price. Even the Goody Bunch.
Blair: Well, I wouldn't be too sure about that.

[Blair's offer to buy the Miracle Mud goes badly and Luna starts yelling at her]
Blair: Can't we be professionals about this?
Luna: (yelling) Why don't you and your rich husband take your fancy business deal and get out of town!
Blair: Well, St. Luna, we are here to stay. So get used to it.

[Blair is distressed after Luna faints from high blood pressure]
Blair: (to Cord) No matter what Max thinks, I never meant for anything like this to happen to Luna or her babies -- the twins. I mean, now that I've got a life growing inside of me, I -- I just don't know what I'd do if anything happened to my baby.

[T&B are surprised that Alex hasn't told Asa she sold them the penthouse]
Alex: (about Asa) I would never do anything to hurt him.
Blair: Is that right?
Alex: Yes, it is. I would certainly never say that I was pregnant just to get --
Todd: (pissed) All right, you watch your mouth, Alex. I own this place, remember? You insult my wife again, and I'll throw you out of here so fast I won't even blink.

Alex: You can't just flash money and -- and fit into society and gain respectability. You have to earn it. You see, I -- I learned that. And philanthropy is a wonderful way -- a fast way -- to do that, because people admire philanthropy.
Blair: Maybe we don't want to be respectable.
Todd: Yeah. Maybe we like who we are.
Blair: Mm-hmm!
Todd: See, money can buy power. And that's the only thing that we care about.
Alex: Oh, I thought you were going to have a baby. You are going to have a baby, aren't you? What happens when you want to get that child into the right school? Or when that child is just dying to go to an important birthday party, but he doesn't get invited because of you? Respectability -- respectability is the key to happiness. I'd hate to think what you'd have to tell that little tear-stained face when he doesn't get included in community things because of you.

[Blair explains to Todd why she's nervous about her Melador meeting]
Blair: Well, I hired the best, but somehow I want to inspire them. I want to say, "This is where we're going, this is what we are, and this is how we are going to get there!"
Todd: (proudly) All right! You go, Blair.

Blair: You know, Todd, I just -- I can't believe that this is happening!
Todd: Why not?
Blair: Because this has been a dream of mine ever since I was a little bitty girl when I was living in the orphanage! I used to sneak off, all by myself, and I'd have these fantasies that I'd have a place all my own, where I would create these beautiful things, like clothes and jewelry and make-up.
Todd: Sounds like you had a knack for it right from the start. Drawing and stuff.
Blair: No way. Actually, it was a foster mom of mine, Selma, who took me under her wing. She worked in the garment industry, and she told me and taught me so much about form, color, beauty. She told me that I was going to be a success. That I would be -- have a wonderful career in design or fashion. And, well, Todd, it actually wasn't until I was on my own and had the chance that I blew it. Somehow, I just kept blowing it. Frankly, over the past few years, I -- I didn't think it was ever going to work out. I just kept watching the dreams die. Oh, but Todd! You have given me such a wonderful chance here! I can't believe it, and I can't thank you enough! And I promise you -- I promise you that I will not ruin it this time. Promise. (she hugs him) Thank you so much. Thank you.

[Todd is uncomfortable with Blair giving him credit for Melador]
Todd: You know, don't -- don't go giving me all the credit. I mean, you know, you were -- you were building Melador long before you even started hanging out with me. All I did was give you the cash.
Blair: Todd, that is important to me! And I really, really want to make Melador work.
Todd: Well, then you will.
Blair: No, I won't. Not if I keep making stupid mistakes like trying to push Luna to sell her stupid Mud.
Todd: Hey, now, they took that personally. It's just business. Anyway, that -- that was my screw-up. My idea, remember?
Blair: Yeah, but Todd, I mean, she wound up in the hospital. I can't even believe that.
Todd: But that wasn't your fault.
Blair: Yes, it was, and I shouldn't have pushed her.

