An archive of memorable T&B quotes from 2011 to 2013. Because there are so many quotes, they've been divided into several pages.

2011, Part 1 [Jan-July]: Blair finds the gold balloon picture; Todd returns to Llanview and stalks his family.
2011, Part 2 [Aug-Sept]: Todd kisses Blair at the premiere; everyone finds out that Todd is the real Todd.
2011, Part 3 [October]: Blair saves Todd's life at the cabin; T&B almost kiss; the Mannings celebrate Halloween.
2011, Part 4 [November]: Blair tries to move on with Tomas, so Todd kidnaps him and frames him for Victor's murder.
2011, Part 5 [December]: Todd gets closer to Blair; the Mannings celebrate Christmas; T&B support Jack.

2012, Part 1 [January]: T&B ring in the new year together; T&B make love for the first time in eight years.
2012, Part 2 [GH, March]: T&B run into each other in Port Charles after learning that Starr was in a car crash.
2012, Part 2 [GH, Apr-June]: Todd discussing Blair with others in Port Charles (coming soon).
2012, Part 3 [GH, July]: Blair visits Port Charles and Todd proposes (coming soon).
2012, Part 4 [GH, Aug-Oct]: Todd discussing Blair with others in Port Charles (coming soon).
2012, Part 5 [GH, Nov-Dec]: Blair visits Port Charles and things are tense between T&B (coming soon).

2013, Part 1 [GH, Jan-Feb]: Todd discussing Blair with others in Port Charles (coming soon).
2013, Part 2 [Apr-Aug]: Todd returns to Llanview; T&B deal with family drama and get married again (coming soon).

T&B 2010s

Part 1 [Jan-July]
Part 2 [Aug-Sept]
Part 3 [October]
Part 4 [November]
Part 5 [December]

Part 1 [January]
Part 2 [GH, March]
Part 3 [coming soon]

Part 1 [coming soon]
Part 2 [coming soon]

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