Todd: Listen to me, Blair. You're blaming yourself for what happened, and that's not right. If Luna hadn't gotten ticked off at you, she woulda gotten ticked off at somebody else -- her laundry didn't come back clean or something. She's a total weirdo.

[Todd is upset when Blair gets off the phone with Cord]
Blair: What's the matter?
Todd: Nothing.
Blair: Oh, yes there is. I mean, we're always honest with each other. What is it?
Todd: Cord still gets to you. I mean, you were just on the phone with him, and your whole body changed.
Blair: Are you --? No, it -- no, it didn't!
Todd: Blair, we're being honest here, remember? Look, relax. It's just something that I gotta learn to deal with, that's all. I mean, I knew where I stood when we got married.

Blair: (talking to herself at the penthouse) My own company! My own home! (touching her belly) My baby. I've got it all.

Todd: When Blair gets her business off the ground, we're gonna give Serenity Springs a run for its mud, too.
Cord: (amused) Well, as long as you play fair, we'll take our chances.
Todd: Oh, what, "fair"? What? Like you and the Holdens blaming Blair for Luna's little trip to the hospital?
Cord: I never blamed Blair.
Todd: Gee. That must have been a first.

Todd: (to "Viki"/Tori) See, you and your family have treated me like a social disease ever since you found out I was one of you. Well, guess what? I don't accept you. I've got my own family, with a kid on the way. And I don't want anything that you have to offer.

Cord: (about the Melador office) This place looks great.
Blair: Thank you, Cord. I've -- I've had a lot of help around here, especially --
Cord: From your husband? Yeah, that's what husbands are good for, right?
Blair: You know, if someone had told me six months ago that I'd be married with a -- a baby on the way, launching Melador, I -- I guess I'm not the loser after all, huh?

[Todd visits with his little niece, Sarah]
Todd: You know that I'm married to Blair?
Sarah: (nodding)
Todd: Well, we're gonna have a baby.
Sarah: Great! Boy or girl?
Todd: Oh, well, we don't know yet. But you're gonna have a little cousin that you can play with real soon. How's that sound?
Sarah: Yay!

[Todd tells Blair that he hired Briggs]
Blair: Well, that's a pretty big coup, stealing the managing editor from The Banner, Todd!
Todd: (smiling proudly) You're impressed, huh?
Blair: Oh, yeah! You bet!

Todd: The movers have probably finished unpacking. Why don't you go -- why don't you go settle in?
Blair: Yeah.
Todd: Oh, and don't lift anything heavy. I don't want that baby born with a hernia.

[Blair asks Renee for tickets to the Gold Star Gala]
Renee: Blair, there are some things that Manning money can't buy. You and Todd aren't invited. And you won't be.

[Blair wants to go to the Gold Star Gala]
Blair: Cassie, if Todd and I are gonna to make our mark on this town, tonight is the best time.

[Todd returns home from his visit to The Banner]
Blair: Well, well, there he is, home from work, the powerful publishing magnate himself!

Todd: Blair, I just told you I've got Briggs working on a story that could break wide open. No way am I trotting off to the country club for some dance.
Blair: It's not just "some dance"! It's the Gold Star Gala!
Todd: (sarcastically) Oh, yeah, well, that.
Blair: Todd, it's the biggest -- biggest charity event and the biggest society event in Llanview! It's where they give away an award for the person who raises the most money for a single charity, like AIDS, the hospital...
Todd: Look, I didn't raise any money, I'm not going to win any prize -- why go?
Blair: Because... (whispering excitedly) It'll be fun!

Todd: Well, I got Watkins, and I got Calhoun, but Quincy Johnson, he bagged out on me. Said he'd rather stay at The Banner for half of the money that I was willing to pay him. Well, who needs a loser like that, right?
Blair: Look, I'm sorry, Todd. I know you're trying to get your staff together, and it's tough losing out.

Blair: That is it! We are going to the party at the country club!
Todd: What?
Blair: Todd, I mean it! We are not gonna let the people at The Banner think that you've gone into hiding! Now, if we're going to make it in this town, we have got to go to the biggest events, we gotta make ourselves known at the most important things all the time!
Todd: Forget it, okay? Tomorrow, we'll kick butt. Tonight, I'm tracking a story.

Todd: You know, we've been through this before, all this society stuff. We've got us, we've -- we've got our companies, we've got money, we've got power...we've got a kid on the way. We don't need to get mixed up with a bunch of hoity-toity types.
Blair: Well, Todd, I know that's -- that's what we said, but I got to thinking about everything that Alex said to us the other day.
Todd: And what was that?
Blair: Well, that -- that we're gonna have to do things so our baby can be accepted. We're gonna find a way for people to accept us to make it easier for our child, you know?
Todd: Kid's not even born yet. Look, if we change our minds later, there's still time.

Todd: Tell me something. What is it about this stupid party? Why does it mean so much to you?
Blair: Renee Buchanan told me right to my face today that this gala tonight was for the finest people in Llanview and that there are some things that Manning money just can't buy. She said that I was never gonna get an invitation, no matter if I got on my knees and begged for it. And I tell you what, Todd, it took everything in me not to just spit right in her face!
Todd: What are you telling me here? We didn't even get an invitation?
Blair: (shaking her head)
Todd: So you were planning on crashing this charity ball?
Blair: (slowly smiling and nodding)
Todd: Huh. Well, that does sound kinda fun.

[T&B are all dressed up for the Gold Star Gala]
Blair: You...look...great! Oh, Todd, that tuxedo -- it had your name written all over it from the minute I saw it! Gosh! (pause) Well, how do I look?
Todd: You -- uh, you're pretty. (quickly) I mean, you're always pretty. That's a nice dress.

[T&B prepare to leave for the Gold Star Gala]
Blair: So -- was Renee Buchanan wrong about us? That the Mannings can buy their way into anything?
Todd: (smiling) You got it.
Blair: Wherever we wanna go, there we are.
Todd: That's right.
Blair: Now, I tell you somethin' else. We are going to be the richest, the best-looking, happiest couple there at the party! So, are you ready to go, Mr. Manning?
Todd: Sure. Let's show them how the other half lives.

[T&B check in with the doorman at the Gold Star Gala]
Doorman: (reading the check) $2,000? But the tickets are only --
Todd: $500, I know. Generosity runs in my family.
Blair: Among other things.

[Todd bribes the doorman with a $50 bill]
Todd: That oughta buy you some more hairspray, huh?
Blair: (laughing) Todd, that's great!
Todd: (spotting a waiter) Here ya' go... (taking a glass of champagne from the waiter) Can you get me a glass of fizzy water for the lady? She's expecting. (triumphantly) I don't work here anymore, do I?

[Kelly meets Todd]
Kelly: Don't tell me -- you've gotta be Todd! Hi, I'm Kelly! Your wife's cousin! Which makes us cousins, too! Isn't that cool?? (giggling)
Todd: (imitating Kelly's voice) So cool!
[Blair stifles laughter]

Todd: Well, it could be a scoop or it could be a big bust. All I know is that some lady called me at The Banner of all places and said there was a story.
Blair: Great! I love it. I would go with you if, uh --
[Todd spits out the hors d'oeuvre he just sampled]
Blair: -- yuck! -- if I wasn't pregnant.

Blair: (to Todd and Cord) Look, gentlemen, excuse me -- I'm gonna go powder my nose.
Todd: Thought that's where you were?
Blair: (teasingly) How fast do you think that I am?
[Todd and Cord watch her leave]
Todd: She looks great, doesn't she?
Cord: Never better.

[Asa is furious to see T&B at the Gold Star Gala]
Asa: I checked that invitation list. You were not on it.
Todd: Yeah, well, what are you going to do, pops? Throw us out?
Blair: You tell him, Todd!

T&B 94-98

Part 1 [Aug-Nov]
Part 2 [December]

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Part 2 [February]
Part 3 [March]
Part 4 [April]
May-Dec not open yet

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